ASSESSMENT TASK CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management

ASSESSMENT TASK CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management  
Assessment Task 2: Case Study

Task summary:

Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment

  • Access to the Internet
  • Access to a computer and the Internet.
  • Case study scenario (provided)
  • Case management plan (provided).

When and where do I complete this task?

  • This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if applicable). Your assessor will advise.
  • Due date as per Unit Plan

What do I need to submit?

  • Answers to all questions in this task including a completed case management plan.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will make arrangements with you about resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.


  • You must answer the questions by typing in the space provided.
  • Use a computer to type your answers and upload this assessment task to StudentWeb in word.doc or pdf format
Case study – Raj
Client profile: Raj – a 28 year old homosexual male, Indian background. Grew up in Australia with two siblings (sisters), an older and younger sister. Relationships with family are quite dysfunctional. Has an estranged relationship with older sister however close enough with younger sister Ani. Parents raised children as Hindi, however Raj does not practice. Considers himself agnostic. Parents attempted a failed arranged marriage. Cut ties with most of the immediate family. Raj is not out to his parents and older sister. Parents made threats to disown him when he was younger under suspected circumstances. Younger sister always accepted his lifestyle and ex partners. Has been unemployed for 8 months.  Studied engineering in university however dropped out. Picked up odd jobs, mainly hands on. Longest job he was able to keep was as a barista in an inner city café. He was a highly skilled barista, and entered competitions. Picks up hands on tasks quickly.  Been involved with several partners – 2 long term. Last two partners ended the relationship due to his aggressive behaviour. Was reported on several occasions. Aggressive behaviour involved punching, kicking, using heavy objects on his partner in a dangerous fashion and making verbal threats. Quite controlling and dominant in relationships. Strong need for control. Violence is triggered by insecurities or jealously with other males interacting with his ex-partners. Has been in the hospital with an ex-partner due to an altercation at home, after which they separated.Attended an anger management program which he was not able to successfully finish. A further, more recent incident ended up with him and his ex-partner in a car accident where his ex-partner became unconscious. Has been unable to keep steady job. After living with ex partners, he was forced to move from place to place. Lost car licence due to a drink driving episode. Present: Presents as depressed, alcohol dependent, underweight due to lack of appetite and unhealthy eating behaviours. Engages in drugs occasionally. Feeling of being helpless, lack of motivation and energy. Admitted to failed suicide attempts and recent considerations. Currently lives with Ani, after ex-partner forced him to leave their shared apartment. Ani has a 5 year old daughter who he likes to play with. Closest friend Devon has been a great support however does not see him much due to Devon’s own work commitments. Feels the demands of his own needs are taking a toll on their friendship and senses Devon creating distance in their friendship on purpose. Lost a lot of his other friends the same way. Embarrassed and ashamed of his behaviour and doesn’t know ‘what to do’ or ‘who to turn to’. Feels like a ‘lost cause’. Struggling with finances. Unable to save enough for himself and lives week to week. His sister helps him out financially, after Devon stopped lending him money. Future: Formed a strong friendship with ex-manager of the city café where he worked. His ex manager Scott and his partner would engage with Raj socially. Scott was described as a ‘mentor’ in his life, and helped him get through times of crisis. Has lost contact with Scott over the last 12 months and would like to re-connect. Strong interest in speciality coffee. Love of travel inspired him to head to Brazil to learn more about speciality coffee beans and the roasting process. Made mention of wanting to work in a café environment again. Wants to start driving again to regain some independence. Would like to be living in his own place somewhere close to his sister. Made reference to his weight – wants to feel stronger and get fit again.
    • Outline the case management process that would follow after the initial meeting with Raj.
  • What questions could you ask Raj in your assessment with him to identify suitable goals? Provide at least five.
  • Describe Raj’s family structure including cultural background and how this impacts his past or current state.  
  • Provide three ways you might establish positive rapport with Raj.
  • What communication strategies would you use to prepare and facilitate a case management meeting with Raj and other members in his team?
  • Outline the role and responsibilities for each member of Raj’s support team. Ani, Devon, program manager of the men’s violence program Raj is attending and the local community.
  • Develop a case management plan for the client using the template provided.
GoalReview strategyMeasuresWhen



Read the role play scenario ‘A case management meeting’. This scenario follows on from the Case study in Assessment task 2. The objective of this role play is for you to demonstrate conducting a case management meeting with the client and their family member. 

Instructions for Classroom based students:

There will be a total of three role plays to complete to allow you to successfully complete Assessment Task 4: Client Reports. Note that the written questions in this assessment task are only focussed on the scenario relating to the client named Raj.

