TITLE: CW1 Portfolio
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Executive Summary
This report discusses… (Briefly explain what the report is about)…
It highlights that… (briefly explain what you have found/identified in your report) …
Contents Page
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page ?
2. The role of HR, Marketing and finance functions within the Body Shop………………………Page ?
2.1 Describe the role of HR within the Body Shop…………………………………………………………….Page ?
2.2 Describe the role of Marketing within the Body Shop …………………………………………………Page ?
2.3 Describe the Finance Functions within the Body Shop…………………………………………………Page ?
3. Collaborative working practices……………………………………………………………………………………Page ?
3.1 Describe the organisational culture in the Bodyshop……………………………………………………Page ?
3.2 Briefly discuss the Management / Leadership style in the Body shop …………………………..Page ?
4. Financial management and reporting within the organisation………………………………………Page ?
4.1 Profit and Loss Account………………………… …………………………….………………………………………Page ?
4.2 Balance Sheet………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………Page ?
4.3 Cash flow Statement……………………….………………………………….………………………………………Page ?
5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page ?
6. List of References………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page ?
1. Introduction (approximately 100 words – all word count advised are approximate figures)
In the Introduction you say what you are going to discuss in the work. Remember you are supposed to focus on a UK based company, and achieve the following outcomes:
- The role of HR, Marketing and finance functions within organisations
- Financial management and reporting within the organisation
- Collaborative working practices
2. Describe the role of HR, Marketing and finance functions within organisations (450 words)
Explain that there are different departments within an organisation that are responsible for different aspects of the business.
2.1 Describe the role of HR within the Bodyshop (150 words)
(What is HR? What is this department responsible for in a large company?)
- First…Give a definition…XXX (2020) defines HR as…..
- Secondly…explain it in your own words…This means that HR….(what does that definition mean in your own words…)
- Thirdly…link it to a company…For Example HR in (NAME OF COMPANY) are responsible for….
2.2 Describe the role of Marketing within your chosen company (150 WORDS)
(What is marketing? What is this department responsible for in a large company?)
- First…Give a definition…XXX (2020) defines Marketing as…..
- Secondly…explain it in your own words…This means that Marketing….(what does that definition mean in your own words…you can discuss the 4Ps)
- Thirdly…link to company…For Example in (NAME OF COMPANY) Marketing are responsible for….
2.3 Describe the Finance Functions within an Organisations (150 words)
(What do people in Finance do?)
- First…Give a definition…XXX (2020) defines Finance as…..
- Secondly…explain it in your own words…This means that the function of finance is to…. (what does that definition mean in your own words…)
- Thirdly…link to company…For Example in (NAME OF COMPANY) Finance are responsible for….
3. Develop an understanding of collaborative working practices in the Bodyshop (450-500 words)
The Organisational Culture in your chosen organisation/ company (150 words)
• Explain the term organisation culture (definition / or quotation)
• Factors which make up the culture within an organisation? (e.g. size & location, beliefs etc.)
• Briefly explain Charles Handy’s concept of organisational culture (Power/Role/Task/People)
3.1 Describe the organisational culture in your company (100 words)
- What is the Culture?
- Does this culture contribute towards a collaborative working environment?
- How?
3.2 Briefly discuss the Management / Leadership style in the Body shop (150 words)
(E.g. autocratic, democratic or laisse faire style of management).
• How does the Management/leadership style in the Bodyshop contribute towards a collaborative environment? (100 words)
4. Financial management and reporting within the BodyShop (450 words)
Explain that there are different types of documents used for financial reporting that are used in companies such as the Body Shop/Asda/Morrison
4.1 Explain what a Profit and Loss Account is (150 words)
- Why is the document important for the Bodyshop?
4.2 Explain what a Balance Sheet is (150 words)
- Why is the document important for the Bodyshop?
4.3 Explain what a Cashflow Statement is (150 words)
- Why is the document important for the Bodyshop?
5. Conclusion (100 words)
Briefly explain what you have discussed, and what you found….
- The Role of HR, Marketing and finance functions within organisations
- Financial management and reporting within the organisation
- Collaborative working practices
6. List of References (Harvard Style)

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