Design and Develop Learning Programs
Student Workbook
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Version control and amendment history
Reason | Release date | Details |
Unit released | April 2016 | V1 release |
Unit updated | March 2017 | V2 release |
121 review | January 2022 | Changes to content and formatting |
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Question 1
People participate in learning programs for several reasons. List at least 5.
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Question 2
You have been asked to deliver on-the-job training to a small group of employees who wish to upgrade their communication skills. Explain, in two short paragraphs, the procedures you would follow to find out what training outcomes and objectives are important to the learners.
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Question 3
What is a competency standard?
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Question 4
In a short paragraph explain how you would access and confirm the competency standards and other training specifications on which a learning program (within your field of expertise) might be based?
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Question 5
Explain, in a short paragraph, why is it important that program developers, facilitators, trainers and assessors identify the language, literacy and numeracy requirements relative to proposed programs/courses.
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Question 6
Trainers/facilitators should, before implementing programs, identify the characteristics of the target learner group. Explain how you would identify learner characteristics and develop learner profiles. Why is it important to do this?
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Question 7
What is a Training Needs Analysis (TNA)?
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Question 8
Why is it important that program developers know the legislation and regulations affecting VET?
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Question 9
What legislation and formal requirements, relevant to the VET framework, might impact a training program delivery? List 5.
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Question 10
Explain what it means to say that “a training package has been updated” and how package updates affect training.
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Question 11
Explain what an audit by a regulatory body is and how it contributes to quality management processes for RTOs.
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Question 12
List eight things that might be taken into consideration when assessing and evaluating the suitability of existing materials and eight questions you might ask yourself when determining whether to use existing materials or develop new materials.
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Question 13
Describe the things that might be taken into consideration when identifying the assessment requirements of a particular training program.
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Question 14
Mark the following statements as true or false:
True | False | |
It is a good idea to determine whether there are training programs or training resources already available, so that you do not waste time and money developing new learning materials. | ☐ | ☐ |
Training participants do not need to know why they are being trained; they just must attend. | ☐ | ☐ |
Assessment involves the collection of sufficient, valid, reliable, and current evidence to make a judgement of competence. | ☐ | ☐ |
A program plan provides a map that facilitators/trainers/assessors and clients/learners can readily follow. | ☐ | ☐ |
To conduct a valid assessment, the assessment tools must map closely against the learning outcomes and performance criteria outlined in the training plan. | ☐ | ☐ |
It is not necessary to plan for training – you can just improvise. | ☐ | ☐ |
Assessment pathways and tools have no effect on the design and development of the training program plan. | ☐ | ☐ |
Both the learners and the organisation for which they work should have a clear understanding of the benefits of the proposed training. | ☐ | ☐ |
Training programs, training approaches, methods and activities should be adapted to suit the work/employment rolls of learning participants. | ☐ | ☐ |
It is up to the learning participants, not the training facilitators, to source and provide suitable resources. | ☐ | ☐ |
Question 15
When designing learning programs, it is important that the units to be studied link appropriately with each other and with the required learning outcome(s). Delivery of the units must be sequenced so that the training program is logical and relevant to the learner. Explain how delivery of the units would be sequenced to ensure that the learning was effective, relevant and logical.
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Question 16
In a short paragraph explain why it is a good idea, when delivering training and helping participants develop new skills, to involve as many of the learner’s senses as possible?
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Question 17
Why is a review process necessary and what is a review likely to achieve?
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How can trainers/facilitators/assessors ensure that the learning situation complies with health and safety requirements?
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Explain the actions that might be taken to control risks to learner safety and support a safe progression of learning. Provide and discuss 4 examples.
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Question 20
Explain what training packages are and how they can contribute to learning program design.
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Question 21
Learning programs have different purposes and focuses. How would you ensure that the training program will meet the needs of key stakeholders?
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Question 22
List at least 10 examples of legislation, codes, and national standards relevant to e-learning and expectations for using technology.
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Question 23
Make a list of at least six things a program developer might suggest about health and safety in the context of the delivery of training programs.
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Project 1
Use the information provided in the NSW Learner Driver Log Book to prepare TWO (2) training programs for 2 fictious students using the templates provided below.
