BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals

Coordinate the learning and development

Learner’s assessment kit



Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals

Copyright acknowledgement

The questions and practical activities within this marking guide and the learner’s kit are copyright. They are reproduced here under licence from Compliant Learning Resources.


Section 1 – Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Instructions to the assessor……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Performance Evidence………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Knowledge Evidence……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Assessment Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Foundation Skills…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

The assessment process………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

During the Assessment……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

After the Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Recording the assessment outcomes……………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Advice on applying reasonable adjustments…………………………………………………………………………… 8

Appeals………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Why so many signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Resources Required for Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Accessing Intranet Pages……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Section 2 – Pre-assessment Checklist…………………………………………………………….. 12

Candidate’s declaration…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Section 3 – Knowledge evidence……………………………………………………………………. 14

Assessment Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Presenting the questions and model responses…………………………………………………………………….. 14

The questions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Section 3 – Knowledge evidence – outcome…………………………………………………… 24

Section 4 – Performance evidence………………………………………………………………… 25

Learner’s instructions……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Instructions relating to setting up the role play / simulation………………………………………………….. 28

Before the observation,…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

During the observation,…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

After the observation,…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

Actor Briefing Checklist…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29

Bounce Fitness – additional background information……………………………………………………………. 31

Personnel / stakeholder profiles……………………………………………………………………………………… 32

Task 1: Learning evaluation report…………………………………………………………………………………… 37

Briefing notes – Individual……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Briefing notes – Team member……………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Task 2 Training needs analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………. 40

Task 3 Develop learning plan…………………………………………………………………………………………… 41

Briefing notes – Learning Specialists………………………………………………………………………………… 43

Task 4 Implement learning plan………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

Task 5: Monitor Team and Individual Learning Performance…………………………………………….. 46

Task 6 Consultation / feedback………………………………………………………………………………………… 48

Briefing notes – Learning Specialists………………………………………………………………………………… 48

Section 4 – Performance evidence outcome…………………………………………………… 52

Section 5 – Competency summary record sheet……………………………………………… 53

Section 6 – Feedback from the learner…………………………………………………………… 55

Section 1 – Introduction

This is the assessment kit for the unit of competency BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development off teams and individuals.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals. Particular emphasis is on the coordination of strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning performance.

The unit applies to individuals who have a role in coordinating the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together. At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures, which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

The guide provides the assessor with the instructions, benchmarks, performance indicators and structure to enable any assessor to reach the same conclusions in determining competency.

The structure of this guide is along 6 different sections Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Ensures clarity of purpose and promotes fairness with the assessment activities Section 3: Addresses the explicit knowledge requirements

Section 4: Provides instructions for the gathering of the performance evidence Section 5: Competency outcome record

Section 6: Mapping

The purpose of this assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified by the training package or a vocational education. The assessment process collects evidence and makes judgements on whether competency has been achieved.

The assessment process is the final stage in confirming a candidate has the skills and knowledge to perform an identified task.

Instructions to the assessor

The following is the performance evidence and knowledge evidence needed to confirm competency in this unit

Performance Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

coordinate learning and development for at least one team and for at least one individual. In the course of the above, the candidate must:

liaise with training and development specialists

recognise workplace achievement by giving feedback, recognition and rewards monitor and recommend improvements for workplace learning

record and report workplace learning outcomes.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:

  • how management of relationships can achieve a learning environment
  • principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:
  • adult learning
  • coaching and mentoring
  • consultation and communication
  • improvement strategies
  • leadership
  • learning environment and learning culture
  • monitoring and reviewing workplace learning
  • problem identification and resolution
  • record keeping and management methods
  • structured learning
  • work-based learning.

Assessment Conditions

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

This includes access to:

  • relevant organisational policies and procedures
  • workplace equipment and resources relevant to performance evidence.

Foundation Skills

This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance but not explicit in the performance criteria.


  • Interprets textual information obtained from a range of sources and determines how content may be applied to individuals and to organisational requirements


  • Uses information from a range of sources to develop and document plans, strategies and feedback according to organisational requirements
  • Maintains records using correct technical and organisational vocabulary Oral Communication
  • Present information and opinions using language and features appropriate to the audience and context
  • Uses questioning and listening techniques to identify learning needs and obtain feedback Initiative and enterprise
  • Recognises and responds to both explicit and implicit organisational procedures and protocols and legislative and regulatory requirements
  • Understands how own role meshes with others and contributes to broader goals Teamwork
  • Selects the appropriate form, channel and mode of communication for a specific purpose relevant to own role
  • Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group interaction, influencing direction and taking a leadership role on occasion
  • Recognises the importance of building rapport to establish effective working relationships
  • Applies a range of communication strategies to encourage others to share their knowledge and skills and reflect on the effectiveness of the interaction

Problem solving

  • Uses logical processes to plan, implement and monitor learning in the workplace
  • Systematically gathers and analyses relevant information and evaluates options to make informed decisions


Uses digital tools to organise, store, integrate and share relevant information

The assessment process.

