MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis

MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics Deakin Business School Faculty of Business and Law, DeakinUniversity
Assignment Two Analysis of Click Sales Data


  • Due:                   Week 10, 8 pm, Thursday 20th of May 2021. (Contrary to the Unit guide, this is the new due date).
  • Marks:                30%.
  • Words:               2,000 words or approximate equivalent.
  • Submission:       Two files (Word and XL) electronically submitted in CloudDeakin. Email submissions will not be accepted. Note: Do not convert your Word document to pdf format.
  • Notes:                This assignment is to be completed individually. Please ensure you are familiar with the Extension Request and the Late Penalties rules governing assignments in the Faculty of Business and Law (see details below).

Assurance of Learning

This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:

Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO4: Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgmentULO2: Manipulate and summarise data that accurately represents real-world problems ULO3: Interpret and appraise statistical output to assist in real-world decision making

Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Extension Procedures Information for students seeking an extension BEFORE the due date

If you wish to seek an extension for this assignment prior to the due date, you need to apply directly to the Unit Chair by completing the Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form  and sending the completed form as well as your supporting documentation and a draft of your assignment (Note: completing the Extension Application Form is mandatory if you wish to apply for an extension.)

This process needs to occur as soon as you become aware that you will have difficulty in meeting the due date, but no later than 5-00 pm Thursdaythe21st of May 2021.

Specifically, requests for extensions will not be considered after the normal close of business on the due date of the assignment.

Please note: Unit Chairs can only grant extensions up to two weeks beyond the original due date. If you require more than two weeks, or have already been provided an extension by the Unit Chair and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via Student Connect within 3 business days of the due date.

Misreading the due date and time, assignment anxiety or returning home will not be accepted as grounds for consideration.

Conditions under which an extension will normally be considered include:

  • Medical – to cover medical conditions of a serious nature, e.g. hospitalisation, serious injury or chronic illness.

Note: temporary minor ailments such as headaches, colds and minor gastric upsets are not serious medical conditions and are unlikely to be accepted. However serious cases of these may be considered.

  • Compassionate – e.g. death of a close family member, significant family and relationship problems.
  • Hardship/Trauma –e.g. sudden loss or gain of employment, severe disruption to domestic arrangements, a victim of crime.

Information for students seeking an extension AFTER the due date

If the due date has passed and you require more than two weeks extension, or you have already been provided with an extension and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via Student Connect.

Please be aware that applications are governed by University procedures and must be submitted within three business days of the due date or previously granted extension due date.

In most instances the maximum amount of time that can be granted for an assignment extension is three weeks after the due date, as Unit Chairs are required to have all assignments submitted before results/feedback can be released back to students.

Penalties for late submission

The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension:

  • 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each day, or part thereof, up to five days.
  • Work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for the task.

Note: ‘Day’ means calendar day.

The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.

Additional information

For advice regarding academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document “Rights and responsibilities as a student” in the “Unit Guide and Information” folder under the “Resources” section in the MIS770 CloudDeakin site.


The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a dataset utilising the knowledge learned up to and including week 10. This will enable conclusions to be drawn that ultimately assist in decision making.

The assignment requires you to analyse a given dataset, interpret the results, and then draw conclusions such that you are able to reply to specific questions being asked. You will respond in the form of a business report. (These questions are asked in the following memorandum).

The aims of the assignment are to:

  • provide you with some examples of the application of data analysis
  • test your understanding of the material presented in the relevant topics thus far
  • test your ability to analyse data and interpret your results
  • test your ability to effectively communicate your results to others, particularly, those with very little knowledge of statistics or analytics.

Before attempting the assignment, make sure thatyou have prepared yourself well. At a minimum, please read the relevant sections of the prescribed textbook and review the materials provided to date.

Scenario and the data

Click Sales is an online store (fictitious) that sells electronic gadgetry all over the world. The annual board meeting is on the horizon, and you have been asked to provide summary information and estimates. Although Click Sales has no “bricks and mortar” storefront, some purchases are made directly from the different warehouse locations. The data set contains thirteen variables with information about 150 randomly selected Click Sales warehouses throughout the world.

