DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics

Introduction to Business Analytics

Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code:DATA4000
Subject Name:Introduction to Business Analytics
Assessment Title:Individual Report and Individual Presentation
Assessment Type:Report and Presentation
  Word Count:1800 words ± 10% for Part A (report) 8 – 12 slides for Part B (presentation)
Weighting:40 % (25 + 15)
Total Marks:40
Submission:Turnitin and In class
  Due Date:Part A due Monday Week 12, 23:55pm AEDT through Turnitin   Part B video presentation due Tuesday Week 13, 23:55pm AEST through MyKBS link.

Your Task

Consider below information regarding the Capital One data breach. Read the case study carefully and using the resources listed, together with your own research, complete:

  • ·       Part A (Industry Report) Individually by Monday 23: 55pm AEDT Week 12
  • Part B (Application for data access presentation) submitted in Monday Week 13 at 23:55 AEST, as an individual video upload.

Assessment Description

Capital One


Who is Capital One?

Capital One Financial Corporation is an American bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings accounts. The bank has 755 branches including 30 café style locations and 2,000 ATMs. It is ranked 97th on the Fortune 500, 17th on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list, and conducts business in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The company helped pioneer the mass marketing of credit cards in the 1990s. In 2016, it was the 5th largest credit card issuer by purchase volume, after American Express, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup. The company’s three divisions are credit cards, consumer banking and commercial banking. In the fourth quarter of 2018, 75% of the company’s revenues were from credit cards, 14% were from consumer banking, and 11% were from commercial banking.


Capital One is the fifth largest consumer bank in the U.S. and eighth largest bank overall(Capital One, 2020), with approximately 50 thousand employees and 28 billion US dollars in revenue in 2018(Capital One, 2019).Capital One works in a highly regulated industry, and the company abides to existing regulations, as stated by them: “The Director Independence Standards are intended to comply with the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) corporate governance rules, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, and the implementing rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) thereunder (or any other legal or regulatory requirements, as applicable)”(Capital One, 2019). In addition, Capital One is a member of the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC), the organization responsible for proposing improvements in the Cybersecurity framework.

Capital One is an organization that values the use of technology and it is a leading U.S. bank in terms of early adoption of cloud computing technologies. According to its 2018 annual investor report (Capital One, 2019), Capital One considers that “We’re Building a Technology Company that Does Banking”. Within this mindset, the company points out that “For years, we have been building a leading technology company (…). Today, 85% of our technology workforce are engineers. Capital One has embraced advanced technology strategies and modern data environments. We have adopted agile management practices, (…).We harness highly flexible APIs and use microservices to deliver and deploy software. We’ve been building APIs for years, and today we have thousands that serves as the backbone for billions of customer transactions every year.” In addition, the report highlights that “The vast majority of our operating and customer-facing applications operate in the cloud(…).”Capital One was one of the first banks in the world to invest in migrating their on-premise datacenters to a cloud computing environment, which was impacted by the data leak incident in 2019.

Indeed, Amazon lists Capital One migration to their cloud computing services as a renowned case study. Since 2014, Capital One has been expanding the use of cloud computing environments for key financial services and has set a roadmap to reduce its datacenter footprint. From 8 data centers in 2014, the last 3 are expected to be decommissioned by 2020, reducing or eliminating the cost of running on-premise datacenters and servers. In addition, Capital One worked closely with AWS to develop a security model to enable operating more securely. According to George Brady, executive vice president at Capital One,

“Before we moved a single workload, we engaged groups from across the company to build a risk framework for the cloud that met the same high bar for security and compliance that we meet in our on-premises environments.”


Assessment Instructions

Part A: Industry Report (1800 words, 25 marks)– Individual

Based on the readings provided in this outline, combined with your own independent research, you are required to evaluate the implications of legislation such as GDPR on the Capital One’s business model. The structure of your report should be as follows.

Your report needs to be structured in line with the Kaplan Business School Report Writing Guide and address the following areas:

·       Data Usability

  • Benefits and costs of the database to its stakeholders.
    • Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive applications of the data available and the data analytics software tools this would require.

·       Data Security and privacy

  • Data security, privacy and accuracy issues associated with the database.

·       Ethical Considerations

  • The ethical considerations behind whether the user has the option to opt in or opt out of having their data stored.
    • Other ethical issues of gathering, maintaining and using the data.

·       Artificial Intelligence

  • How developments in AI intersects with data security, privacy and ethics.
  • Use the resources provided as well as your own research to assist with data collection and data privacy discussions.

Part B: Presentation (5 minutes, 15 marks)

Instructions: Students to prepare a presentation of 10 – 12 slides. Students can use MS Powerpoint to organize their slide deck but other tools will be accepted as well (e.g. Prezi).

