Tag: Marketing Principles

MKTG8001 – Principles of International Marketing

Assessment 3: International Marketing Case Study Assessment Guide Due date: Week 9 Friday 5pm Weighting: 25% Word count: 1500 words +/-10% (excluding reference list) Assessments details: This is an individual assessment task where each student is required to complete a case study analysis of complex and strategic international marketing issues.

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MKT200 Marketing Principles

Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: MKT200 Subject Name: Marketing Principles Assessment Title: Written Proposal Assessment Type: Individual written proposal Length: 1200 words (+/- 10% allowable range) Weighting: 40% Total Marks: 100 Submission: Online Due Date: Week 13 Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a written proposal that gives

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MKTG8001 – Principles of International Marketing

Assessment 3: International Marketing Case Study Assessment Guide Due date: Week 9 Friday 5pm Weighting: 25% Word count: 1500 words +/-10% (excluding reference list) Assessments details: This is an individual assessment task where each student is required to complete a case study analysis of complex and strategic international marketing issues.

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MKT200 Marketing Principles: Infographic

Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MKT200 Subject Name: Marketing Principles Assessment Title: Infographic Assessment Type: Individual infographic Length: Two pages Weighting: 30% Total Marks: 100 Submission: Online Due Date: Week 9 Your task Individually, you are required to create a two-page infographic outlining the communications process of two competitor brands.

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