Subject Code and Title Assessment Individual/Group Length Learning Outcomes Submission Weighting Total Marks | PUBH6206: Health Promotion and Community Health |
Assessment 2: Health Promotion Plan Part A – Health promotion intervention plan outline | |
Individual | |
Part A 1000 words (+/-10%) | |
This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: Critically analyse health promotion principles and theories at the level of prevention.Apply the principles of the Ottawa Charter to develop health promotion interventions in diverse communities. d)Apply health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies to health promotion intervention for diverse communities. Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity building and empowerment within health promotion interventions | |
Assessment Due: Sunday of Module 6 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT | |
25% | |
100 marks |
Public Health promotion programs are designed to improve the health of their target community. The success of these programs depends upon multiple factors, such as, understanding the target community, assessing the needs of that community, and applying the knowledge for needs assessment of the given community. These skills are essential for public health professionals to develop effective and sustainable programs for in their chosen field. This assessment will give student the opportunity to plan a health promotion program in an area of their interest by applying their knowledge of community public health, community engagement and application of health promotion theories and frameworks.
Task Summary
Students are required to write the health promotion intervention plan outline of 1000 words (+/- 10%) in length. Students are required to follow the instructions on how to develop their plan. You will be provided with a list of communities with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) by your Learning Facilitator and you can choose one of these to develop a specific health promotion intervention plan. Support your point of view with the credible evidence sources. In assessment 2 Part A, you are required to develop a plan outline which will used in assessment 2 Part B.
- Choose one community with one selected non-communicable disease from the list provided by your Learning Facilitator.
- Identify the social determinants of particular disease in the chosen community (such as age, gender, culture, lifestyle, socioeconomic status), the burden of disease and the significant impacts on health of the chosen community.
- Assess the needs based on identified social determinant of health within the context of the chosen community and selected non-communicable disease.
- Propose a health promotion intervention to be implemented in the chosen community to address the selected non-communicable disease. By applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion this intervention should be at an appropriate level(s)- primary, secondary or tertiary level.
- Develop an outline for the health promotion intervention by applying one or more of the Ottawa Charter strategies as a framework for your program based on the needs and context of the chosen community
- The health promotion intervention outline must include the following topics:
- Background: Provide brief information of target community and the importance and significance of your health intervention program to address health issues related to the selected non-communicable disease in the chosen community based on community needs.
- Aim(s): Clarify the aim(s) of your health promotion intervention.
- Objectives: Outline the specific objectives for your health promotion intervention.
- Timeframe: Plan the timeframe for your intervention with important milestones, including needs assessment, program planning, program design, implementation, evaluation, and reporting program outcomes.
- Stakeholders: Consider relevant stakeholders that should be involved in your program such as health professionals, local government, Not-for-Profit organisation, schools or other groups.
Part A forms the outline for Part B where you will further develop your program with specific details.
