Tag: assessment centre tips

COU203A Assessment 2: Case study

  Assessment Brief Program   Bachelor of Applied Social Science   Subject   Applied Counselling 2   Subject code   COU203A   Name of assessment   Assessment 2: Case study   Length   2000 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment:   A,C, D   Submission Date: End of week

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MBA 402 Assessment 3 Case Study

MBA 402 Assessment 3 Case Study You are an independent consultant, counselling companies on corporate governance issues. You have been engaged by JKM Renew Pty Ltd (JKM) to advise them on their corporate governance structures. JKM is a land remediation business. You are unfamiliar with this industry, and decide to

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NURBN3034 Assessment Task

NURBN3034 Assessment Task 1a Global Health Issues Group ePoster Presentation Weighting: 30% Due date: Thursday August 18th 13.59pm each group Purpose: The purpose of this learning task is to choose one of the following global health issues that under the right conditions has or is likely to have a significant

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HSNS447 – Assessment 3: Major case study

Weight: 50% Must Complete: Yes Word Length: 2000 Students are required to comply with word and time limits. You are not expected to achieve exactly the required length, and a 10% leeway on either side is acceptable. The marker will not mark beyond the 10%. Only your work to that point

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HNN301 Assessment Task 1

Purpose of assessment task A socially inclusive society is based on the fundamental values of equity, equality, human rights, justice and freedoms (UNESCO, 2018). It is estimated that costs related to social exclusion in Australia exceed $45 billion (AHRC, 2019). It is important that registered nurses are aware of mental

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NUR2300: Written Assessment Help

NUR2300: Written Assessment 1 Task overview Assessment name Written Assessment 1 Brief task description You are to respond to a clinical scenario by applying the key concepts of evidence-based nursing practice. Rationale for assessment task Contemporary nursing practice requires the use of evidence to improve health outcomes for patients, families,

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Assessment Task 2 of BSBMGT517

King Edward VII College Contingency Plan The contingency planning process will be used by the management team to ensure that we plan for contingencies related to meeting the goals of the operational plan. It will be done so in the form of a risk management plan with the risks specifically

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CSM80006 GROUP WORK ASSESSMENT (SEMESTER 2, 2021) CSM80006 GROUP WORK – PART 1 (20% WEIGHTING) The group work assessment in this unit is for 40% weighting, which includes 2 parts (each worth 20%). Your individual contributions in all group work tasks will be checked. This is Part 1 of your

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Graduate Program Credit Assessment

Assessment summary Reflective essay (1500 words x 4) (70%) ·                  Verbal and written case presentation (2 x 15%) (30%) ·                  Clinical portfolios x 2 Alignment with learning outcome(s): (Associated Study Day: Family consultation) (Associated training: RiSCE) Assessment Tasks Assessment title: 1500 word essays (x4) Essay Topics: Essay 1: Psychopharmacology Due

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SWB102  Assessment 1: Task Description

SWB102  Assessment 1: Task Description     Task    Digital Poster Weight 50% Indicative Word Limit 1,500 words   Due Date   19th April 2021, Monday, 11.59 pm (23:59 pm). OVERVIEW  The aim of this assignment is for you to apply your understanding of the multidimensional nature of human development

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