Before the assessment your assessor must: –

Ensure you understand the content of your assessment kit prior to the commencement of the assessment.

If there is a simulation or role play that uses actors, provide you the background details observation checklist, so you are familiar with the conduct of the role play.

Ensure that you know you can insert your responses to the questions into the space provided in the knowledge section, noting the space does not indicate the length of your response.

Identify any learning needs associated with this assessment. This should be completed ideally before starting the assessment. For example, if you have LLN issues, or you may not have access to technology to complete and submit your assignment. If you have issues, then then discuss with the assessor so they can work out options for you. Where applicable, negotiate reasonable adjustment for those requiring assistance. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context. However, you must remember not to compromise the integrity of the competency.

They must ensure you have a full understanding of the assessment process. This includes clarifying the following information:

  • the purpose of the assessment
  • the conditions of the assessment, which includes:
    • the timeframes for each task
    • the due date for submitting their assessment
    • the location where the assessment tasks will be undertaken
    • the essential information required to carry out the assessment (e.g. templates, policy and procedures, etc.)

the mandatory requirements you must perform to be deemed satisfactory for an assessment activity includes

  • meet all the requirements outlined in the Learner’s Assessment Guide
    • responses to the questions and tasks must be accurate and relevant
    • your work must be authentic and in your own words
    • provide reference to any external source that you use
    • perform all the above points within the deadlines set the Assessor
    • Plus be aware of
      • the number of resubmits allowed
      • the appeals process.

Once you have understood all this you will be asked to sign the Pre-Assessment Checklist and declaration located immediately prior to your questions. You will not be assessed until this understanding is confirmed and signed.

During the Assessment

You are permitted to may contact your assessor for information regarding what you must do and how you have to do it. Remember that this is an assessment; therefore, your assessor cannot give you the solutions, answers or even suggestions on what to write. They are limited to clarifying what is required.

The practical tasks are a combination of written tasks and observation of work activities. There are NO role plays.

Your assessor is required to provided you effective feedback.

After the Assessment

Your assessor will decide and recommend competency or not yet competent. This is to be confirmed by the RTO following quality checks of the completed assessments.

Comments should be positive and focus on any gaps and strategies for further development.

We will ask you for feedback on your experience with this particular assessment. This is voluntary but useful for us, as it provides further information for continuous improvement.

Once all assessment events are completed, the relevant sections of the assessment sign off sheets and student feedback are forwarded with the completed assessments to the Administration.

For those students deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC), the assessor will retain the submitted assessments while the student is being reassessed. Once deemed competent, all assessments, including ones where the student did not demonstrate competency, are to be forwarded to the Administration for filing and the generation of the relevant statements of attainment.

For those students who do not wish to undergo reassessment, their NYC assessments are to be forwarded to the Administration for filing.

If you decide to appeal the outcome, please instigate the appeals process in accordance with the policies and procedures manual. All the assessment activities must be successfully completed.

Learners have two (2) opportunities to complete the assessment tasks successfully

Recording the assessment outcomes

Assessors are to record their observations, feedback and determinations in using the forms provided

in the assessor’s checklists (booklet).

Whenever the following panel appears in the assessor’s workbook or in the learner’s kit, that page must be completed and thenremoved by to be returned to the RTO where it is kept with the student’s records.

Note, any issues or misunderstanding about the intent of any question or task described in this document, needs to be referred to the Principal as part of the continuous improvement and moderation practices adopted by the RTO again using the space provided in the learner’s Marking guide.

Retention of Completed Assessments

As per ASQA and your RTO’s requirements, all completed assessments are to be retained for at least six months from the completion of the assessment. After this six-months, these records will be destroyed. You are advised to retain your own copy for future reference.

Advice on applying reasonable adjustments

In assessing the competence of individuals, assessors must provide for reasonable adjustments to ensure the assessment principles of fairness and flexibility are addressed.

For example, they may respond to situations that reflect their life experiences and or cultural background and the assessor should make adjustments for this.

However, assessors must be confident that reasonable adjustments do not compromise the outcomes of the unit and the integrity of the qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued as certification of achievement.

Where a learner requires reasonable adjustments, assessors must decide what types of adjustments are needed and then make a judgment about whether these are ‘reasonable’ given the unit content requirements and specifications. The test of reasonableness is subjective but must be guided by the principles of assessment and the balance between them, as well as the rules of evidence.

