BIOL121: Human Biological Science 1



Canberra Campus (Signadou) SEMESTER 2 2022

BIOL121: Human Biological Science 1 UNIT OUTLINE

Credit points: 10

Prerequisites/incompatibles: Nil

Incompatible units: BIOL125 Human Biology 1, BIOL126 Human Biology 2, BIOL124 Human Body in Health and Disease 1, BIOL204 Human Body in Health and Disease 2, BIOL128 Human Body

National Lecturer in Charge & Local Lecturer in Charge: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Office location: 302.1.32

Email: xxxxxxxxx

Telephone: xxxxxxxxx

Contact me: via email (usual response within 72 hours). For general enquiries, or assistance with genuine timetable clashes, please email the Science Discipline’s Administration Officer:

Emails to staff

When you email a member of staff, please make sure that you use your ACU email account and include your full name, your ID number, and the unit code you are enquiring about. Emails received from personal email accounts cannot be responded to for privacy reasons.

While staff will endeavour to respond to your emails as soon as possible, immediate responses are not always possible. Some staff are not able to check emails every day, and staff are not required to check emails outside of normal office hours, on weekends, or public holidays. Please be patient when waiting for a response.

Unit rationale, description and aim: To function successfully as a health professional, it is essential that one has a thorough understanding of the principles of anatomy and physiology in the healthy individual. This fundamental knowledge then underpins the development of an extended understanding of anatomy and physiology in the individual’s chosen profession. This unit introduces students to the normal functioning of major body systems; microscopic, regional, and systemic anatomy and physiology; and the principles of pharmacology. The aim of this unit is to provide a firm basis for further studies of the human body in health and disease.

Teaching team:

Mr Michael Larkin (LIC)302.1.326209

Mode: This is a face-to-face program, with lecture chats and some workshops offered online.

Attendance pattern: You are expected to engage with up to three hours of pre-recorded online lectures and attend one live 2-hour workshop (either online or on-campus) each week. A 1-hour, live, online lecture chat session with your lecturer will also be available to you each week. Note that the content of workshops does not directly follow the lectures; while some material may be covered in both lectures and workshops, some may only be dealt with in one session. It is therefore essential that you take advantage of ALL the means provided – and both types of classes – to assist your learning. You may also attend PASS classes each week for revision and self-directed learning. Once allocated to a workshop at a specific day/time, you must attend the same class each week.

Please refer to the BIOL121 LEO site (in ‘Information and resources’) for information on what to do if you are unable to attend your class.

Duration: Up to three self-directed online hours (lectures) and two small group learning contact hours (workshops) plus an optional online contact hour (lecture chat) for 12 weeks. You should anticipate undertaking 150 hours of study for this unit, including class attendance, readings and assignment preparation.

Important laboratory safety information

All students are required to complete a mandatory Science Laboratory Safety Induction before attending their first workshop. You will not be able to participate in laboratory activities or access the BIOL121 study guide until this induction is complete.

You can access the online induction via:

Appropriate attire: Occupational Health and Safety requirements dictate you MUST wear the following attire to be allowed entry to the Science laboratories. You will be denied entry if you do not meet these requirements.

  1. Lab coat
  2. Solid, fully enclosed shoes that cover your entire foot
  3. Clothing must cover your abdomen and lower back, and hair longer than shoulder-length must be tied back.
  4. For certain workshops, you will not be allowed to enter the laboratory without safety glasses.

You can order a lab coat and safety glasses from the following: . You can also buy a lab coat from the campus bookshop or from the ACU Uniform Portal Lab Gear Stand during Orientation.


On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Relate the structure and function of cells and tissues to their roles within selected organs and organ systems (GA5, 8-10)
  2. Describe how the structure of selected organs and organ systems relates to their function (GA5, 8-10)
  3. Explain the contributions of selected organ systems in maintenance of homeostasis within the body and thus health (GA4, 5, 8-10)
  4. Explain the principles of pharmacology in relation to different methods of drug administration. (GA4, 5, 8-10)

You may be enrolled into the Bachelor degree for Nursing, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Paramedicine or Applied Public Health. These courses are professional programs that require development of particular attributes for accreditation purposes. These are also included in the Learning Outcomes.

