Tag: business case

Business Report Individual Case Analysis

MAPM8.700 CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTASSESSMENT ONE, TERM 1 2023 Assessment topic Business Report Assessment type Individual Case Analysis Word restriction / recommended length 2000 words (+/- 10%) including 3 infographics     Submission details Thursday 2 March 2023 in Assessment drobox Submission will only be accepted via EIT online. Your

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Business case understanding

Unit                                                                                                                  Assessment Type Assessment Number Assessment Name Weighting Alignment with Unit and Course Due Date and Time Group Assignment A3 Business case understanding (Business analysis report based on data mining concepts) 15% ULO1, ULO3, ULO4 Week 7, Friday, 07 May 2021, 11:59 pm via Moodle. Assessment Description The goal of

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