Imagine that you are an analyst from the company you selected for Part A. You need to access user and transactional data generated by your chosen company in Part A for an analytics-based research project. Although it’s the company’s own data, regulators and legislators are becoming increasingly concerned about the way in which certain use cases for these types of projects can infringe on privacy, individual rights and potentially be in contravention of GDPR and other legislative prescriptions.

Create a presentation of approximately 5 minutes in which you discuss how your organization uses its data and the broad implications involved. Discuss the issues below, and imagine you are communicating this presentation to government (regulators and / or legislators) as your primary audience.


  1. Why you want the data and the resulting benefits to the community;
  2. How the data can be sourced ethically and securely;
  3. How you will keep the data safe and de-identify individuals; and
  4. How you will present the results and add insights in an ethical way.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties?

How can I appeal my grade?

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

SectionCriteriaNN (Fail) 0%-49%P (Pass) 50%-64%CR (Credit) 74%-65%DN (Distinction) 75%-84%HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%
Part A: Individual ReportEvaluate the data usability, security and ethics associated with creating a data repository for diverse stakeholders and consider software requirementsFailure to address data usability and security issues associated with the company database or failure to consider software requirementsBasic description of data usability and security issues associated with creating the system   Limited consideration of software capabilitiesConsidered discussion of data usability and security issues associated with creating the system   Adequate description of the feasibility of data usability given current software capabilitiesClear evaluation of key data usability and security issues associated with creating system   Well-supported consideration of the feasibility of data usability given current software capabilitiesComprehensive evaluation of key data usability and security considerations associated with creating the system with a focus on various stakeholders   Very high standard assessment of the feasibility of data usability given current software capabilities
 Produce a report which is well-researched, correctly referenced, professionally presented, logical, well- structured and addresses the relevant issuesReport is not logical and fails to evaluate major issues   Inadequate research conducted and sources incorrectly acknowledgedPartially referenced evaluation of issues, without a logical structure and acknowledgement of some sources from limited researchReferenced evaluation of some relevant issues with acknowledgement of most sources and evidence of reasonable research conducted into the topicReferenced and congruent evaluation of relevant issues with acknowledgement of a wide range of sources and evidence of broad research conducted into the topicWell-referenced, engaging and logical evaluation of relevant issues with correct acknowledgement of extensive sources and evidence of comprehensive research conducted into the topic
 See part B next page
SectionCriteriaNN (Fail) 0%-49%P (Pass) 50%-64%CR (Credit) 74%-65%DN (Distinction) 75%-84%HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%
Part                B:Construct a businessFailure to   make   anA limited description ofA solid presentationA             high-qualityAn effective business
Presentationcase           outlining       theeffective                    argumentthe benefits of usingof the   benefits   ofbusiness    case                 forcase for using the data
 benefits of using andaround using the datathe data for researchusing the   data   forusing the   data   forfor research purposes
 storing the data, whilefor research and nopurposes is made andresearch purposes isresearch purposes isis         made          by
 addressing                    theconsideration                          ofvery few of the ethicalmade and some ofmade by consideringconvincingly
 relevant ethical anddrawbacksand     security          draw-the      ethical           andits major benefits andarticulating            the
 security issues and backs are mentionedsecurity draw-backsanalysing the ethicalbenefits    this    would
 concerns  are discussedand security   draw-provide    for    society,
     backsand expertly analysing
      the ethical and security
 Effectively and clearlyFailure to   effectivelyBrief listing of how theSolid description ofClear communicationEffective
communicate                    ancommunicate                          keydata can be used forthe use of the data forand justification of thecommunication     and
argument to use themessages and a lack ofresearch in a way thatresearch in a way thatuse of the data forconvincing justification
data    for           researchconsideration for   theis understandable   toconsiders some   ofresearch in a way thatof the use of the data
purposes                    whileaudience’s needsmost peoplethe target audience’ssufficiently considersfor research in a way
considering                    the  needsthe target audience’sthat persuades a target
audience and   their   needsaudience

Assignment Submission

Part B to be submitted In class in week 12. Students must submit Part A via Turnitin on Monday of Week 12 at 23:55pm AEST.

This file must be submitted as a PDF document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is any issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief description of the issue and a screen shot of the Turnitin error message.

Students are also encouraged to submit their work well in advance of the time deadline to avoid any possible delay with Turnitin similarity report generation or any other technical difficulties.

Late assignment submission penalties

Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School’s Assessment Policy.

Number of daysPenalty
1* – 9 days5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the student’s total Marks.
10 – 14 days50% deducted from the student’s total marks.
After 14 daysAssignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s).
NoteNotwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students.

*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty.

If you are unable to complete this assessment by the due date/time, please refer to the Special Consideration Application Form, which is available at the end of the KBS Assessment Policy:

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