NMBA standards for the registered nurse developed in this unit are:

NMBA standards for practiceLearning outcomes:
Standard 1. Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice; 1.1, 1.21, 2, 3, 4
Standard 4. Comprehensively conducts assessments; 4.21, 2, 3
Standard 5. Develops a plan for nursing practice; 5.11, 2, 3, 4
Standard 6. Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice; 6.11, 2, 3, 4

Occupational Therapy Australia Limited (OTAL) Competency Standards developed within this unit:

OTAL Competency StandardsLearning Outcomes
1. Professional Attitudes and Behaviour 1.7 Demonstrates professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate for the working environment1, 2, 3, 4


Each unit in your course contributes in some way to the development of the ACU Graduate Attributes which you should demonstrate by the time you complete your course. All Australian universities have their expected graduate attributes – ACU’s Graduate Attributes have a greater emphasis on ethical behaviour and community responsibility than those of many other universities. All of your units will enable you to develop some attributes.

On successful completion of this unit, you should have developed your ability to: GA4        think critically and reflectively

GA5    demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession

GA8    locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information

GA9    demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual media GA10 utilise information and communication and other relevant technologies effectively


Topics will include:

Body organisation

  • Anatomical/Directional terminology
  • Body regions, body cavities

Cell structure and function

  • Cell membrane
  • Selected organelles
  • Genes and genetics


  • Structure and function
  • Location


  • Principles
  • Role of body systems

Body defences

  • Introductory principles of microbiology
  • Integumentary system structure and function
  • Lymphatic system structure and function
  • Immune system structure and function

Nervous system

  • Structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Nerve physiology

Musculoskeletal system

  • Principles of movement and support
  • Basic anatomy of bones and bone metabolism
  • Basic structure and function of the three types of muscle tissue

Endocrine system

  • Structure and function
  • Overview of selected glands and their hormones
  • Hormone action

Cardiovascular system

  • Cardiac and vascular structure and function
  • Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure
  • Components of blood and haemostasis

Respiratory system

  • Structure and function
  • Ventilation, gas transport and gas exchange

Renal system

  • Structure and function
  • Renal regulation and urine formation
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance

Gastrointestinal system

  • Structure and function
  • Digestion, absorption and metabolism

Principles of pharmacology

  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Routes of administration

Reproductive system

  • Structure and function
  • Conception
  • Pregnancy
  • Maternal changes


This unit has been evaluated through the ‘Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching’ (SELT) online surveys.

In response to student feedback, we will continue to offer a mix of exam and take-home assessments to best allow all learners to demonstrate their understanding of the content. We are continuing with an early, low-stakes, online assessment (Quiz A); past students thought this was a convenient, low-stress way to gauge their initial progress in the unit. We will also continue with an oral presentation (recording submitted online) and a written assessment task (based upon a case study) as the final assessment task. Past students reported these tasks helped them develop a more in-depth and integrated understanding of the BIOL121 content. Quiz B will run as an on- campus, closed book exam to encourage students to focus their study.

Positive feedback from students means we will also continue to offer a wide variety of voluntary online resources via LEO, e.g., weekly ‘feedback quizzes’, pre-class questions, additional learning activities and videos. These extra resources were very well regarded by past students.

We will also continue to offer weekly live, online lecture chat sessions to allow students an opportunity to discuss lecture content with their LIC and consolidate their understanding. Past students have found these opportunities very beneficial to their learning, in particular the inclusion of structured questions to stimulate discussion.

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) will run alongside this unit to help consolidate and improve student learning.

Student feedback: SELT surveys are usually conducted at the end of the teaching period. Your practical and constructive feedback is valuable to improve the quality of the unit. Please ensure you complete the SELT survey for the unit. You can also provide feedback at other times to the unit lecturers, course coordinators and/or through student representatives.

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

Whether you are a top performer or could use some improvement, you will benefit from the skills and understanding gained from attending PASS. Senior students who have excelled in this subject facilitate PASS sessions. PASS is a voluntary program and is running alongside various units across the University. Many students each year find BIOL121 challenging, and PASS has a strong record of helping students to get through this unit. Students who regularly attended PASS have achieved, on average, 10 percentage points greater than non-attendees. The PASS timetable will be available on the BIOL121 LEO site. The PASS classes appear as ‘PP’ in the allocation system. You will not be able to allocate to a PASS class until the first week of semester. You will be introduced to the program and given information on how to sign up for PASS in your first lecture chat. You can access further information on the PASS program via the ‘PASS’ page of the Student Portal.