Reasonable adjustments may take the form of additional support during the assessment process, for example, in the provision of particular equipment or software, or changes to the physical environment, or provision of support persons for physical disability or additional time.

An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in this Training Package.

The use of interpreters would not be a reasonable adjustment for assessment of units in this Training Package as English language is essential.

Similarly, a focus on oral responses in place of documentary evidence would not be reasonable if the unit clearly requires evidence of literacy skills to write, document and record material. Given the focus on cognitive skills in these cases that relate to planning, research, analysis, thinking techniques and evaluation, achieving the competency outcomes may be difficult for people with some learning disabilities or intellectual disabilities.

Where reasonable adjustments have been applied, assessors should ensure the type of adjustments is recorded to guide any further assessments of the learner and for validation purposes. This can include provisions for the person’s culture, mores, and life experiences.


The learner has the right to appeal any of the assessment outcomes and if they wish to do so should refer to their student handbook to determine how to lodge an appeal. Learners and assessors should refer to the appeals policy, noting the following is a summary of the actions and responsibilities.

In the first instance an informal approach is to be made to the assessor with any new evidence or to clarify existing evidence. Where the participant is still dissatisfied with the decision then a formal request can be made to the RTO Manager who will refer the assessment to a facilitator who was not involved in the original decision, to review the decision.

If the participant is still dissatisfied with the decision, then a written notice of appeal may be lodged with the RTO requesting an independent review by an external appeal consultant.

Appeals should be lodged within 7 days of the assessment and usually responded to within 21 days however where the RTO considers more than 60 days are required to respond it will inform the appellant, explaining the delay and ensure it regularly updates the appellant on the progress of the appeal. Learner’s will not be able to re-sit a third and subsequent assessment for this unit without prior written approval from the RTO Manager.

Why so many signature

BCH is required to comply with Australian Standards for the delivery of training and assessment services. Part of these standards is to demonstrate it has always treated you fairly and that includes when you undertake an assessment.

In many cases the assessor is required to provide you feedback as you progress through your assessment and BCH is required to provide evidence to confirm your assessor has informed you of the outcome of your assessment and make suggestions for improvement or record the steps you can take to continue your learning and or assessment.

With that in mind we ask that you co-operate with us by signing any reports or statements that confirm your assessment. You do not need to sign if you feel uncomfortable in doing so. Let us know if you have any concerns with signing anything.

As always you have the right to appeal any outcome and we ask you to do so in writing according to our procedures You have the right to appeal any outcome and we ask you do so in writing according to our procedures.

Resources Required for Assessment

To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:

  • Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browser
  • Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader, any presentation creating software
  • A workplace, or a simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
    • Relevant information, including:
      • Defined organisation requirements to be satisfied by learning.
      • Organisational parameters for learning opportunities, such as budget, resources, deadlines, required timelines from acquisition of resources until implementation.
    • Workplace documentation, including:
      • Existing learning plans for your organisation or documents that detail learning objectives, target audience, timelines and medium of instruction.
      • Organisation strategy for learning or documents can share information about corporate vision and new employee onboarding guide.
      • Relevant organisational policies and procedures which encourage teams and individuals to access learning opportunities like employee skill development policy and employee performance management policy.
      • Documents outlining relevant standard operating procedures.
      • Organisational policies and procedures containing information about arranging learning opportunities which include organisational parameters for learning opportunities, such as budget, resources, deadlines, required timelines from acquisition of resources until implementation.
      • Documents/sources that contain information on the actual performance of each member of the team.
      • Performance standards relevant to each team member.
    • Workplace templates, including or similar to the following:
      • Learning Evaluation Report
      • Training Needs Analysis
      • Learning Plan
      • Learning Execution Report
    • People, including:
      • At least at least one team and one individual from the selected team to complete the whole assessment with.

Team refer to groups of people with at least four members. This can include teams that you are directly over-seeing, other teams within your organisation, external teams (clients)

  • This team and individual can be consulted to identify existing learning requirements during Workplace Project Task 1.
  • The same team and individual employee(s) can be analysed using Training Needs Analysis in Workplace Project Task 2.Workplace Project Task 3 will involve creating a learning plan for the same identified team and at least one individual employee from that team.
    • At least at least one stakeholder representing learning and development specialists to consult with in Workplace Task 3 and Workplace Task 6.

Learning and development specialists can be trainers, learning and development experts, industry associations, regulators.

  • Opportunity to:
    • Identify learning requirements for selected team and individuals.
    • Identify potential learning opportunities which can help enhance learning experience for selected team and individuals.
    • Develop a learning plan for selected team and one learning plan for at least one individual team member to meet their learning requirements.
    • Validate learning plan to check for feasibility.
    • Implement the created learning plan, record and monitor learning performance and gather learning feedback.
    • Collect and analyse learning feedback to recommend learning adjustments for future learning plans and suggest improvements to enhance team and individual’s learning experience.