You play the role of the senior analyst that will be responsible for modelling the data. The questions you need to answer are contained in the following memorandum.


Date:              23rd April 2021

To:                 The Senior Analyst

From:             Click Sales Business Intelligence team Subject:         Analysis of warehouse data

Dear Senior Analyst,

Please carry out an analysis of the Click Sales data (contained in the file ClickSales data.xlsx) and prepare a report for me containing answers to the following questions.

My specific questions are:

Q1. We need an overall view of both (a) the number of items sent from warehouses and (b) the review ratings that are given to us by our customer.

Q2. Relationships

  1. Is there a difference in the customer review ratings when comparing male and female location managers?
  2. Is there a relationship between the annual sales and the number of team members operating at that warehouse location?
  3. The Business Intelligence team would like to get an understanding of the relationship between the wages paid and whether or not the location managers were male or female.

Q3. Using the random sample of 150 warehouses, the BI team would like to get an estimate of the following.

  1. The average annual sales of all warehouses managed by Females.
  2. The proportion of all of our stores that have a customer review rating of “high”.

Q4. The Business Intelligence team would like to compare this year’s annual wages to the industry average of


  1. The average wage for warehouse staff who do not work for Click Sales is 65,000 dollars. Is this wage we pay our Click Sales warehouse staff higher than this?
  2. Based on the industry observations, it is known that elsewhere, fewer than 22% of warehouse managers are male, is this the same for Click Sales managers? That is, is the proportion of Click Sales managers who are male really less than 22%?

Q5. Appropriate Sample Size

Finally, the Business Intelligence team is concerned that a sample of 150 might be too small to draw reliable inferences and conclusion from. For a survey we intend to undertake next year, we would like your advice on the following:

  1. Is a sample size of 150 suitable to make reliable estimates from?
  2. What size sample should be taken in order to accurately estimate the true proportion of warehouses that have a high customer review rating to with plus and minus 5%

I look forward to your responses. Sincerely,

The Business Intelligence Team

Business Report Requirements

  • Your report should be no longer than 3 pages and should not include any charts and tables, or appendices. Charts/graphics and tables are only to be placed in the Data Analysis file i.e. the Excel spreadsheet and not reproduced in the report.
  • Suggested formatting for the report: single‐line spacing; no smaller than 10 point font; page margins approx. 25mm, and good use of white space.
  • Your report must have a cover sheet containing your particulars and Unit details (This does not count towards the suggested report length of 3 pages).
  • The report is to be written as a stand‐alone document (assume that the Business Intelligence team will only read your report). Thus, you should not have any references in the report to your data analysis output. Eg. “According to Table 1 in the analysis…”
  • Your report must contain an executive summary that explains in plain language the purpose of the report and summarises the main findings. The executive summary should be no more than 700 words long and should ideally fit onto one page. Dot points may be used to summarise your main findings. The executive summary page is included in the three-page limit.
  • The body of your report must be set out in the same order as in the originating memorandum from the Business Intelligence team, with each section (question) clearly marked.
  • Use plain language and succinct explanations. Do not use technical or statistical jargon as the Business Intelligence team cannot be expected to understand statistical terminology. As a guide to the meaning of “Plain Language”, imagine you are explaining your findings to a person without any statistical training (e.g. someone who has not studied this unit). What type of language would you use in this case? Part of this assessment is to ensure that you can convey the results of complex statistical modelling, to a person with no knowledge of statistics.
  • Marks will be lost if you use technical terms (even if you attempt to explain them), irrelevant material, or have poor presentation/organisation.
  • All Microsoft Excel data analysis output associated with each question in the Memorandum are to be placed in the corresponding tab (the corresponding XL spreadsheet/worksheet) in the T12021MIS770_A2_yourstudentid.xlsx file. Your working is to be placed in the area provided.

