Tag: assignment due

Assessment 1: NUR3201 Written Assignment Task

Assessment 1: NUR3201 Written Assignment Task Overview Assessment name Assignment NUR3201 Brief task description Students are to read a coronial case and then conduct a critical analysis. Comprehensive details of the required task can be found in the ‘Task Information’ section of this document and the assignment marking rubric provided

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Final Report Assignment Help

Due-Tuesday April 7th – Submit Online Late Assignments are -10% per day. After 4 days the assignment gets a zero with no chance for a re-write. Your Final Report is worth 30% of your grade. Choose a technical topic to write a non-technical / semi-technical report on. Ensure the scope

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Strategic Report Assignment Help

Format: Individual report (2,500 words excluding references) Task: You will critically analyse marketing within the organisation you work for and prepare a strategic report for your CEO that makes recommendations on the implementation or amendment of two marketing approaches that could benefit the organisation. Topic selection Select two areas, topics,

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