Accessing Intranet Pages

Some assessment tasks may require you to access specific pages from the simulated business, Bounce Fitness. Links to these pages are formatted in Blue Text.

To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users while clicking on these links. For Mac users, directly click the link.

The simulated business, Bounce Fitness, can be accessed by going to

Login to Bounce Fitness using the username and password provided by your Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

To access the forms and templates such as the observation checklists, learning plans etc use

BSBHRM523 Forms and Templates

The Simulated Business, accessed through the Precision Group website, means Learners log on and move through the user-friendly environment to access documents they require in completing their assessment.

Username: lcclearner Password: lcc@123

Section 2 – Pre-assessment Checklist

Candidate’s name: 
Units of competency:BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals
Discussed the purpose of the assessment. 
Discussed the assessment environment and the process covering when the assessment will occur, where the assessment will occur, who will assess the candidate, and the feedback process. 
Explained the unit of competency including each element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that the candidate will be assessed on. 
Discussed the various methods of assessment, assessment instruments, submission requirements and the due date for this unit of competency 
Discussed the resources provided by the RTO for the candidate; to undertake this assessment. 
Discussed the performance level required for each assessment task. 
Ensured the candidate understands they review the risks associated with case study materials provided. 
Discussed the assessment conditions essential for the candidate to carry out each assessment task. 
Ensured that the candidate acknowledged they have read and understood the Student Assessment Handbook involving following concepts:authenticity of candidate’s workre-submission, re-assessment policy/proceduresappeals processregulatory informationconfidentiality procedures 
Discussed any special needs of the candidate and made the necessary arrangements. 
Summarised information and allowed candidate to ask questions. 

1 To be conducted in conjunction with the assessment requirements published by the regulator at

Text Box: RTO TO RETAIN THIS PAGECandidate’s declaration

I,                                                                                                 , acknowledge receipt of my assessment kit for the unit of competency BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals, which I understand contains all the assessment activities I will need to complete this unit of competency.

I understand that my assessor will use myassessment kit to ‘mark’ and record the outcomes of my assessment and will extract documents from this kit which are to be kept with my records.

I understand I should always read the assessment activities and the supporting instructions in full before undertaking any of the tasks required therein and if I have any issues with theassessment activity I can discuss it with my trainer and or assessor providing I give reasonable notice.

I am aware that my assessor has been told that should they observe or if I raise issues or express any misunderstanding about the intent of any question or task described in this document, then that will be referred to the RTO Manager as part of the continuous improvement and moderation practices adopted by the RTO. I also acknowledge the RTO will provide reasonable adjustments to facilitate the assessment process without compromising the integrity of the unit. These adjustments may include equipment or software, or changes to the physical environment, or provision of support persons for physical disability or additional time. It does not include the use of interpreters

Recognizing there may-be times when my answer may be expressed differently (reflecting for example my life experiences, culture, literacy and language proficiency, I understand that my assessor is instructedto consider my response and if it is deemed correct my response will be subsequently included inthe guide adding to the overall consistency in theprocess.

I acknowledge I have two (2) opportunities to complete each assessment task without penalty.

If I do not succeed on the second (2nd) attempt I will not be able to undertake any subsequent assessment for this unit without the prior written consent of thePrinciple.

Text Box: If I am not satisfied with the assessment outcome I acknowledge I can appeal the result providing I follow the procedures outlined in my handbook.

I acknowledge that if I feel I am not ready to be assessed or believe this assessment is unfair I will contact my assessor to discuss options.

  • Please tick this box if you understand the assessment instructions outlined above
  • Please tick this box to consent to being assessed.
  • Please tick this box to acknowledge that all work submitted by you will be your own work.
  • Please tick this box to acknowledge that you can appeal the result of the outcome and the process for making an appeal is detailed in your handbook,

Signature:                                                                                                          Date:                                  

Section 3 – Knowledge evidence

Assessment Conditions

In this assessment event candidates could answer these short answer questions in either of two ways:

  1. as a supervised test (they will complete their answers in front of you at a designated time and place)
  2. as a takeaway assignment (they will complete their answers in their own time and submit at a designated time)

In a supervised test the assessment is an open book (they are allowed to use their resources to answer the questions)

In a takeaway assignment, though they have the freedom to complete self-paced, you may put restrictions on the use of resources such as:

  • it must be their work
  • it must be in their own words
  • they must indicate the source of any resource material.

