Tag: business analysis techniques

Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1

RESIT BRIEF Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1, Individual written report, 25% Key Details and Requirements Submission deadline: Monday 15 May 2023, no later than 16:30pm (GMT) Learning Outcomes to be achieved: LO1. Undertake a strategic marketing audit, assessing an organisation’s competencies, competitive advantage, market performance, customers, competitors, product

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ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business

ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business (2021-17) Assignment 2 – Business Analysis Case Study and Presentation Overview For this assignment, you will propose solutions to address an identified business need for an organisation. After performing strategy analysis of the current state of affairs, you will identify and manage a set of

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[Solved] MIS312 – Agile Business Analysis

Student Name: Student ID: Table of Contents Introduction. 2 Main Context 2 Conclusion. 6 References. 7 Introduction The purpose of the report is to analyze the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. The report will focus on evaluating different roles of Agile which include Project owner, Scrum master, development, and

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Business Model Analysis

This activity is comprised of two practical skills tasks that you will undertake to demonstrate your ability to: PART A – Business Model Prepare a business model using the Business Model Canvas. You may use an actual business or a simulated business. SIMULATED CASE STUDY Simulated situations could involve: OR

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