Tag: how to start a business

Business & Corporate Laws INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT

        INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 1 Course MBA   Business & Corporate Laws Semester 1 Total Marks: 15 Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500) A. Explain the rights, duties and responsibilities of Principal and Agent. B. Explain

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FY021:  Introduction to Business Studies

TITLE: CW1 Portfolio Name: Student Number: Submission Date: Executive Summary This report discusses… (Briefly explain what the report is about)… It highlights that… (briefly explain what you have found/identified in your report) … Contents Page 1.       Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page ? 2.            The role of HR, Marketing and finance functions within the

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FY021 Introduction to Business Studies

Assignment Brief                                                                                                 Academic Year 2020-21 Module code and title: FY021 Introduction to Business Studies Module leader: Olusola Leigh Assignment No. and type: CW1 portfolio Assessment weighting: 100% Submission time and date: 27th May 2021 before 2pm Target feedback time and date: 3 weeks after submission deadline Assignment task There are

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