Tag: Economics

Economics for Business

Group Assessment Cover Page Unit Details Name Economics for Business Code HI5003 Year, Trimester 2023, Trimester 2 Assessment Details Name Group Assignment Due Date and Week Week 10, Friday:    January 26, 2024 Group or Individual Group Group Student Details Student ID First Name Family Name Work Contribution      

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INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Total Marks 100 | Weighting 25% DUE: 29/09/2023, 11:55pm IMPORTANT INFORMATION: READ BEFORE YOU START SUBMISSION 11.55 pm. A 1-hour grace period is provided to students who experience a technical concern. DOCUMENT PREPARATION REFERENCING UNACCEPTABLE ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES MARKING Question 1 | [12 marks] Download the spreadsheet data that

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Assessment task 3 Individual Case Study This task is the result of your individual effort, so students must not discuss their work with anyone else, otherwise it may lead to an allegation of collusion. Weight: 15% Due: Before 5 pm on Wednesday 27th September. Late submissions will incur a penalty

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The Geopolitical, Economic and Legal Environment  

Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Brief Mode E and R Regulations Module Title: The Geopolitical, Economic and Legal Environment     Assignment Number 2 Module Code: 7010SSL   Assignment Title Macro Analysis Report Module Leader: Dr. Bentil Oduro   Assignment Credits 10           Release Date:

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LNDN 07002 – Economic Principles Quiz

LNDN 07002 – Economic Principles Quiz 2 (Macroeconomics) Practice Questions Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. A) peak down to a trough.      B) peak to a peak. C) trough to a trough.             D) trough up to a peak. A) Excessive government borrowing.            B)

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PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics Assessment Written Debate Individual/Group Group of Three Length 2,000 words total (+/–10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below include: Critically examine the key characteristics of health systems and apply

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PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics Assessment Written Debate Individual/Group Group of Three Length 2,000 words total (+/–10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below include: Critically examine the key characteristics of health systems and apply

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HI5003 Economics for Business -2020 T3 Tutorial Questions

Assessment Task    Tutorial Submission Assignment Unit Code:                                HI 5003 Unit Name:               Economics for Business Assignment:            Tutorial Questions Due:                         Week 13, Tuesday 23, February 2021 Weighting: Final examination weighting- Fifty percent (50%) Word Limit:                                ≤3,000 Purpose:                 This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered

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Canadian Economic Policy & Institutions ECON 319

Briefing Note #3 Instructions: You are an economist working for a federal government department. Note that the department for which you work is NOT designated for you. You will need to decide the most appropriate department to which you will write the briefing note. The briefing note will thus need

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