Tag: E-learning

ECON1000 S2 2023 – Marking Guidance and FAQs on GTP

Students will be marked on the extent to which they specifically answer the question and provide clear, logical, well-reasoned and sufficient explanations. Here is a summary breakdown of how marks are allocated in this GTP: Part 1 [15 marks] §  Providing relevant observations from the information provided in the articles

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ECON1000 S2 2023 – GTP Brief

ECON1000 S2 2023 – GTP Brief A.  Context and Overview The Game Theory Presentation (GTP) is worth 30% of the final mark. GTP is a ‘take-home’ exercise with a set of tasks to do. The GTP is based on Lecture Topics: L1 and L2. You will have twenty (21) days

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Design and Develop Learning Programs

Unit 5 Design and Develop Learning Programs TAEDES401 Student Workbook Copyright 121 Driver Training Pty Ltd holds the rights to this document as well as any accompanying documents in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 unless otherwise stated. Reproduction of these materials, whether in part or full, without our prior

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Tutorial 6 – E-Learning Mini-Advisory Work:

Benson Canali, an American, was offered employment in Singapore with Liberty Pte Ltd (LPL), a Singapore incorporated company. His two-year employment period in Singapore commenced on 1 October 2015. As part of his remuneration package, Benson was offered the following alternatives for benefits-in-kind by the company: OR Required: (Total: 19

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