Tag: assessment in education

CON102 Assessment 3

Weighting: 40% Learning Outcomes This assessment assesses the following learning outcomes: Instructions Submission Referencing and Plagiarism Refer to Referencing and plagiarism for information on APA referencing and avoiding plagiarism. © The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd Scenario Your third assessment will look at the tender process in more detail.

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EDU30062 Educational Leadership, Management and Program Assessment

Assignment 1: Essay ( This is for Early childhood degree for 0-5 years old children ) Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)Weighting: 50%Due date: 5pm AEST 21st of May After you have read this information, head over to the EDU30062 Educational Leadership Assignment 1 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are

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