Assessment Task 2 – NAPLAN Exercise

Assessment Task 2 (35%) – Evaluation and discussion of test items Assessment Task 2 (35%) – Evaluation and discussion of test items AITSL Standards: This assessmeAITSL Standards: This assessment provides the opportunity to develop evidence that demonstrates these Standards: 1.2        Understand how students learn 1.5        Differentiate teaching to meet with

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Administrative law Mid-Term Assessment Task

Administrative law Mid-Term Assessment Task Instructions: Group work component This task requires you to form groups of two. If you need help finding a partner, see the forum post on Moodle. As a pair, you will complete a submission to the AAT (‘Task 1: Written Component’) due XXXXX and a

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Assessment task: Individual Reflective Essay

Due Date: Week 4 – Friday August 20, 12 pm Weighting/Value: 20% Details of Task: Produce a essay which covers the following: Select an image which represents your career aspirations (owning a café shop is my career aspiration) in some way: • Explain why and in what manner this image

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