Tag: edtpa assessment

Professional Task: Supplementary assessment 2023

Weight: 35% Type of               Collabora- tion: Individual Due: MONDAY 8TH JANUARY 2024 by 7 am Submission: As a single Microsoft Word document Shona will be putting your work through Turnitin for commonality checking. Format: Students are required to make choices on formatting and style of presentation of information in each

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NUR1120: Assessment 2 Task

NUR1120: Assessment 2 Task overview Assessment name Written Assessment Brief task description Utilising the Australian Dietary Guidelines, collect a 3 day food and beverage diary and reflect on relevant social and cultural determinants of health. Rationale for assessment task Apply concepts of social and cultural determinants of health to fruit

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ASSESSMENT TASK 3: APPLIED TASK In this assessment, using a carefully structured essay, you will: Module topic: choose one from the following options: Course of study: Bachelor of Commerce Local community organisation: your choice, but it must be local (i.e., not global). It is a requirement that you: Further instructions:

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NUR341 – Assessment 3 Case Study Task

Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format. Clinical Scenario You are working in a community clinic as a registered nurse. Your next patient is Ms Florence ‘Flo’ Ljukuta and her husband Lionel. Flo is 70 years old, and Lionel is 84 years old.

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