Data Analysis Instructions/Guidelines

For obvious reasons, do not post your data, your working, nor your conclusions to the cloud assessment discussion area. Ask questions of a general nature only.

In order to prepare a reply to the Business Intelligence teams memorandum, you will need to examine and analyse the dataset ClickSales data.xlsx thoroughly.

The BI team has asked a number of questions and your Data Analysis output (i.e. your charts/tables/graphs) should be structured such that you answer each question on the separate worksheet provided in your Excel document.

Include all of your relevant analysis results (for each question) in the bordered area defined within each separate worksheet. There are also two other worksheets in ClickSales data.xlsx file called CI & HT, and you may usethe various templates contained in these worksheets to determine relevant “Confidence Intervals” and “Hypotheses” should you wish to do so.

General: Although not mandatory, you can copy the data for each question to the worksheet dedicated to that question.

Q1. Comprehensively describe both of these variables using the most appropriate descriptive summary techniques (graphical and tabular).

Q2. Use the most appropriate descriptive techniques. Q3 & 4 Use the most appropriate inferential techniques.

Q5. A response revealing your understanding of the theory is required, as well as an estimate of an appropriate sample size to deal with the stated margin of error. You can use the relevant Excel templates provided in tutorials.

Other Guidelines:

  • To answer some questions, you may need to make certain assumptions about the data set we are using. Mention these in your data analysis, where relevant. There is no need to mention them in the report.
  • Please ensure you analyse the data thoroughly.
  • We assume you will be using Excel to perform you data analysis.
  • You can use the relevant Excel templates (CI and HT) provided in the Data file or from your tutorials. 95% confidence intervals are appropriate. When conducting hypotheses tests, set alpha to 5%.
  • Detailed algebraic responses are not expected. Thus, avoid including extensive derivations, formulae, etc. You are to use Excel where possible to complete your answers.
  • In your data analysis output you may include, as annotations, appropriate comments in either plain or technical language. These will be assumed to be your personal working comments.
  • Overall, you will generate a great deal of output for this assignment, but you should trim it down to only show the most relevant results. Superfluous output will be penalised, so ensure you only include relevant materials (graphs, tables, calculations, tests, etc.) that are essential for writing up your report.
  • Any of your computer work that is not useful should be discarded – your data analysis should only include computer output that is relevant to your report.
  • Save your computer analysis frequently (every 10 to 15 minutes).


Your completed assignment should be submitted in two separate files:

  • Business report (Part A): A Word document of no more than 3 pages that is not to contain any charts/tables/graphs. (Note: Do not submit a pdf document in lieu.). Please name your Word document T1 2021 MIS770_A2_yourstudentid.docx
  • Data Analysis (Part B): An Excel document containing separate tabs/worksheets with charts/tables/graphs for each question. Please note that all interpretations should be presented in your “Business Report” and the Excel document should only contain your intermediate analysis and final output. Please name your Excel document T1 2021 MIS770_A2_yourstudentid.xlsx

The assignment is to be submitted to the MIS770 assignment box in Deakin’s Cloud Campus before 8 pm, Thursday 21st May 2021. Please ensure that you include your name and student details in your Word document as well following the above file naming convention. Failure to follow this convention may lead to a delay in receiving feedback and marks.