In this Assessor Guide and in the Candidate Assessment kit we have chosen a take-away approach where the candidates can use resources, but they must indicate this and not plagiarise.

Presenting the questions and model responses.

Each question is identified by the following

Question 1 – (KE 2)                                                                                                                                                                     1st q 2nd q

The actual question appears immediately underneath in bold italic text

Instructions to the candidate

You are to answer each question.

You write your response using a separate piece of paper, but you must, you must include the exact wording of the question. All writing must be legible and properly formatted. If handwriting, PRINT your response in either black or blue pen ONLY.

You will only have two (2) attempts for each question.

After each question, you will see letters and number e.g. (PC 1.1; KE 2.1; PE 3.1). These refer to the performance criteria, knowledge evidence, and performance evidence for the unit.

. Please note the space provided does not indicate the length of your answer.

Text Box: RTO TO RETAIN THIS PAGEThe questions

Question 1.        KE 2.1                             1st 2nd

Complete the table below about how to leverage adult learning in the management and organisation of workplace learning

Management of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of adult learning that can be applied to facilitate the management of workplace learning.Identify at least one corresponding technique for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate management of workplace learning.
Principles of adult learningTechniques of adult learning
Organisation of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of adult learning that can be applied to facilitate the organisation of workplace learning.Identify at least one corresponding technique for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of adult learningTechniques of adult learning

Question 2.        KE 2.1                             1st 2nd

List the principles and techniques of leadership that can be used while managing or organising workplace learning.

A. List at least two principles of leadership that will be helpful to manage or organise workplace learning.
B. List at least two techniques of applying leadership that will be helpful to manage workplace learning.
C. List at least two techniques of applying leadership that will be helpful to organise workplace learning.

Question 3.        KE 2.2                                                                                                            1st 2nd

Answer the questions below on principles and techniques of coaching and mentoring which can be leveraged during management and organisation of workplace learning.

a. Identify at least two principles of coaching which can be applied in the organisation or management of workplace learning
b. Identify at least two techniques of coaching which can be applied in the organisation or management of workplace learning
c.    Identify at least two principles of mentoring which can be applied in the management of workplace learning
d. Identify at least two techniques of mentoring which can be applied in the organisation of workplace learning

Question 4.        KE 2.3                             1st 2nd

Complete the table below to cover principles and techniques that can be used in the process of consultation and communication during management and organisation of workplace learning.

Consultation during Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of consultation that can be applied to facilitate the management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify at least one corresponding technique of consultation for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate management or organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of ConsultationTechniques of Consultation
Communication during Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of communication that can be applied to facilitate the management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify at least one corresponding technique of communication for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate management or organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of CommunicationTechniques of Communication

Question 5.        KE 2.4                                                                                                            1st 2nd

List the principles and techniques for improvement strategies that can be used while managing or organising workplace learning.

List at least two principles of improvement strategies that can be leveraged either while managing or organising workplace learning.
List at least two techniques of improvement strategies that can be leveraged during management of workplace learning.
List at least two techniques of improvement strategies that can be leveraged during organisation of workplace learning.

Question 6.        KE 2.6                             1st 2nd

Complete the table below by identifying principles and techniques to create a culture of learning and development while managing and organising workplace learning.

Management of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of adult learning that can be applied to facilitate the management of workplace learning.Identify at least one corresponding technique for each identified principle that can be used
  Principles of learning environment and cultureTechniques of learning environment and culture
Organisation of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of learning environment and culture that can be applied to facilitate the organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate organisation of workplace learning
  Principles of learning environment and cultureTechniques of learning environment and culture

Text Box: RTO TO RETAIN THIS PAGEQuestion 7.        KE 2.7                             1st 2nd

Complete the table below on about principles and techniques of monitoring and reviewing which can be leveraged during management and organisation of workplace learning.

Monitoring Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of monitoring that can be applied to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of monitoringTechniques of monitoring
Reviewing Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of reviewing that can be applied to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning
Principles of reviewingTechniques of reviewing

Question 8.        KE 2.8                             1st 2nd

List the principles and techniques of problem identification and resolution that can be used while managing or organising workplace learning.

Problem IdentificationIdentify at least two principles of problem identification that can be applied to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of problem identificationTechniques of problem identification
ResolutionIdentify at least two principles of resolution that can be applied to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning
Principles of Problem ResolutionTechniques of Problem Resolution

Question 9.        KE 2.9                             1st 2nd

Complete the table below.

  • Identify at least two principles of record keeping and management that can be applied to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning.
    • Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate either management or organisation of workplace learning
Principles of record keeping and managementTechniques of record keeping and management

Question 10.        KE 2.10                               1st 2nd

Complete the table below to list principles and techniques of structured learning which can be leveraged during management and organisation of workplace learning.

