Tag: assessment commentary

NUR244 Assessment Task 3: Research Presentation

Criterion High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (CR) Pass (PP) Fail (NN) Explain how evidence informs and underpins nursing practice to deliver optimal patient outcomes. (35%)   Justification of topic Level of evidence EIP triad Clinical question is clearly and comprehensively justified in relation to optimal patient outcomes and the

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Assessment 3: Major Writing task

Assessment 3: Major Writing task 1500 words, 50% (LO 3,4,5) 100 words: Using the terminology from the reading and materials, what implications can be made about the nature of Indigenous recognition and representation in political and social ways in Australian culture? Why is it important for Indigenous Australia to be

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ASSESSMENT TASK 3: APPLIED TASK In this assessment, using a carefully structured essay, you will: Module topic: choose one from the following options: Course of study: Bachelor of Commerce Local community organisation: your choice, but it must be local (i.e., not global). It is a requirement that you: Further instructions:

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