This unit uses an active learning approach to support students in their development of an increasingly complex and integrated understanding of human anatomy (structure) and physiology (function). Students are expected to engage in both lectures and small group classes each week.

Active participation and questioning of content are encouraged to assist students in their acquisition of essential knowledge to understand human structure and function. The workshop classes reinforce key concepts first introduced in lectures and offer students a more intimate opportunity to engage with the material. Peer learning strategies are routinely employed in the small group teaching environment; facilitation of group work by staff allows students to work together to construct a greater understanding of the content.

In addition to the formal face to face classes, this unit further supports student learning by providing extensive online material through LEO. This includes weekly formative feedback quizzes; relevant links to external material such as YouTube videos, additional learning activities; and formative quizzes directly related to workshop material. This format has proven very popular with many students, who appreciate the opportunity to approach and review the material in a variety of ways.


Lecture content for this unit will be pre-recorded and made available to you via LEO a minimum of one week before the scheduled delivery week (see below). Recordings of online lecture chats will become available by the end of each week.


For the most up-to-date information, please check your LEO unit and note advice from your lecturing and tutoring staff for changes to this schedule. If you are allocated to a workshop that falls on a public holiday, you will have the opportunity to attend another class in that week.

  Week  Starting  Lecture content (recordings)  Live online lecture chat (Mon 11am)  Workshop  Assessment/Notes
  1  25 JulLevels of organisationCells and tissuesHomeostasisIntroduction to the unit Meet your PASS leadersBody organisation – atoms to organisms 
  2  1 AugPrinciples of microbiologyIntegumentary systemLymphatics/immune systemWeek 1 review and consolidation questionsCell membrane, diffusion and osmosis  Oral presentation topics assigned
  3  8 AugBody defencesNervous system structure and function 1Nervous system structure and function 2Week 2 review and consolidation questions Quiz A preparationMicrobiology and body defencesQuiz A (10%); material from weeks 1 & 2. Open online via LEO 4pm Friday 12 August
  4  15 Aug  Central nervous system (CNS)Autonomic nervous system (ANS)Bones and jointsWeek 3 review and consolidation questionsNervous systemQuiz A due online via LEO 4pm Monday 15 August
  5  22 Aug  MusclesEndocrine glands/hormones 1Endocrine glands/hormones 2Week 4 review and consolidation questions Oral presentation Q&AThe musculoskeletal and endocrine systems 
  6  29 AugGenes/geneticsHeart anatomyHeart physiologyWeek 5 review and consolidation questions Oral presentation Q&AGenetics; Cardiovascular system 1  Written assessment information released Census Date: Wednesday 31st August
  7  5 SepBlood vessels/flowBP/HR regulationBlood composition and haemostasisWeek 6 review and consolidation questionsCardiovascular system 2; Maintenance of homeostasisOral presentation (25%) due 4pm Monday 5 September
  8  12 SepRespiratory system structure and functionVentilationGas exchange, transport & cellular respirationWeek 7 review and consolidation questions Quiz B Q&ARespiratory system 
  9  19 Sep  Urinary system structure and functionRenal regulation and urine formation Fluid and electrolyte balance  Week 8 review and consolidation questions Quiz B review  Urinary system and urinalysis 
   26 Sep  UA week   
  10  3 OctDigestive system 1Digestive system 2Digestive system 3Week 9 review and consolidation questionsIn class Quiz BQuiz B (30%); material from Weeks 1 to 9 inclusive. Undertaken in allocated workshop class Monday 3 October Labour Day (ACT)
  11  10 OctMetabolismPrinciples of pharmacologyReproductive system structure and function (male & female)Week 10 review and consolidation questionsDigestive system and metabolism 
  12  17 OctHormonal regulationMaternal changes, pregnancy, and birthWeek 11 review and consolidation questions Written assessment Q&AReproductive system and pharmacology 
  Study week  24 Oct Week 12 review and consolidation questions Written assessment Q&A   Quiz B papers available for collection
  Central exam period  31 Oct – 11 Nov     Written assessment (35%) due online via LEO 4pm Monday 31 October


This unit is generally taken as a first-year unit. Many students have come straight from secondary school and are adjusting to the increased freedoms and responsibilities that come with university learning. The assessment strategy is designed to assist students to reach their learning objectives in a stepwise fashion, so they are encouraged to work consistently through semester. Students are provided with early feedback so that they can seek assistance if required. No assessment task is so heavily weighted as to preclude the possibility of passing if a student fails it, and a variety of tasks are provided to suit different learning styles.

