Module Code & Title: TOU9175M – Managing the Tourism, Events and Hospitality Enterprise |
Contribution to Final Module Mark: 100% |
Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: Individual Portfolio including a Business Plan: Your task, as an individual, is to: Create a business, tourist attraction or event venture. You will be required to complete a portfolio, including a competitor analysis and a robust strategic Business Plan regarding the operational, marketing and financial aspects of the business for the introductory years of the enterprise. The business should be based within the Lincolnshire region. The Portfolio should include: A Business Plan, including a minimum ofA Competitor AnalysisMarketing including elements of BrandingOperationsConsiderations of legislationContingency Plan- Financial Sheets Word Count: 4000 words. |
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 – Provide an analysis of the competitors within the market against the proposed entrepreneurial venture. LO2 – Evaluate the role of cash within an enterprise and investigate cost-volume-profit and the time value relationship of money. LO3 – Analyse the marketing and operational components of the proposed enterprise LO4 – Critically appraise the control and direction of an enterprise through the use of a business plan. |
Knowledge & Skills Assessed: It is important that you recognise the contribution of this assessment to the development and acquisition of knowledge, skills and behaviours that are key outcomes of this module and programme. The following knowledge and skills should be evident in your work: |
Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding: literature searching, referencing, managing event creativity and innovation, planning and change theory, techniques and skills, subject-specific knowledge. Professional Graduate Skills: independence and personal responsibility, adaptability, written communication, creativity, critical thinking, IT skills, self-reflection and life-long learning, problem solving, effective time management, working under pressure to meet deadlines. Emotional Intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, motivation, resilience, self-confidence. Career-focused Skills: Develop evidence suited to graduate careers, skills and attributes required by employers, technology applications and a range of strategies to present skills and attributes to employers. |
Assessment Submission Instructions: You are required to submit your assessment before 12 Noon UK time on: 05/05/2023 Using the online assessment submission facility on the Module Blackboard site. Pay careful attention to instructions provided at the time of submission. |
Date for Return of Feedback: 26/02/2023 |
Format for Assessment: The assignment should be written and presented in portfolio format with Business Plan template included (see Module site on Blackboard for the Business Plan format guidance). An in-class session on academic writing at Postgraduate level will be organised towards the beginning of the term. Please follow formatting guidelines: Font / Size: Arial or Times New Roman / 12Spacing / Sides: 1.5 / Single SidedPagination is requiredMargins: At least 2.54 to left and right and text ‘justified’Referencing: Full compliance with Harvard protocols Note usual practice is to allow +/-10%. If you submit an assignment which exceeds the prescribed word limit, marking will cease at the point at which the limit has been exceeded and the mark will be awarded on the basis of the extent to which the criteria for assessment have been met up to that point. |
Marking Criteria for Assessment: See Appendix 3 for Assessment 1 Marking grid. |
Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year. |
Feedback Format: Feedback is considered to be very important. In addition to written feedback provided online via the Module Blackboard, opportunities for face-to-face feedback will be offered and considered to be good practice and of gold standard level. |
Additional Information for Completion of Assessment: Learning Resources which will support this assessment include: Academic Writing 1: Genres Active Listening Critical Analysis (1) Developing a line of Argument Paraphrasing and summarising sources Time Management Goal and Action Planning Academic Writing 2: Style Critical Analysis (1) Critical Analysis (2) Critical Reflection Developing a line of Argument These Learning Resources are available via the blackboard module site. |
Assessment Support Information: In addition to information on written briefings (including Module Handbook), a dedicated assessment briefing introduction session will be provided in week 1 to all students. Thereafter, regular support sessions during seminars and individual face to face meeting opportunities will be made available for students completing assessments to clarify, explain and check progress. All efforts should be made to ensure that students are aware of the nature and purpose of assessments in a timely fashion and have chance to complete them in the formative mode. |
Important Information on Dishonesty & Plagiarism: University of Lincoln Regulations define plagiarism as ‘the passing off of another person’s thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one’s own… Examples of plagiarism include the unacknowledged use of another person’s material whether in original or summary form. Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student’s work’. Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of academic dishonesty. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and penalties involved. |
Learning Criteria | 80+ (Distinction) | 70 – 79 (Distinction) | 60 – 69 (Merit) | 50 – 59 (Pass) | 40 – 49 (Fail) | 0 – 39 (Fail) |
