Tag: business research methods and project work

KF7028 – Research and Project Management Module

SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT ONE: RESEARCH PROPOSAL [BASED ON AN ACTUAL STUDENT PROPOSAL] FRONT COVER AS SPECIFIED IN ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATION: Module Name: KF7028 – Research and Project Management Module Tutor: Becky Strachan/Kyle Montague/Marta Cecchinato Assignment Title: Assignment One: MSc Research Project Proposal Student Name (first name, surname): University Student ID: MSc Programme

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KF2028 Research Methods and Project Management

Assignment Specification: Assignment Two: Professional MSc Research Project Proposal KF2028 Research Methods and Project Management Department of Computer & Information Sciences ASSESSMENT BRIEF Module Title: Research Methods and Project Management Module Code: KF7028 Academic Year / Semester: Semester One, 2022-23 Module Tutor / Email (all queries): xxxxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx %

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