Tag: business analyst salary

BUS508 Business Analytics

Written Assignment: Computer Application Project (worth 15% of the overall assessment) Instructions: Important Notice: As this is an individual assessment item, students should submit their individual assignment. All assignments submitted will go through a matching process. If found to have plagiarised, all submissions involved would receive a mark of zero

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NIT3171 ICT Business Analysis & Data Visualization

Individual Assignment – Business Analysis Case Study (Stage II – 35 marks weighing 35%) Report Submission Date (through the dropbox): (10% will be deducted for each day of delay) Presentation (5 minutes each) 10 Marks: In this assignment, a Melbourne housing dataset is given to you to apply data mining

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MANP001 Business Analytics

Modelling expansion options at Cristallo eMotorbikes   In the simul8 workshops you worked to develop a Simul8 model of the current Cristallo factory.  In assignment 2 you will work individually, improving on that model, to pursue expansion options.    The Cristallo factory is moving to a 24/7 weekly production cycle.   Operationally,

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