The skills you must demonstrate include:
- language, literacy and numeracy skills appropriate to this unit and the qualification level
- cognitive skills to develop program content and structure
- evaluation skills to determine the time required for each learning segment and the overall timeline of the learning program
- the ability to manage your time and actions to ensure the lesson is delivered in a timely manner
Training Program 1
Client Details | Contact Person: Click or tap here to enter text. | Position: Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Program Title | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Standards | Standards this program is based on (e.g., Competency Standards, Accredited Course, Legislation/Compliance, etc.) | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Target group | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Entry Requirements | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Delivery Model & Expected Duration | Total Hours: Click or tap here to enter text. | Components: (e.g., Classroom, On-the-job, Self-directed, etc.) | |||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Delivery Method | Brief description of methods and activities (e.g., lecture, role play, etc.) | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Assessment Methods Select the assessment methods that will be used | Class-based assessment methods | Work-based or independent assessment methods | |||
☐ Observation Checklists | ☐ Oral Q&A | ☐ Demonstration & Simulation | ☐ Workplace Observation | ☐ Log Books | ☐ Third Party Report |
☐ Class-based activities | ☐ Class Presentations | ☐ Written Tests | ☐ Projects | ☐ Portfolio of Work Samples | ☐ Journal |
☐ Group Work | ☐ Case Studies | ☐ Role Play | ☐ Written Task | ☐ Performance Review | ☐ Other |
Assessments | Brief description of when and how assessments will occur. | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session Plan Titles | Key focus point of each session in this learning program, perhaps the central topic or activity being conducted in each session. (E.g., Session 1: Preparing to drive; Session 2: vehicle controls, etc.). Ensure each of your sessions does not exceed 3 hours in duration. |
Session 1 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 2 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 3 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 4 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 5 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Facilities | e.g., Room/Location details, etc. | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Equipment | Items needed (e.g., Dual control car, etc.) | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Learning Resources & Materials | Resources or materials required (e.g., Road Users’ Handbook, A Guide to the Driving Test, etc.) | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
OH&S | Will an OH&S risk and hazard assessment be conducted in the training location? | ||
☐ No | ☐ Yes | When? Click or tap here to enter text. | By whom? Click or tap here to enter text. |
Review of Learning Program | Areas of risk in your plan |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
Post Implementation Review | How will you review your plan post implementation? |
Click or tap here to enter text. |
Training Program 2
Client Details | Contact Person: Click or tap here to enter text. | Position: Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Program Title | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Standards | Standards this program is based on (e.g., Competency Standards, Accredited Course, Legislation/Compliance, etc.) | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Target group | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Entry Requirements | Click or tap here to enter text. | ||||
Delivery Model & Expected Duration | Total Hours: Click or tap here to enter text. | Components: (e.g., Classroom, On-the-job, Self-directed, etc.) | |||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Delivery Method | Brief description of methods and activities (e.g., lecture, role play, etc.) | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||||
Assessment Methods Select the assessment methods that will be used | Class-based assessment methods | Work-based or independent assessment methods | |||
☐ Observation Checklists | ☐ Oral Q&A | ☐ Demonstration & Simulation | ☐ Workplace Observation | ☐ Log Books | ☐ Third Party Report |
☐ Class-based activities | ☐ Class Presentations | ☐ Written Tests | ☐ Projects | ☐ Portfolio of Work Samples | ☐ Journal |
☐ Group Work | ☐ Case Studies | ☐ Role Play | ☐ Written Task | ☐ Performance Review | ☐ Other |
Assessments | Brief description of when and how assessments will occur. | ||||
Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session Plan Titles | Key focus point of each session in this learning program, perhaps the central topic or activity being conducted in each session. (E.g., Session 1: Preparing to drive; Session 2: vehicle controls, etc.). Ensure each of your sessions does not exceed 3 hours in duration. |
Session 1 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 2 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 3 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 4 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Session 5 | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Facilities | e.g., Room/Location details, etc. | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Equipment | Items needed (e.g., Dual control car, etc.) | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
Learning Resources & Materials | Resources or materials required (e.g., Road Users’ Handbook, A Guide to the Driving Test, etc.) | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
OH&S | Will an OH&S risk and hazard assessment be conducted in the training location? | ||
☐ No | ☐ Yes | When? Click or tap here to enter text. | By whom? Click or tap here to enter text. |
Review of Learning Program | Areas of risk in your plan |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
Post Implementation Review | How will you review your plan post implementation? |
Click or tap here to enter text. |

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