Tag: Branding

Developing self-awareness and personal branding

Module code: BUSN07052 Module name: BCI Professional and Academic Development 1  Assessment Number 1 Assessment Type (and weighting) Voice-over presentation (20% of final mark) Assessment Name  Developing self-awareness and personal branding Assessment Submission Date Friday, 23/06/2023 No later than 5 pm Overview: In today’s competitive job market, it is essential

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IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing & Branding

Just for you is an online platform where every user who is interested in traveling and tourism can log in to the website or application in use. Along with that, can choose the area whether outside the country or inside it. Then all transportation arrangements and all the utilities are

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IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing & Branding

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing & Branding Assessment Individual brand profile Individual/Group Individual Length 700 words (+/- 10%) and imagery Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the assessment task include: Discuss marketing concepts and their relevance to travel and

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