Tag: business analysis certification

NIT3171 ICT Business Analysis & Data Visualization

Individual Assignment – Business Analysis Case Study (Stage II – 35 marks weighing 35%) Report Submission Date (through the dropbox): (10% will be deducted for each day of delay) Presentation (5 minutes each) 10 Marks: In this assignment, a Melbourne housing dataset is given to you to apply data mining

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Business Analysis Core Concept Model

Application of Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM), Six Knowledge Areas, and Five Perspectives of Business Analysis to a company. Design innovative and integrative solutions to different areas of operations of the company. Type of Submission: The assignment will be Individual work with a single component. Preparing the report: Choose

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Business Model Analysis

This activity is comprised of two practical skills tasks that you will undertake to demonstrate your ability to: PART A – Business Model Prepare a business model using the Business Model Canvas. You may use an actual business or a simulated business. SIMULATED CASE STUDY Simulated situations could involve: OR

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