Format parameters
- Include a title page that states:
- The assessment title;
- Your first and last name;
- Your student identification number;
- Word count (excluding the reference list);
- The subject name;
- Your lecturer/learning facilitator; and
- An academic integrity declaration
- · In relation to formatting, ensure that your paper uses:
APA 7th version referencing style; Page numbers;
1.5 spacing;
Font style: Arial, Tahoma
- A font size of 11-points minimum
Figures and tables
All figures and tables derived from other works must be presented with citation using APA 7th style
Submission Instructions
- Submit this task via the Assessment task 2 Part A link in the Assessment area in PUBH6206: Health Promotion and Community Health. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
Individual assessment tasks:
I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% | Pass (Functional) 50-64% | Credit (Proficient) 65-74% | Distinction (Advanced) 75-84% | High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% |
Grade Description (Grading Scheme) | Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement | Evidence of satisfactory achievement | Evidence of a good level of achievement | Evidence of a high level of achievement | Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement |
Demonstrate the ability to conduct a health- related community- based needs assessment for a non-communicable disease 30% | The assessment does not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts in conducting a health-related community-based needs assessment for a non- communicable disease. The community needs are not understood and limited, or no credible evidence has been utilised. | The assessment demonstrates a basic level of understanding in conducting a health- related community-based needs assessment for a non-communicable disease. The community needs are explained and supported in a basic capacity with limited credible evidence utilised. | The assessment demonstrates good understanding in conducting a health- related community-based needs assessment for a non-communicable disease. The community needs are sufficiently identified and explained and supported with adequate credible evidence from the research. | The assessment demonstrates excellent understanding of the concepts in conducting a health-related community- based needs assessment for a non-communicable disease. The community needs are very well identified, explained and justified by relevant and high-quality evidence from credible sources | The assessment demonstrates a mastery of concepts in conducting a health-related community-based needs assessment for a non- communicable disease. The community needs are expertly identified , explained and justified by relevant and high-quality evidence from diverse credible sources. |
Propose a health intervention program by applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion at an appropriate level(s)- primary, secondary or tertiary level. 25% | The assessment does not demonstrate an adequately application of theory and conceptual framework of health promotion to propose health intervention program. There is no critical consideration on appropriate level of health intervention. Limited to no supporting evidence applied. | The assessment demonstrate a basic skill in applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion to propose health intervention program. There is limited critical consideration on appropriate level of health intervention. Need more support evidence from the research/subject materials. | The assessment demonstrate a proficient skill in applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion to propose health intervention program. The critical consideration on appropriate level of health intervention is justified. Supported with evidence from the research/subject materials. | The assessment demonstrate an advanced level of skill in applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion to propose health intervention program. The critical consideration on appropriate level of health intervention is well explained and justified and supported with relevant evidence from the research/subject materials. | The assessment demonstrate an exceptional skill in applying theory and conceptual framework of health promotion to propose health intervention program. The critical consideration on appropriate level of health intervention is expertly explained and justified and well supported with relevant evidence from diverse research/subject materials. |
Clearly outline the health promotion intervention demonstrating consistent application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks. 35% | The assessment does not demonstrate an ability to outline the health intervention program demonstrating application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks. | The assessment presents limited ability to outline the health intervention program demonstrating application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks. The outline does not align with the required structure or is missing topics. | The assessment presents a proficient ability to outline the health intervention program demonstrating application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks.. The outline is well structured covering all topics, including: background, aims, objective, timeframe, and stakeholders. | The assessment presents an advanced level of ability in outlining the health intervention program demonstrating application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks. The outline is excellently structured covering all topics, including: background, aims, objective, timeframe, and stakeholders. | The assessment presents an exceptional level of ability in outlining the health intervention program demonstrating application of the Ottawa Charter and health promotion planning frameworks. The outline is expertly structured covering all topics, including: background, aims, objective, timeframe, and stakeholders. |
Marking Rubric (continued)
Assessment fulfils general academic standards and general criteria. Using assessment template. 10% | Poorly written with errors in spelling, and grammar. The assessment lacks an introduction and/or conclusion. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are multiple mistakes in using APA style or Incorrect referencing style used. | Written according to academic genre (i.e., introduction, main body, and conclusion). Use assessment template. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. There are some mistakes in using the APA style either intext or reference list. | Well‐written and adheres to the academic genre (i.e., introduction, main body, and conclusion). Use assessment template. Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are a few mistakes in using the APA style either intext or reference list. | Very well‐written and adheres to the academic genre. Use assessment template. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Referenced consistently and correctly both in-text and reference list | Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Use assessment template. Demonstrates expert use of high‐quality and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading. There are no mistakes in using the APA Style. Referenced consistently and correctly both in-text and reference list |
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment | |
SLO a) | Critically analyse health promotion principles and theories at the level of prevention. |
SLO b) | Apply the principles of the Ottawa Charter to develop health promotion interventions in diverse communities |
SLO d) | Apply health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies to health promotion intervention for diverse communities. |
SLO e) | Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity building and empowerment within health promotion interventions |
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