The first assessment is an online quiz; this is relatively low stakes, being of low weighting, open book, and assessing only the first 2 weeks of material. Feedback is provided quickly, allowing students to gauge their progress and to seek assistance if they wish. The second quiz builds on this, being of a higher weighting and assessing more content later in semester.

The oral assessment task allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the structure and function of a specific organ or structure in relation to normal function of the human body. The written task (based around a case study) further encourages students to integrate their knowledge of the anatomical and physiological workings of the healthy human body. Having been provided with feedback from earlier assessments, students are able to address any misunderstandings and conceptual difficulties to show that they have now met these learning outcomes.

As take-home assessment tasks, both the oral and written assessments provide an opportunity for students who tend to underperform in exam conditions to shine. In addition, more complex questions can be raised as students have several weeks to think about and read around the topics being questioned.

Formative assessment is also provided throughout the semester. This is in the form of weekly ‘feedback quizzes’; these are online quizzes that take questions from past exam papers.

Opportunities to practice short answer questions are incorporated into small group activities, so that students gain insight into staff expectations of answers to these kinds of questions

In order to pass this unit, you are required to achieve a final grade of 50% or better as an aggregate score of all points from assessment tasks completed in this unit.

The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for you to demonstrate your achievement of each learning outcome.


If your final grade is between 45 and 49%, you may be eligible for a supplementary assessment to provide you with another opportunity to pass the unit. The supplementary assessment will be in the form of an additional, new assessment task sat during the deferred exam period. This assessment task will assess minimal competence in all learning outcomes of the unit. You must score 50% or greater on this exam to pass the unit. If you pass this exam, your grade will convert from NF to PA, and your final percentage will be recorded as 50%.

For more information, see the Supplementary Assessment Guidelines and Information for Students and Staff section of the handbook. Please note that the offering of a supplementary assessment is subject to other results being finalized after the main university results are released. If you are offered a supplementary assessment but subsequently fail another unit whose mark is released prior to the completion of the supplementary assessment, then this will deem you ineligible for supplementary assessments.

Note: University policy requires students to be available throughout the periods designated for central examinations, including supplementary and deferred examinations, as published in the common academic calendar. Therefore, if you are offered a supplementary assessment, it is our expectation that you are available at this time; vacations or failure to check your ACU email account is not considered acceptable reasons for special consideration.


Three assessment tasks are to be submitted online via LEO. These assessment items will be marked (and your feedback returned) online. One assessment task will be submitted via Turnitin. Turnitin is a text-matching tool designed to help in identifying plagiarism. Further information regarding Turnitin is included on page 15 of this unit outline.

  Assessment tasks  Due date  Weighting (%)Learning outcome/s assessedGraduate Attributes assessed
1. Quizzes    
Quiz A: Online open book quiz requiring students to display their understanding of key fundamental conceptsWeek 4; due 4pm Monday 15 August10%1–3GA 4, 5 & 8
  Quiz B: Provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their integrated knowledge of the anatomical and physiological workings of the healthy human body.  Week 10; undertaken in allocated workshop  30%  1–3  GA 4, 5 & 8
2. Oral presentation Allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the structure and function of a specific organ or structure in relation to normal function of the human body.Week 7; due 4pm Monday 5 September25%1–3GA 4, 5 & 8-10
3. Written assessment Case study requiring students to demonstrate their integrated knowledge of the anatomical and physiological workings of the healthy human bodyExam week 1; due 4pm Monday 31 October35%1–4GA 4, 5, 8 & 9


If you cannot complete an assessment due to difficult circumstances, you may be eligible for an Extension or Special Consideration.

If you are seeking an extension prior to the due date and time, a completed Application for Extension form with appropriate supporting documentary evidence (e.g., medical certificate) must be uploaded to the drop box on LEO. This drop box, and accompanying instructions, can be found in the ‘Assessment’ section on LEO.

