Tag: conservation


ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET (Please ensure this cover sheet is completed and attached on top of each assessment) QUALIFICATION CODE AND TITLE:  Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery UNIT CODE: BSBSUS401               TITLE: IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE WORK PRACTICES               Student Number   Student Name   Assessor Name   Assessment Name and

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Sustainable Operations and Destinations

Assessment 2   Written Report & Video Presentation and Discussion Forum: The Interrelationship Between Natural Disaster and The 3 Pillars of Sustainability Assignment description: Natural disasters have a catastrophic impact on the lives of humans, interrupting their social and economic activities to a great extent.  Communities that are located in high-risk

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ENV303 Ecological Restoration and Conservation

 ENV303 Ecological Restoration and Conservation – Assignment 4/5 – 2021                                                                                                                                         Description/Focus: Report providing a population genetics assessment and rehabilitation plan Value: 42% Due date: Monday, Week 13 Length: Approximately 4200 words (excludes references, tables and figures) Task: The Bandicoot Creek mine is proposed for that will impact on habitat of

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