Marking Rubric

 PoorNeeds ImprovementSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent
Executive summary0 points3 points5 points6 points7 points10 points
  (Marks: 10)Does not communicate any of the main findings of the analysis in an accurate or useful way, or the findings are basic.Presents some main findings of the analysis accurately and enables reader to draw a few conclusions.Presents most of the main findings of the analysis accurately and enables reader to draw some reasonable conclusions.Presents nearly all of the main findings of the analysis accurately and enables reader to draw mostly reasonable conclusions.Provides detailed and accurate descriptions of the most important features of the analysis along with appropriately qualified conclusions.Provides outstanding descriptions and reaches conclusions that are carefully considered and insightful.
 0 – 2.9 Marks3 – 4.9 Marks5 – 5.9 Marks6 – 6.9 Marks  7 – 7.9 Marks  8 – 10 Marks
Data Analysis (Marks: 40)0 points16 points20 points24 points28 points40 points
  This part relates to the various visualisations in the form of charts, tables & graphs etc.Uses irrelevant or inappropriate techniques to analyse the data, or the Data Analysis and visualisation tools were used to analyse the data but in an incomplete or inaccurate manner.Uses some appropriate data analysis and visualisation tools to analyse the data but there are many errors in the analysis.Uses appropriate data analysis and visualisation tools to analyse the data but there are several errors in the analysis.Uses appropriate data analysis and visualisation tools to analyse the data but there are some errors in the analysis.Comprehensive analysis of the data using appropriate techniques, but there are some minor errors in the analysis.   Uses data visualisations to understand the patterns in data.Skilful and comprehensive analysis of data     Uses data visualisations to produce novel insights.
   A very poor  The  The  The  The analysis is  An excellent
presentation ofpresentation ofpresentation ofpresentation ofwell organisedpresentation of
the analysis, or the analysis does not followthe analysis needs improvement.the analysis is satisfactory.the analysis is of a respectable standard.and follows principles of good graphicalthe analysis.
principles of good graphical   display. 
 0 – 15.9 Marks16 – 19.9 Marks20 – 23.9Marks24 – 27.9Marks28 – 31.9Marks32 – 40 Marks
Business Report (Marks: 40)0 points16 points20 points24 points28 points40 points
  ThispartistheDoes not communicate anyExplains some of the mainExplains most of the mainExplains nearly all of the mainProvides detailed andProvides outstanding
written response to the questions.of the main findings of the analysis in anfindings of the analysis accurately whichfindings of the analysis accurately andfindings of the analysis accurately andaccurate descriptions of the mostdescriptions and conclusions that are carefully
 accurate and/oronly enables theenables theenables theimportantconsidered and
 useful way, orreader to draw areader to drawreader to drawfeatures of theinsightful.
 the interpretationfew reasonableseveralmostlyanalysis along 
 communication of findings is at a conclusions.conclusions.appropriately qualified 
 basic level.   conclusions. 
   The written  The written  The written  The written  The written  The written
communication iscommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunication
unprofessional oris not very easyis clear and easyis clear and easyis professional,is very
difficult to followto follow and/orto follow but itto follow andeasy to followprofessional,
and containsit contains toocontains minorgenerally free ofand has a goodlogical and easy
numerous errors.many errors.errors.errors.structure.to follow.
   0 – 15.9 Marks  16 – 19.9 Marks  20– 23.9 Marks  24 – 27.9Marks  28 – 31.9Marks  32 – 40Marks
Overall Assignment Presentation (Marks: 10)0 points   No attempt has been made to follow the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines.3 points   Little attempt has been made to follow the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines.5 point   Majority of the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines have been followed.6 point   Nearly all of the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines have been followed.7 points   All of the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines have been followed.10 points   All of the assignment Requirements/ Instructions/ Guidelines have been dealt with meticulously.
Poorly presentedUnsatisfactorily presentedSatisfactorily presentedGood presentationVery good presentationFaultless assignment presentation
0 – 2.9 Marks3 – 4.9 Marks5 – 5.9 Marks6 – 6.9 Marks7 – 7.9 Marks8 – 10 Marks
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"MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis." Universal Assignment - July 27, 2024, https://universalassignment.com/mis770-foundation-skills-in-business-analysis/
Universal Assignment May 27, 2023 MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis., viewed July 27, 2024,<https://universalassignment.com/mis770-foundation-skills-in-business-analysis/>
Universal Assignment - MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis. [Internet]. [Accessed July 27, 2024]. Available from: https://universalassignment.com/mis770-foundation-skills-in-business-analysis/
"MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 27, 2024. https://universalassignment.com/mis770-foundation-skills-in-business-analysis/
"MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: https://universalassignment.com/mis770-foundation-skills-in-business-analysis/. [Accessed: July 27, 2024]

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