Management of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of structured learning that can be applied to facilitate the management of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate management of workplace learning.
Principles of structured learningTechniques of structured learning
Organisation of Workplace LearningIdentify at least two principles of structured learning that can be applied to facilitate the organisation of workplace learning.Identify corresponding techniques for each identified principle that can be used to facilitate organisation of workplace learning.
Principles of structured learningTechniques of structured learning

Question 11.        KE 2.11                               1st 2nd

List the principles and techniques of work-based learning that can be used while managing or organising workplace learning.

A. List at least two principles of work-based learning that will be helpful to manage or organise workplace learning.
B. List at least two techniques of work-based learning that will be helpful to manage or organise workplace learning.

There are no more questions.

Feedback to candidate

Text Box: RTO TO RETAIN THIS PAGERecord individual outcomes here

Question numberOutcomeComments (if the outcome is NYS (i.e. why you made that determination)

Now record the final outcome on the next sheet over

Text Box: RTO TO RETAIN THIS PAGESection 3 – Knowledge evidence – outcome

Assessors Instructions: Print and complete one of these forms for each candidate. Ensure you inform the candidate of the outcome and highlight the outcome.

Candidate’s Name:Date:

I confirm the above nominated candidate has

Satisfied / Not yet satisfied

the knowledge evidence requirements for the unit of competency BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals.

I have advised the candidate of the outcome and if applicable discussed options for re-assessment or the undertaking of further training.

Assessor’s name 
Assessor’s signatureDate

Candidate to complete the following section

Do not sign this section until the assessment has been marked and you are satisfied with the result.

You also have the right to appeal the outcome. Please first discuss with your assessor.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, refer to the RTO’s appeals process to lodge a formal appeal.

Your signature below confirms you are satisfied with the outcome of your assessment

Candidate’s signatureDate

Candidate can use this space to tell us how we can improve this assessment activity



Attach this and the previous page to Section 3 – Assessment Outcome

Section 4 – Performance evidence

This is an AQF level 5 unit and graduates at this level will have sound theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for specialised and/or skilled work and/or further learning.

The response provided by the candidates should reflect broad and in-depth skills in professional, fields.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to coordinate learning and development for at least one team and for at least one individual.

In the course of the above, the candidate must:

PE 1.      liaise with training and development specialists

PE 2.      recognise workplace achievement by giving feedback, recognition and rewards PE 3.               monitor and recommend improvements for workplace learning

PE 4.      record and report workplace learning outcomes.

Learner’s instructions

This assessment activity requires you to develop a learning plan for your organisation and implement it for at least one individual and one team.

This assessment activity is divided into 6 tasks:

  • Task 1: Learning evaluation report
    • Task 2: Training needs analysis
    • Task 3: Develop learning plans
    • Task 4: Implement learning plans
    • Task 5: Monitor performance
    • Task 6: Consultation / Feedback

This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an environment with conditions similar to that of a workplace.

You are required to:

  • Complete the tasks within the time allowed.
    • Identify learning requirements for at least one team according to requirements of organisation and available learning opportunities
    • Identify learning requirements for at least one individual according to requirements of organisation and available learning opportunities
    • Identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities
    • Identify relevant procedures that encourage teams and individuals to access to learning opportunities
    • Develop a comprehensive learning plan to meet your organisation’s learning requirements
  • Incorporate a detailed communication plan into the learning plan which includes promoting benefits of learning and recognising workplace achievements
    • Record learning and development of at least one team and one individual
    • Monitor team and individual learning performance
    • Use feedback to identify improvements in future learning arrangements and adjustments to learning plan to enhance workplace learning
    • Report the learning and development of at least one team and one individual and present findings in front of select personnel

Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation as evidence of task completion.

Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing them. IMPORTANT!

  • All signatures/initials in your submissions, including yours, must be handwritten and dated. Submissions with signatures/initials must be scanned.
    • The supervisor/observer who completes and signs your evidence submissions must provide

their real name, contact number, and email address for your assessor’s reference.

Should you encounter issue or concerns regarding your assessment, contact your assessor.

Some tasks in this Practical Assessment require you to refer to legislation and regulation relevant to recruitment processes applicable to your state/territory.

The 6 tasks are copyright and reproduced with the permission of Precision Group Feb 2021

Resources Required for Assessment

Resources you need to access to complete the project assessment are outlined in the Resources Required for Assessment section of this workbook, and in the corresponding Assessor’s Checklist and/or Observation Form of each task.

Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task. They will organise the resources required for this assessment.

IMPORTANT: Additional workplace resources may be required upon the contextualisation of this assessment.