If you are applying for an extension after the assessment due date and time, a completed Application for Special Consideration (SC) form (all pages) and appropriate supporting documentary evidence (e.g., completion of section D – Professional Authority) must be submitted to within five working days of the assessment due date and time.

You can find further information and the relevant forms via the Student Portal. Please note that ACU does not consider placement commitments acceptable grounds for Special Consideration or Extension.


Late submissions without an approved Special Consideration or Extension will attract a late penalty. Five percent of the total available score for that assessment task will be deducted for each day late, up to a maximum of 15%. This means that, if the assessment is marked out of 50, a 5% deduction would equate to 2.5 marks. If you submit more than 72 hours after the due date and time, you will receive zero marks for that assessment task.


Part A: Quiz A

Quiz A is an OPEN book, online quiz accessed via LEO. It will assess content from Weeks 1–2 inclusive. A practice quiz will be available from Week 1 of semester; this will allow you to see how the online quiz works, what you can expect to view, and how to navigate a LEO quiz.

Due date:                                          Week 4 of semester; the quiz will open in LEO at 4pm Friday 12 August and close at 4pm Monday 15 August. Once you commence the quiz, you must finish within25 minutes. Detailed instructions will be provided on LEO.

Weighting:                                       10%

Length and/or format:                    25 minutes; 20 multiple-choice questions

Purpose:                                          This early assessment will provide rapid feedback on your initial progress in this unit and motivation to study consistently throughout the semester. It assesses your achievement of learning objectives and graduate attributes as indicated in the overview table.

Learning outcomes assessed:    1, 2, 3

How to submit:                                Accessed and submitted online through LEO

Return of assignment:                  Marks to be released, and quiz re-opened to students, within 3

weeks of the assessment due date. Feedback will be available via the re-opened quiz.

Assessment criteria:                      The number of marks each question is worth will be clearly


Part B: Quiz B

Quiz B is CLOSED book and will assess content from Weeks 1–9 inclusive.

Due date:                                          Allocated workshop class in Week 10 of semester

Weighting:                                       30%

Length and/or format:                    75 minutes; marked out of 60. Questions comprise a mixture of

multiple-choice and short-answer styles.

Purpose:                                          This quiz assesses your achievement of learning objectives and graduate attributes as indicated in the overview table.

Learning outcomes assessed:    1, 2, 3

How to submit:                                Undertaken in allocated workshop class. If you are allocated to

an online workshop, you must sit your quiz on campus at your usual workshop time in the room assigned on your ACU timetable.

Return of assignment:                  Marks to be released, and quiz returned to students, within 3

weeks of the assessment due date.

Assessment criteria:                      The number of marks each question is worth will be clearly


ASSIGNMENT 2: Oral presentation

You will be assigned an organ or structure associated with content covered in Weeks 1–5 of semester by the end of Week 2. Your task is to make a 5-minute video presentation (with audio, written text, and pictures/diagrams) answering the question “Can I live without a [insert your topic here]?” Further information about the video presentation, including specific questions you must address, instructions for submission and the marking guide, will be provided on LEO.

Due date:                                          Week 7 of semester; by 4pm Monday 5 September

Weighting:                                       25%

Length and/or format:                    Five-minute long, recorded oral presentation. Presentations

exceeding 5 minutes and 30 seconds in length will not be listened to past this point, nor will marks be awarded past 5:30 minutes. Your accompanying script must also be uploaded to a separate Turnitin drop box.

Purpose:                                          The oral presentation will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the structure and function of a specific organ or structure in relation to normal function of the human body.

Learning outcomes assessed:    1, 2, 3

How to submit:                                Online via LEO. There are four steps: (1) create your video, (2)

upload your video to your Echo360 library, (3) submit your Echo360 video to the LEO assignment drop box and (4) upload

your script to the Turnitin drop box. More detailed instructions are provided on LEO. It is vital you check your submission. If your marker contacts you because your submission cannot be viewed, you will have 24 hours to resubmit correctly, and a 50% penalty will be applied. If you do not correctly submit to the LEO assignment drop box, your work cannot be viewed by your marker, and you will receive a mark of zero.

Return of assignment:                  Marks and feedback will be available via LEO within three weeks

of submission.

Assessment criteria:                       An exemplar and marking guide will be available on LEO. The

marking guide is also available in Appendix 1.

