Tag: Assessment 4

Assessment 4: Pitch and Pitch Deck

PITCH DECK CHECKLIST Company Overview Details Required Complete (Y/N) Mission/Vision of the Company Vision & Mission   The Team Pictures of the key team membersTitles of the team membersShort summary of prior employment of the team showing domain experience and relevant expertiseAdvisors, consultants, and Board members (sometimes included in this

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Assessment 4: Group Report and Oral Presentation

Assessment 4: Group Report and Oral Presentation – Innovation (20% + 5%) This assessment represents 25% of your mark for this unit and comprises of: Written report (20%) Oral Presentation (5%) This assessment is an Group report on Engineering Innovation of 2000 – 2500 words followed by an oral presentation

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Assessment 4 – Modern Construction Projects

Pre-Construction and Mobilisation Plan Assessment 4 – Modern Construction Projects Pre-Construction and Mobilisation Plan Template for Student Use (delete all red letters before submitting to Turnitin) In your own words, write a clear pre-construction planning and implementation strategy for a fictitious project. Create a document based on the template –

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