Tag: how to write a uni essay

Assessment 2: Essay

Assessment 2: Essay 1000-1200 words 40% Covering Learning outcomes 1- 5 1. Develop an understanding of the history of the landscapes, people and social systems that contribute to the governance of north Australia and South-East Asia. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the socially and culturally contested nature of viewpoints the

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Assessment 4 Major Essay

Assessment 4 Assessment Type Weighting Word Count Weeks Due Major Essay 50% 3000 words Week 11 Due Date: Sunday, Week 11, by 11:55pm (AEST/AEDT)* Submission Instructions: Students are to submit their essay online. *Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)/Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT). Check your time zone to ensure that

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