Tag: business decision making

1008GBS Business Decision Making

Assessment 3 50 Marks (worth 50% of total assessment) Business Decision-Making Take Home Assignment. The deadline is 6 pm 5th February 2024. Notes – read these carefully! The report should be prepared based on the five questions below. For each question, include a separate subheading. The report should utilize details

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Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1

RESIT BRIEF Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1, Individual written report, 25% Key Details and Requirements Submission deadline: Monday 15 May 2023, no later than 16:30pm (GMT) Learning Outcomes to be achieved: LO1. Undertake a strategic marketing audit, assessing an organisation’s competencies, competitive advantage, market performance, customers, competitors, product

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BC200 Business Decision Making and Problem Solving Task

An essay on one of the following topics with an example/ case study from agribusiness industry: Your essay should follow the pattern discussed in the BC100 prescribed text and all sources of information and ideas should be referenced appropriately. A main source of information should be the BC200 prescribed text.

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A Case Study: Business Strategy & Decision Making

Assessment One – Individual Strategic Case Study                                                                                                                   A Case Study: Business Strategy & Decision Making Due Date and Time: Submission size: Word limit: Grade Contribution: Sunday 7 June 2020 (11.55 pm). 1 submission (word or PDF document) not exceeding 10 MB. up to 4,000 words 20% You are the newly

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