Tag: business analyst certification

Postgraduate Diploma in Family Business Management Organisational Behaviour

Project   PROGRAMME Postgraduate Diploma in Family Business Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management MODULE Organisational Behaviour INTAKE January 2022 YEAR One (1) TOTAL MARKS 100 SECTION A                                                                                                                                  [100 MARKS] Answer ALL the questions in this section. Question 1 All contemporary organisations operating in an uncertain economic climate, need to

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MANP001 Business Analytics

Modelling expansion options at Cristallo eMotorbikes   In the simul8 workshops you worked to develop a Simul8 model of the current Cristallo factory.  In assignment 2 you will work individually, improving on that model, to pursue expansion options.    The Cristallo factory is moving to a 24/7 weekly production cycle.   Operationally,

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ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis

ASSESSMENT RECORD / FEEDBACK SHEET Course:  ICT60120 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology Name:                                                                            Student ID: Unit Name and Code: ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment Assessment Task Number and Title:  #2 Project Due Date:                                                                     Trainer’s Name:            All assessments must be in a neat

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