“AoL CC4 Ethics: Consider ethical issues and the ways in which resources can be managed in a socially responsible manner “ | Applies justified and well-founded appropriate ethical frameworks to critically analyse business practice and discuss implications for key stakeholders. Recommendation s are focused, excellently justified, and convincing. Potential impacts of stakeholders are considered, and alternative responses considered. | Applies appropriate ethical frameworks to critically analyse business practice and discuss implications for key stakeholders. Recommendation s are focused, well justified, and convincing. Potential impacts of stakeholders are considered, and alternative responses considered. | Identifies appropriate ethical issues using relevant frameworks and analyses issues in business practice. Identifies some but not all stakeholders and analyses some implications for stakeholder decision-making. Recommendation s are feasible, reflecting in part an analysis of and application of ethical principles. | Does not use ethical frameworks to analyse issues in business practice, nor recognise main stakeholders or explain impacts on them. Provides some recommendations but these are not rooted in analysis or based on key principles | Does not identify key aspects or issues in the context of responsible business practice or propose feasible recommendations to address the issues | Does not identify any aspects or issues in the context of responsible business practice or propose any recommendations to address the issues. |
Examine and evaluate the competitor s within the sector linked to appropriate theory and justification of your concept | Outstanding identification and application of a competitor analysis and an extensive justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan | Excellent identification and application of a competitor analysis and thorough justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan | Very good identification and application of a competitor analysis and clear justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan | Good identification and application of a competitor analysis and positive but concise justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan | Inadequate identification and application of a competitor analysis and limited or vague justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan | Extremely limited identification and application of a competitor analysis and with no actual justification of the concept being proposed as part of the business plan |
(20%) | ||||||
Evaluate the role of cash within your enterprise and investigate cost- volume- profit and the time value relationshi p of money. Provide clear pricing structures and cash flow breakdown of your enterprise in the initial period of creation | Extensive evidence and consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. A very detailed cash flow breakdown containing a thorough balance sheet, income/expendit ure costings and contingency considerations. | Excellent evidence and consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. A detailed cash flow breakdown containing a thorough balance sheet, income/expendit ure costings and relevant contingency considerations. | Excellent evidence and consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. A well- constructed cash flow breakdown containing an efficient balance sheet, income/expendit ure costings and clear contingency considerations. | Good evidence and consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. A precise cash flow breakdown containing a competent balance sheet, income/expendit ure costings and some basic contingency considerations. | A lack of evidence and/or consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. Vague evidence of any cash flow breakdown, and a limited balance sheet, limited income/expendit ure costings and minor if no contingency considerations provided. | A lack of evidence and/or consideration of an evaluation of the role of cash within your concept/business and an investigation into the cost-volume- profit and the time value relationship of money. No real evidence of any cash flow breakdown, and a limited balance sheet, unclear income/expendit ure costings and no contingency considerations provided. |
and delivery (30%) | ||||||
Deliver a convincing portfolio and Business Plan that includes the key operational and marketing requiremen ts creating a tourist attraction or event in an organised and robust portfolio with supporting evidence | Plan and associated documentation are professionally presented and communicated in a very innovative way. Extensive detail and evidence of preparation regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business | Plan and associated documentation are excellently presented and communicated in an innovative way. Very detailed evidence of preparation regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business | Plan and associated documentation are precisely presented and communicated in an effective way. Very good evidence of preparation regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business | Plan and associated documentation are confidently and clearly presented and communicated. Good evidence of preparation regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business | Plan and associated documentation are inadequately presented and communicated. Inconsistent preparation and limited evidence regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business | Plan and associated documentation are poorly presented and communicated. Unprepared, vague or no content regarding the operational and marketing factors linked to the concept/business |
(40%) | ||||||
Structure and presentatio n of the Portfolio (10%) | Portfolio as a whole is professionally presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; references accurate, reliable and precise | Portfolio as a whole is excellently presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; references accurate, reliable and precise | Portfolio as a whole is confidently and clearly presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; references accurate, reliable and precise | Portfolio as a whole is precisely presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; most references accurate, reliable and precise | Portfolio as a whole is inadequately presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; references accurate, reliable and precise | Portfolio as a whole is poorly presented and communicated in regard to SPAG; referencing erroneous/missin g |

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