Tag: Community Health

NRSG371: Building Healthy Communities

ASSESSMENT 2 INFORMATION   Assessment type: Written assignment – Essay Purpose   This assessment task addresses health problems as a societal issue. It requires you to integrate the role of the nurse with the building of healthy communities in order to expose you to the reality that nursing practice environments

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PUBH6006: Community Health and Disease Prevention

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6006: Community Health and Disease Prevention Assessment Assessment 3: Plan – Emergency Response Individual/Group Individual Length 1,500 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: Examine health promotion principle and strategies at global, national and local levels.Develop health promotion plans

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Community Health and Development

Part A :  Assessment event 3(a) details Assessment Task 3(a): Apply a problem-solving approach to a social issue in your local community by using the Community Health and Development (2017b) 10-point process. Word count: 2000 Weighting: 35% It is recommended that you: Criteria Fail <17.5 Pass 18- Credit 20 – 22 Distinction 23– 25 High Distinction 

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Community Nursing

1. You are required to prepare an academic paper that critically analyses the literature related to the Community Care of one of the following patient types: 1. 2. Select a health issue that could be managed in the community for your selected patient from one of the cohorts listed above.

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Community Health Project 1 (HLTH 3058): Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 2

Community Health Project 1 (HLTH 3058) Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 2 – Evaluative Framework Marking Guide Weighting: 15% the total grade for the course   Criteria Outstanding performance (75-100%) Exceeds core requirements (65-74%) Meets core requirements (50-64%) Does not meet requirements (<50%) Comments Content (70%) Demonstrates adequate knowledge of integrating

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Community Health Project 1 (HLTH 3058): Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 1

Community Health Project 1 (HLTH 3058)Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 1 – Ethical Considerations Marking GuideWeighting of 15% the total grade for the course Criteria Outstanding performance (75-100%) Exceeds core requirements (65-74%)   Meets core requirements (50-64%) Does not meet requirements (<50%) Comments CONTENT (80%) Ethical Considerations   Demonstrates adequate knowledge

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PUBH6206: Health Promotion and Community Health

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title Assessment   Individual/Group Length   Learning Outcomes                       Submission     Weighting Total Marks PUBH6206: Health Promotion and Community Health Assessment 2: Health Promotion Plan   Part A – Health promotion intervention plan outline

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