1.1 Describe the relationship between legislation, policies and procedure.
- Define legislation, policies and procedures.
- You can give examples of legislation, policies and procedures.
- Make sure you add why do we have legislation, policies and procedures e.g., to have safe and effective care, to ensure rules are followed, there is also a law that govern the working practices.
1.2. Summarise legislation in relation to health and social.
Equality Act 2010- anti discrimination, treatment fairly, protected characteristics,
No Secrets (2000)
Health and social care Act 2018
Health and Care Act (2022) – The 2022 Health and Care Act introduced new legislative measures that aim to make it easier for health and care organisations to deliver joined-up care for people who rely on multiple different services, building on earlier recommendations by NHS England and NHS
NHS guidelines
Care Act 2014
Data Protection Act (2018) – 7 principles of protecting information- confidentiality.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The community care and health Act 2002 introduced free personal care for adults, regardless of income or whether they live at home or residential care.
1.3. Analyse how legislation informs policies and
procedures in health and social care provision.
duty of care
informs our practice do deliver safe and effective care.
accountability _CQC
Practice for promoting health and wellbeing.
Promote the rights of service users.
(You can give examples of certain legislation and why they are important)
2.1. Explain reasons for professional standards and
codes of practice within the health and social care
Ethics are rules and regulations that govern our practice (moral codes)
To ensure that standards are met.
High quality services
Fairness. Equality and inclusive/ promote diversity as well.
Professional codes and standards should be a benchmark for health care professionals to follow to ensure there are meeting the necessary standards.
2.2. Summarise requirements of professional standards
and codes of practice.
6C’s of care – Commitment, compassion, competence, communication, courage and care
Following day to day
Regulation, policies and legislation
Duty of care.
3.1. Explain the functions of national and local health.
and social care provision.
NHS – population health, jobs, economy run.
It helps to improve quality of life.
Make sure standards in health are maintained and safety in care in promoted (quality of service)
It enables individuals to fulfil an independent and fulfilled life.
It helps to prevent ill health.
Health education/ health promotion (Sure start)
3.2. Describe factors that influence national and local.
service delivery.
Local demand
Staffing issues
Lack awareness / understanding.
4.1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of health.
and social care practitioners.
To ensure that high standards are met.
Standard care and everyone are treated fairly.
Responsibility of caring service users and communication with all professionals involved in care.
Duty of care
Responsible for training and being up to date with recent legislation/ policies.
Health and safety
Responsibilities to report
Follow professional standards that are set.
4.2. Describe different working relationships in health and
social care settings.
Service users and health care workers
Managers and health care professionals
Teams (MDT- multi disciplinary teams)
Working with individual families
Working with external agencies (police, local authorities, social services, lawyers, school)
Government, CCG, Health boards, CQC (inspectors)
4.3. Explain the need for health and social care.
practitioners to adhere to the boundaries of their own.
job role.
Boundaries – means following the law and knowing your roles.
- Following policies and practices
- It’s the law.
- Organisation culture
- Seeking support during a dilemma
- Accountability
- Following ethical codes
- Knowing your roles and responsibilities in care
- Knowing to follow professional standards and code / conducts.
- It is important to promote safe and effective care.
- Promoting and following duty of conduct
- Following respect, dignity and independence
- It could have an impact of quality of care.
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