Tag: customer service management

TOU9162M Customer Service Management

University of Lincoln Assessment Framework Assessment Briefing Template 2022-2023 Module Code & Title:  TOU9162M Customer Service Management Contribution to Final Module Mark: 100% Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: You are acting as a consultant to a tourism organisation of your choice.  Identify a customer service managerial problem and write

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SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices

Assessment Task 1 – Questions and Answers Performance objective The students must demonstrate the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, monitor and adjust customer service practices. It requires the ability to consult with colleagues and customers, develop policies and procedures for quality service provision, and manage the delivery

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SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices

Assessment Task 2 – Case study Performance objective The students must demonstrate the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, monitor and adjust customer service practices. It requires the ability to consult with colleagues and customers, develop policies and procedures for quality service provision, and manage the delivery of

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SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices

Assessment Task 3 – Demonstration Performance objective The students must demonstrate the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, monitor and adjust customer service practices. It requires the ability to consult with colleagues and customers, develop policies and procedures for quality service provision, and manage the delivery of customer

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