Forms and Templates

Generic forms and templates are provided in the project tasks, unless otherwise specified. These can be accessed from the following link:

BSBHRM523 Forms and Templates

If you are currently in a workplace, use similar workplace templates and forms used by your organisation to complete each assessment task.

Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor first to ensure that the forms/templates you will use cover all criteria required by each assessment task.

Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.

Assessor’s instructions

Tasks 1 to 6 of this Workplace Project Assessment are designed only for the purpose of this assessment and is not meant to add/modify any existing learning plans, policies and procedures in the learner’s specific organisation/workplace.

This workplace project assessment must be conducted in a real workplace or in a simulated workplace environment.

In most instances international student will not have access to a workplace. In this case they will be required to engage with the Bounce Fitness website which is a simulated business created for the purpose of assessments in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system.

Most of the assessments within this package are designed to be completed using the simulated business, which can be accessed through the Precision Group website. This requires a Learners log on to access documents they require in completing their assessment.

This may be accessed via the forms and templates for each unit of competency using the code Username: lcclearner

Password: lcc@123

Even if the assessment is undertaken in a simulated workplace environment, it must still provide the learner with access to all the resources required to complete this assessment, e.g., if the task requires the learner to refer to organisational plans and documents to develop new workplace policies and procedures, they must still be provided with actual/simulated organisational plans and documents to assist in new policy development.

To simulate the tasks:

Adapt/revise the instructions provided in each task so that they can be completed in a simulated environment. This includes:

Providing additional contextual information such as details of a simulated business/workplace environment.

Providing simulated workplace documents such as policies and procedures, business plans, organisational charts, key performance indicators (KPIs), job descriptions, etc.

Arranging the requirements of observation tasks such as discussing with the learner’s workplace supervisor to allow the learner to conduct meetings with people within the organisation to participate in these meetings, through role play activities.

Creating scenarios based on the simulated business/workplace environment that will allow the learner to complete the task, e.g., resolving a customer service or workplace dispute.


Any preparation required to simulate the assessments must be completed before distributing the assessment workbooks and associated assessment tools to the learners.

When simulating the assessments for the learner, the assessor must ensure the assessment tasks and benchmark performance still address the relevant unit requirements and assessment requirements in compliance with Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.8-1 Principles of assessment and Clause 1.8-2 Rules of evidence.

Instructions relating to setting up the role play / simulation

Before the observation,

you will set up this simulation so that it is fair, valid and reliable:

  • ensure that other students in the class are not present (fairness)
  • ensure that the student has read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheet provided in their Student Assessment Guide
  • ensure that the student is aware of what is expected of them with the stakeholder
  • remind the student that they are not allowed to refer to the Observation Check Sheet while undertaking the assessment activity
  • the room meets WHS requirements
  • the room is free from distractions
  • ensure that you have selected the stakeholder to role play with the student (reliability and validity):
  • these actor will be external to the class (e.g. employees of the RTO)
  • you have briefed them on their simulation role prior to the role play
  • their level of knowledge with the concepts of marketing. For more information on this refer to the section that follows on using actors.

Remember, you need to have the Observation Check Sheet in front of you prior to undertaking this simulation activity. Please go to Appendix B to have access to the Observation Check Sheet.

During the observation,

you must:

  • ensure that your role as an Assessor is observation only, in other words, you do not role play in the simulation (reliability)
  • do not give answers or suggestions on actions to be demonstrated by the student, but limit your guidance to clarification of the task
  • document the evidence and provide extensive written feedback in the Observation Check Sheet
  • ensure that the student is not using the Observation Check Sheet
  • ensure the activity is completed within the designated timeframe
  • attach the completed Observation Check Sheet into the student’s Student Assessment


After the observation,

you will:

  • provide written feedback on the Observation Check Sheet explaining your justification in detail
  • inform the learner their options if they are unsuccessful (including the right to appeal)
  • arrange another suitable time to observe the student’s second attempt (if applicable)
  • attach the completed Observation Check Sheet

Actor Briefing Checklist

The Assessor

Assessor, note that you will be using an actor to participate in this simulation. This is done to ensure that the principles of assessment are maintained, particularly the validity (the actor covers the content required) and fairness (no other student has an advantage by observing the processes of the assessment) of this assessment.

To use an actor and ensure reliability (the actor is consistent with their actions across students’ assessments) of this assessment, it is important that you provide them with sufficient information so that they can perform their duties.

The key areas that you will cover are as follows:

  • assessment processes
  • location and date of assessment
  • equipment and materials required
  • roles and actions required.

It is crucial that the actor understands these requirements before undertaking the role play so you will need to brief them through a face-to-face meeting. In this meeting, you will explain all the requirements in-depth and then request their confirmation of their understanding through the signing of the Actor Briefing Checklist below. Note that both you and the actor must sign off the checklist by the end of the meeting.

