Tag: Annotated

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Solution

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography Article 1  (1)Hatta, M. (2020). Deep web, dark web, darknet. Annals of Business Administrative Science, 2020, 19(6), 277-292. Retrieved https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/abas/19/6/19_0200908a/_pdf/-char/en   (2) In this article, Masayuki Hatta review the influence of deep web, dark web, dark net on online black market and anonymous virtual currencies. He

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Annotated Bibliography

TaskYour task in this assessment is to write a research report. This assessment is designed to demonstrate your familiarity with the underlying complex technology and industry terminology that will help you leverage the Dark Web and analyse data discovery to strengthen your security position. It will also start your journey

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