Tag: assessments

BIK0028/BIH2014 Tips for Individual report assessment

Guidance document: Tips for Individual report assessment BIK0028/BIH2014 Individual report Assessment Assessment brand of your choice. rarity, extraordinariness and a high degree of non-functional associations” (Heine, 2012, p.62). Your work should include the following •       A brief introduction to the selected brand characteristics etc.) •       Your analysis of consumers’ behaviour

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Assessment 1 Essay for E-Poster content

LI AUTO INC Operations and Supply Chain Overview Management The automotive industry is changing rapidly, and Li Auto has become a leader with its latest product, the recently released Li Auto L8 EV. When we analyse this visual representation in-depth, we understand the complexities of manufacturing and distribution of advanced

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Summative Assessment Help

Summative Assessment Brief: Learning Outcomes: LO1: Construct a problem/issue/need identified from practice that impacts on individual outcomes LO2: Formulate a focus-based enquiry on the identified problem/issue/need utilising an area of individual learner interest LO3: Critically evaluate the evidence base to support the proposal of the solution focused initiative LO4: Develop

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CT6033 Assessment 1

Tutor with responsibility for this Assessment  Jordan Allison is your point of contact for this element of assessment.  Arrangements for submission  Please submit one document online via Moodle: Your report as a word document.  The requirements for the assessment  You have been employed as a cyber security management consultant to

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Summative Assessment – End Module Reflection

In 3 parts, reflect on: This work should be individualistic and specific to you and your internship, and future post-graduate goals. Utilizing feedback provided from the previous formative submissions. More details and guidance can be found on Moodle and to be discussed with your tutor. Total word length for the

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COMM1190 Assessment 2: Team Report

Week 8: 3:00 pm Friday Week 8, July 21st (AEDT) 30% A written report Maximum word count of 2000, excluding tables, figures, references, and Appendix (detailed requirements are provided in the “Word Limit” Section below) Submission via Turnitin on Moodle course site Objective This team assessment aims to test your

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BUS707 – Assessment 3

Assessment type: Structured literature review – Individual. 2,000 words report (+ 10%) Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to identify relevant sources for their research and undertake review on theoretical concepts/constructs that has real world business implications. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and d. Value:

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Assessment 4: Time-Based Assignment

Assessment 4: Time-Based Assignment (50%) Due: 6 AM, Monday 24 May 2021 Individual Assignment Word limit of 2500 (see details below) Please read this entire document Overview Students are provided with this assignment brief and have one week to answer four questions below. Students should provide the most appropriate arguments,

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BUS301 Assessment Number 3

BUS301 Assessment Number 3: Presentation and Summary (Individual) Submission due: Week 13 (7 June 2021); Weightage: 30%  The assignment is an Individual assignment. If it is believed that a student has copied material from another student or any other source without appropriate referencing, the necessary action will be taken under

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Supplementary assessment

Due Tuesday by 23:59,Points 50 Submitting a file upload Available Mar 30 at 0:00 – Apr 4 at 23:59 Project Plan:  2500 words  Students need to develop a plan for decision making and problem-solving in relation to one selected health care issue/ nursing practice (different from the one selected for previous submission). A project may cover

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