Tag: business analyst training

BUS5074 Business Analytics

BIRMINGHAM CITY BUSINESS SCHOOL College of Business, Digital Transformation, and Entrepreneurship BUS5074 ASSESSMENT BRIEF (Resit) MODULE TITLE:        Business Analytics MODULE CODE:        BUS5074 MODULE LEADER:    John Colby ISSUE DATE:             September 2023 HAND IN DATE:         3rd January 2024 12:00 (midday) HAND BACK DATE:    31st January 2024 This assessment constitutes 80% of the

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MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis

MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics Deakin Business School Faculty of Business and Law, DeakinUniversity Assignment Two Analysis of Click Sales Data Particulars Assurance of Learning This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes: Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)

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Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1

RESIT BRIEF Business Analysis and Decision Making: Element 1, Individual written report, 25% Key Details and Requirements Submission deadline: Monday 15 May 2023, no later than 16:30pm (GMT) Learning Outcomes to be achieved: LO1. Undertake a strategic marketing audit, assessing an organisation’s competencies, competitive advantage, market performance, customers, competitors, product

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ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business

ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business (2021-17) Assignment 2 – Business Analysis Case Study and Presentation Overview For this assignment, you will propose solutions to address an identified business need for an organisation. After performing strategy analysis of the current state of affairs, you will identify and manage a set of

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NIT3171 ICT Business Analysis & Data Visualization

Individual Assignment – Business Analysis Case Study (Stage II – 35 marks weighing 35%) Report Submission Date (through the dropbox): (10% will be deducted for each day of delay) Presentation (5 minutes each) 10 Marks: In this assignment, a Melbourne housing dataset is given to you to apply data mining

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Business Analysis Core Concept Model

Application of Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM), Six Knowledge Areas, and Five Perspectives of Business Analysis to a company. Design innovative and integrative solutions to different areas of operations of the company. Type of Submission: The assignment will be Individual work with a single component. Preparing the report: Choose

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DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics

Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: DATA4000 Subject Name: Introduction to Business Analytics Assessment Title: Individual Report and Individual Presentation Assessment Type: Report and Presentation   Word Count: 1800 words ± 10% for Part A (report) 8 – 12 slides for Part B (presentation) Weighting: 40 % (25 + 15) Total

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BUS5004 Business Analysis Assignment

Maximumword count: 4000 words Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies section here: ArdenUniversity| RegulatoryFramework Please note the following: Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the assessment. The word count includes everything in

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[Solved] MIS312 – Agile Business Analysis

Student Name: Student ID: Table of Contents Introduction. 2 Main Context 2 Conclusion. 6 References. 7 Introduction The purpose of the report is to analyze the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. The report will focus on evaluating different roles of Agile which include Project owner, Scrum master, development, and

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