Tag: assessment centre case study

COU203A Assessment 2: Case study

  Assessment Brief Program   Bachelor of Applied Social Science   Subject   Applied Counselling 2   Subject code   COU203A   Name of assessment   Assessment 2: Case study   Length   2000 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment:   A,C, D   Submission Date: End of week

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Written Assessment 3 – Case Study Report

A case study report requires students to analyse a case, in order to address specific aspects of the case through responses to focused questions that are relevant to a unit of study1. This assessment is relevant to two subjects and is divided into two parts: Instructions for completing the Case

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BN 20NSG3204 Assessment 1 – Research Critique

BN 20NSG3204 Assessment 1 – Research Critique Learning Outcomes: On completion of this assessment and subject, learners will be able to: Research Critique: Choose one(1)of the published pieces of research provided and prepare a 1000 word critical appraisal about that chosen publication, based on the CASP critical appraisal framework (outlined

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TOUR1001 Assessment 3 Essay Assignment Help

TOUR1001 Assessment 3 Essay Assessment 2 Photo Essay Top of Form Bottom of Form In this assignment you will use a photo essay to describe and explain Leiper’s (2004) basic whole tourism system theory as described in the text book. You will develop captions and paragraphs for photos or images that practically

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NUR341 – Assessment 3 Case Study Task

Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format. Clinical Scenario You are working in a community clinic as a registered nurse. Your next patient is Ms Florence ‘Flo’ Ljukuta and her husband Lionel. Flo is 70 years old, and Lionel is 84 years old.

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COUN6041 – Assessment 2 – Case Scenarios

For Assessment 2, please choose one of the following four scenarios. Case scenario 1 Jonah, 25-year-old student complains to his counsellor about difficulty completing his doctorate and has concerns about relationships with women. He believes his thesis topic will have a profound impact on the area he is working within

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