Community Health Project 1 (HLTH 3058)
Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 2 – Evaluative Framework Marking Guide
Weighting: 15% the total grade for the course
Criteria | Outstanding performance (75-100%) | Exceeds core requirements (65-74%) | Meets core requirements (50-64%) | Does not meet requirements (<50%) | Comments | |
Content (70%) Demonstrates adequate knowledge of integrating an Evaluation Framework for the project which measures impact and outcomes | Accurately identifies goals, SMART objectives and strategies (Weighting 20%) | Accurately identifies goals, SMART objectives and strategies. | Identifies goals, SMART objectives and strategies. | Identifies goals, SMART objectives and strategies, however some clarification is required. | Does not identify goals, SMART objectives and strategies or does so inaccurately or without adequate detail. | |
Correctly identifies baseline and target values. (Weighting 15%) | Correctly identifies baseline and target values, in detail. | Correctly identifies baseline and target values. | Identifies key baseline and target values, however some clarification is required. | Does not correctly identify baseline and target values. | ||
Correctly identifies frequency and type of data. (Weighting 10%) | Correctly identifies frequency and type of data in detail. | Correctly identifies frequency and type of data. | Identifies frequency and type of data, however some clarification is required. | Does not correctly identify frequency and type of data. | ||
Correctly identifies data collection methods. (Weighting 15%) | Correctly identifies data collection methods in detail. | Correctly identifies data collection methods. | Identifies data collection methods, however some clarification is required. | Does not correctly identify data collection methods. | ||
Identifies key responsibility and reporting process. (Weighting 10%) | Identifies responsibility and reporting process in detail. | Identifies responsibility and reporting process. | Identifies key responsibility and reporting process, however some clarification is required. | Does not identify key responsibility and reporting process. | ||
Assignment structure (10%) Assignment is structured logically and succinctly across the text as a whole, and within each part of the template. Explicitly responds to content of project plan | Responds explicitly to the template. Presents data, which reflects the project objectives, benefits and KPI’s logically and succinctly throughout the assignment. | Responds explicitly to the template. Presents data which reflects the project objectives, benefits and KPI’s logically and succinctly throughout the majority of the assignment. | Responds to the template. Presents data which reflects the project objectives, benefits and KPI’s. | Does not use the template or uses to a limited extent. Does not present data which reflects the project objectives, benefits and KPI’s. | ||
Research (10%) Draws on relevant, appropriate academic sources, and non-academic sources where appropriate. | Conducts extensive research beyond course reading. | Conducts limited additional research beyond course readings. | Draws primarily on course readings for research. | Does not use credible academic sources, does not use a sufficient number of sources, and/or sources are not relevant. | ||
Referencing (5%) Paraphrases and integrates all sources, correctly formats references using the UniSA Harvard Referencing System | Accurately paraphrases, integrates and correctly formats sources in-text, and in the reference list. | Paraphrases, integrates and formats sources with minimal errors in-text, and in the reference list. | Has attempted to paraphrase and integrate all sources. Referencing may contain some formatting errors. | Has copied sources without acknowledgement through referencing and/or makes numerous formatting errors in referencing. | ||
Written expression (5%) Writes concisely using formal, academic language with correct grammar and spelling. | Writes with clarity and precision. Makes no or minimal grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and uses formal and concise academic language. | Writes clearly and uses correct academic terms. Writes formally with few grammatical errors and mistakes. | Writing is generally clear but may lack precision. Makes some errors of grammar and spelling, but meaning is not significantly compromised. Writing is generally formal, and a number of academic terms are used. | Makes a significant number of grammatical and/or spelling errors which compromise meaning. Writing lacks formality and precision, and academic terms are not used or used incorrectly. |

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