ASSIGNMENT 3: Written assessment

You will be presented with a case study and some pre-set data. Using this information and the prompting questions provided, you are to submit an essay to demonstrate your understanding and critical thinking skills associated with material delivered in Weeks 1–12 inclusive. The case study and questions, along with further instructional information, will be made available on LEO by the end of Week 6 of semester.

Due date:                                          Exam week 1; by 4pm Monday 31 October

Weighting:                                       35%

Length and/or format:                    1200+10%-word essay. Word count means all words in your

essay (including in-text citations). Word count does not include title page, reference list, tables, figures and images and their associated headings. Appendices are not to be used in this assessment task.

Purpose:                                          The case study essay allows you to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the anatomical and physiological workings of the healthy human body.

Learning outcomes assessed:    1, 2, 3, 4

How to submit:                                Turnitin via LEO (online). It is vital you check you have submitted the correct file prior to the assessment due date and time.

Return of assignment:                  Feedback will be available via LEO within three weeks of


Assessment criteria:                      An exemplar and marking guide will be available on LEO. The

marking guide is also available in Appendix 2.


This unit requires you to use the APA referencing system.

See the ‘Referencing’ page of the Student Portal for more details.


It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with ACU policies and regulations, including regulations on examinations; review and appeals; acceptable use of IT facilities; and conduct and responsibilities. These are in the ACU Handbook, available from the website.

A list of these and other important policies can be found at the University policies page of the Student Portal.

Assessment policy and procedures

You must read the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures in the University Handbook: they include rules on deadlines; penalties for late submission; extensions; and special consideration. If you have any queries on Assessment Policy, please see your Lecturer in Charge.

Please note that:

  1. any numerical marks returned to students are provisional and subject to moderation
  2. students will not be given access to overall aggregated marks for a unit, or overall unit grade calculated by Gradebook in LEO
  3. students will be given a final mark and grade for their units after moderation is concluded and official grades are released after the end of semester.

Academic integrity

You have the responsibility to submit only work which is your own, or which properly acknowledges the thoughts, ideas, findings and/or work of others. The Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy and the Student Academic Misconduct Procedures are available from the website. Please read them, and note in particular that cheating, plagiarism, collusion, recycling of assignments, contract cheating, offering or accepting bribes and fabrication are not acceptable. Penalties for academic misconduct vary in severity and can include being excluded from the course.


The Turnitin application (a text-matching tool) will be used in this unit, in order to enable:

  • students to improve their academic writing by identifying possible areas of poor citation and referencing in their written work; and
    • teaching staff to identify areas of possible plagiarism in students’ written work.

While Turnitin can help in identifying problems with plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism is more important. Information on avoiding plagiarism is available from the Academic Skills Unit.

For any assignment that has been created to allow submission through Turnitin (check the Assignment submission details for each assessment task), you should submit your draft well in advance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you have time to work on any issues identified by Turnitin. On the assignment due date, lecturers will have access to your final submission and the Turnitin Originality Report.

Please note that electronic marking, Grademark, is used in this unit using Turnitin. Turnitin will be used as a means of submitting, marking and returning assessment tasks and so a text matching percentage will appear on your submission automatically.


Every campus provides information and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students. Indigenous Knowings are embedded in curricula for the benefit of all students at ACU.


If you are experiencing difficulties with learning, life issues or pastoral/spiritual concerns, or have a disability/medical condition which may impact on your studies, you are advised to notify your Lecturer in Charge, Course Coordinator and/or one of the services listed below as soon as possible.

For all aspects of support please visit the Services, Support and Resources section of the Student Portal.

  • Academic Skills offers a variety of services, including workshops (on topics such as assignment writing, time management, reading strategies, referencing), drop-in sessions, group appointments and individual consultations. It has a 24-hour online booking system for individual or group consultations.
    • Campus Ministry offers pastoral care, spiritual leadership and opportunities for you to be involved with community projects.
    • The Career Development Service can assist you with finding employment, preparing a resume and employment application and preparing for interviews.
    • The Counselling Service is a free, voluntary, confidential and non-judgmental service open to all students and staffed by qualified social workers or registered psychologists.
    • Disability Support can assist you if you need educational adjustments because of a disability or chronic medical condition; please contact them as early as possible.


The LEO page for this unit contains further readings/discussion forums.

