Tag: Analysis Case Study

MIS608 – Agile Project Management – Assessment 3 Case Study

Australians are obsessed with property – their home is their ‘Castle’. No wonder that two of Australia’s leading media companies have spun their print real-estate sections into extremely profitable digital property portals and marketplaces. As basis of this assessment, you may use either Fairfax media’s Domain.com.au – or News Corporation

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Performance Analysis Technologies in Sport Setting Solved

Performance Analysis Technologies in Sport Setting Introduction The effectiveness of the observational techniques in the sports context presents mentors and additional games specialists by adjustable instruments that modify their requirements. In linked sports, the value of certain tools is traditional for the professional and tactical analysis of the sport (Chacón-Moscoso,

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MIS312 – Agile Business Analysis

ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS312 – Agile Business Analysis Assessment Agile Business Analysis Report Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: d) Communicate agile methods, processes, and approaches with stakeholders in order

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EDIE55 Assessment on Case Study

Assessment tasks     Due date Weighting (%) Learning outcome/s assessed Graduate Attributes assessed     ACECQA Criteria     APST – Graduate Case Study 16/4/21 5.00pm 50% 1, 2, 3 GA1, GA5, GA8 A5, A6, A7, A8, B1, B2,  C5, D1, D4, D5, E2, F5 1.3, 1.5, 3.1, 4.1,

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