Role play  – A case management meeting  
Role play  – Written Questions   (Part B)
Assessment Task 3: Role Play (Part C)
  N.B.: The Role Play relating to Raj is to be used for both Assessment Tasks 3 and 4. The Role Play Scenarios relating to Jasmine and Arthur are to be used for Assessment Task 4: Client Reports for classroom based students.  
Role play  – A case management meeting  

The sister – Ani

Role play  – A case management home visit with Jasmine  

The client – Jasmine

Is determined to return to work as soon as she can, but is frustrated that her body has failed her. Her biggest concern at the moment is that she has had to apply for a Centrelink payment, which has not yet been approved, so she is eating into her savings account. Your first priority is to be able to wash and dress yourself so that you are less dependent on Madeline.

The carer – Madeline

You are Jasmine’s younger sister, and have had to take twelve months leave without pay to support her in the home. You are waiting for Jasmine’s Centrelink claim to be processed so your claim for Carer Payment can be approved too. You do not drive, and your concern is that many of the support services for Jasmine require her to be driven somewhere and on limited incomes neither of you can afford taxis nor Ubers to services like the Community Rehabilitation program at the hospital.

Role play  – A case management meeting  with Arthur

The client – Arthur

You can carry out regular conversations, but are confused as to why you cannot be left on your own. You know that you can get confused at times, but don’t understand why it happens so frequently. You felt safe in your own home and while it is good to spend time with your son and grandchildren, you would rather be back in your own house.

The family member – Luke

You have actively taken on the care of your father, and are glad to be able to provide a safe environment for him. You would like some support for respite and day programs for Arthur, and would also like to know what carer support programs and financial support programs for you are available.

GoalReview strategyMeasuresWhen
Monitoring and evaluation (for each goal established)
GoalReview strategyMeasuresWhen
Assessment Task 4: Client Reports

Task summary:

Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment

  • Access to three clients (You may use the role plays from Assessment Task 3)
  • Workplace policies and procedures
  • Case management documentation
  • Workplace resources and equipment
  • Special client aids or equipment (where required)
  • Project report template (provided).

what do I need to submit?

  • Three completed client reports

What happens if I get something wrong?

Instructions for Classroom Based Students:

  • For this task, you are required to consider three clients you have worked with (these can be the roleplays used in Assessment Task 3). Each client must be an individual you have supported through the phases of case management (observation of these tasks being completed by employees or supervisors counts).
  • Your role with each client should involve assessing client needs, identifying goals and strategies, using case management plans, collaborating with service providers, co-ordinating services and reviewing client progress and outcomes.
  • Further guidance to your response has been included within the report template provided. Add/Modify space in the report as required.

Case Management Report – Client 1

Student name Assessment task 
Location/workplace Date completed 
Workplace supervisor 
Supervisor signature 
Policies and procedures for case management Client collaboration/communicationMeetings and the process of meetingsRapport building Client cultural considerationsSupport team members.
Client needs and goalsRole/responsibilities of case management team Client strengths/abilities Strategies for addressing needs Occurrence of review meetings Support services The need for referrals.
Implementation strategies used to review servicesMonitoring strategy to assess outcomes Changes identified during the case review Documentation protocols followed for effective case managementCase conclusions/outcomes and the impact on members of the teamCase closure process and procedure.

Case Management Report – Client 2

Student name Assessment task 
Location/workplace Date completed 
Workplace supervisor 
Supervisor signature 
Policies and procedures for case management Client collaboration/communicationMeetings and the process of meetingsRapport building Client cultural considerationsSupport team members.
Client needs and goalsRole/responsibilities of case management team Client strengths/abilities Strategies for addressing needs Occurrence of review meetings Support services The need for referrals.
Implementation strategies used to review servicesMonitoring strategy to assess outcomes Changes identified during the case review Documentation protocols followed for effective case managementCase conclusions/outcomes and the impact on members of the teamCase closure process and procedure.

Case Management Report – Client 3

Student name Assessment task 
Location/workplace Date completed 
Workplace supervisor 
Supervisor signature 
Policies and procedures for case management Client collaboration/communicationMeetings and the process of meetingsRapport building Client cultural considerationsSupport team members.
Client needs and goalsRole/responsibilities of case management team Client strengths/abilities Strategies for addressing needs Occurrence of review meetings Support services The need for referrals.
Implementation strategies used to review servicesMonitoring strategy to assess outcomes Changes identified during the case review Documentation protocols followed for effective case managementCase conclusions/outcomes and the impact on members of the teamCase closure process and procedure.
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"ASSESSMENT TASK CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 27, 2024.
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