You should note that it is your responsibility to monitor LEO activity to monitor if any messages have been posted for you, including particularly messages that might not have been forwarded to you via email, and especially to check for feedback after submission of assessment tasks.

In addition, for this unit you will be required to use the following technologies: voice recording devices, such as microphones on computers or phones and to access Echo360. If you do not have access to devices with recording capabilities, please notify your LIC immediately to discuss alternatives.


Required text(s)

Tortora, G.T., Derrickson, B.H., Burkett, B., Peoples, G., Dye, D., Cooke, J., Diversi, T., McKean, M., Summers, S., Di Pietro, F., Engel, A., Macartney, M., & Green, H. (2021). Principles of anatomy and physiology (3rd Asia-Pacific ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld, Australia

If you purchase a hardcopy of this textbook, you will also receive an access code which enables you to view an interactive electronic copy of the textbook via

You can purchase an electronic version of the text via

You can access free electronic versions of this text via the ACU Library.

Recommended references

Bryant, B., & Knights, K. (2019). Pharmacology for health professionals (5th ed). Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier Australia.

Bullock, S., & Manias, E. (2017). Fundamentals of pharmacology (8th ed). French’s Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia.

Hall, J.E. (2016). Guyton and Hall Textbook of medical physiology (13th ed). Philadelphia PA: Elsevier.

Lee, G., & Bishop, P. (2015). Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.).

Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson.

Marieb, E. (2017). Essentials of human anatomy and physiology (12th ed). San Francisco, CA: Pearson.

Martini, F.H., Nath, J.L. & Bartholomew, E.F. (2018). Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology (11th ed.). San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings.

Saladin, K.S. (2015). Anatomy & physiology: The unity of form and function (7th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

Sherwood, L. (2015). Human physiology from cells to systems (9th ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Cengage Learning.

APPENDIX 1: Oral presentation marking guide

CriteriaHigh Distinction expectationsTotal marks available
Normal anatomy and physiologyClear and comprehensive description of assigned organ/structure’s location, structure, and function.7
Can I live without a [insert your topic here]?Clear and comprehensive explanation of consequence when ‘without’. Explanation is clearly related to normal function.3
Relevance to your future professionExplanation is clearly related to normal function and discusses at least one specific circumstance in which the organ/structure may be encountered in YOUR future profession.5
Clarity of materialMaterial presented and explained in an engaging and clear manner; there is a logical order to the presentation, making it easy for the audience to follow and understand. Minimal to no errors in grammar and/or spelling. Correct use of scientific terminology.5
Referencing and script uploadBibliography is fully annotated and includes a minimum of 5 sources (not including images). In-text and bibliographic referencing is present, appropriate, and correctly formatted using APA 7th edition conventions. Sources are reputable, current (as appropriate) and relevant to the topic. Script is uploaded to Turnitin drop box by the specified due date and time.5

APPENDIX 2: Written assessment marking guide

CriteriaHigh Distinction expectationsTotal marks available
Content answering topic 1–4 questionsThe responses provide accurate, clear, and appropriately detailed answers to the questions in which the focus is upon normal anatomy and physiology. The response is supported by appropriate evidence and/or case study data and is related to the individual within the case study.30
Written communicationCompleted and signed declaration of originality included. Answers to questions are presented in an essay style, incorporating relevant evidence from the case study. The writing is clear and succinct and uses language appropriate to a tertiary level audience. Minimal errors in grammar, syntax and spelling are present; if such errors are present, they do not compromise meaning. Accurate and concise scientific language and terminology is used throughout. The essay is consistently structured in a clear and logical manner that is easy to read.5
Mark deductions  
APA referencing and formatting conventionsDocument is formatted according to APA 7 guidelines. In-text citations are present and appropriate. Reference list includes complete and accurate information for all sources used. All formatting as per APA 7th edition conventions. All sources are reputable and current (as appropriate). Minimum of five sources cited. No direct quotes are used.   Deductions, up to a maximum of 5 marks, will be applied if these expectations are not met.5-mark maximum deduction
Word countWord count is 1200 words ± 10% (including in-text citations). Word count does not include title page and reference list. Appendices and footnotes are not to be used in this assessment task.   Markers will not allocate marks beyond 1320 words. No marks will be deducted if below the word limit. 
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"BIOL121: Human Biological Science 1." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 27, 2024.
"BIOL121: Human Biological Science 1." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 27, 2024]

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