Tag: social care

Promote Person-Centred Approaches in Care Settings:

Remember when you are answering the questions to look at the command words and here is what each of these mean within the questions, below is a table with the meanings of some of the operative words you will see in this unit. Describe Give a clear description that includes

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Programme Title: BA in Social Care Academic Year: 2023-24

Year 1 ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES Module Title: Creative Approaches in Social Care Settings Learner Group Code: L7MBASCG26OC ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS You are required to complete the following assessments for this module: 1. Online Activities and Discussion 20% 2. Session Plan 20% 3. 2-D art piece 40% 4. Reflection 20% Prepare by reading

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FdSc Supporting Innovation in Health and Social Care

Assistive Technology (SIH505), Level 5, 20 credits Assessment Brief The assessment for Assistive Technology has one component part. (Weighting 100%) Task 1 ‘Exhibition Content Report’ Prepare an exhibition with supporting evidence to.: LO1- Explain the need for the development and use of assistive technologies in Health and Social Care provision.

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Assessment 1: Safeguarding patient care

This assignment examines the roles and responsibilities nurses have in making decisions about the practice to keep patients safe in Australian healthcare. As a core skill for nurses, reflection is a conscious effort to think systematically about an activity or incident that allows us to consider the impact on individuals

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Responsibilities of a Health and Social Care Worker

Unit Reference Number H/618/5284 Unit Title Responsibilities of a Health and Social Care Worker Unit Level 3 Number of Credits 10 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 20 Total Qualification Time 100 Mandatory / Optional Mandatory Unit Grading Structure Pass / Fail Unit Aims This aim of this unit is to provide

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