If the actor is not clear with a checklist item, then you must provide further clarification. If they are still not comfortable with undertaking the role play, then you will need to find an alternative actor and follow the same process until you obtain their signature.

The Actor

It is important that you the Actor, understand the requirements of this role play so that the assessment follows appropriate principles, particularly consistency of your actions across students. For this to happen, you need to be briefed by the Assessor through a face-to-face meeting prior to the role play. The contents of this meeting will cover the following:

  • assessment processes
  • location and date of assessment
  • equipment and materials required
  • roles and actions required.

At the end of the meeting, you will be asked by the Assessor to confirm your understanding of the role play. This will require you to complete the Actor Briefing Checklist provided in the next page.

Please carefully read each checklist item and tick the corresponding box to confirm your understanding. In case you are not clear with the role play, the Assessor will provide you with further information to ensure your understanding. If you still believe that you are not confident in taking part in the role play, then inform the Assessor.

Once you completely understand the context and the requirements of the role play, please insert your name, signature and the date at the end of the checklist for our records.

Actor Briefing Checklist
  ¨  I understand the purpose of the role play.
  ¨  I understand when and where the role play will occur.
¨I understand that the Assessor will not take an active role during the role play apart from observing the interaction during the session.
  ¨  I understand my Profile outlined in the briefing notes as an actor for the role play.
  ¨I confirm that I have read and understood the requirements of the observation and (to be completed by the assessor using the information provided for each stakeholder
¨I have been briefed on the above through a face-to-face meeting with the Assessor prior to the session.
Actor NameActor SignatureDate
Assessor NameAssessor SignatureDate

For the forms and templates to be used in the activities access the Precision Group via

BSBHRM523 Forms and Templates

Bounce Fitness – additional background information

Bunce Fitness provides job descriptions for 13 different types of personnel including Administrative assistant to executive team

  • Board member
  • Centre Manager
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Data entry typist
  • Fitness instructor
  • General Manager Finance
  • General Manager Human Resources
  • General Manger Marketing
  • Executive assistant to CEO
  • Office assistant
  • Receptionist. Other information Centre Manager

You (the Learner), are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. It is part of your responsibility to create an operational plan that the Centre will implement for the upcoming year.

You are instructed by the Head Office to focus on achieving the following objectives:

Attract more senior citizen clients to Bounce Fitness through a pilot project running for six months

Generate a 10% increase in net income through boosting gym membership sales by the end of the fiscal year

The Head Office expects the pilot project to include at least one personal training class and one group program. Due to its specialised nature, they have allocated a budget of $30,000.00 for the recruitment of two new fitness instructors throughout the pilot project. They are also providing the Centre with $5,000.00 for physical resources that must be purchased, such as new equipment for classes and advertisement tools. Another $5,000.00 is allocated for the hiring of services for the duration of the pilot project.

As they have invested a sizeable amount into the success of the project, they instruct you to provide

fortnightly assessments of the operational plan’s progress.

During the pilot project, Head Office expects the Centre to run into a number of problems. This includes common problems that a fitness centre tends to encounter, like equipment malfunctioning during use, and concerns related to the pilot project itself, such as senior citizens not understanding advertisements for the new classes. You are also instructed to prepare a contingency plan for these possibilities.

As the Centre Manager, you handle two work teams – the Human Resources Team and the Fitness Team.

The Human Resources Team is composed of the following members:

Team Leader and Compliance Officer – Leads the team and ensures working issues and concerns adhere to legislation and other requirements

Recruitment Officer – Advertises vacancies and screens potential employees

Career Development Officer – Provides training opportunities for employees looking to improve their qualifications

The Fitness Team is composed of the following members:

Team Leader and Fitness Instructor – Designs fitness classes, leads the team and handles advanced programs for clients

Fitness Instructor 1 – Handles medium-difficult personal training and group programs Fitness Instructor 2 – Conducts beginner personal training and group programs

Each fitness instructor currently handles three of nine classes that the Centre has to offer. This is to maximise their productivity and ensure that all clients receive appropriate attention.

The typical day of a Bounce Fitness Brisbane’s fitness instructor includes the following: Conducting at least one group program and two different personal training sessions Assisting new clients in completing Sign Up Sheets

Ensuring online Bounce Fitness advertisements protect the image and reputation of the brand Reporting sales information to the Finance department

Employees also follow workplace practices that assist in the smooth operation of the business. For fitness instructors, this may include undergoing performance appraisals if they receive in-house training or prioritising purchasing from businesses within the local area. Meanwhile, human resources may choose to prioritise contacting candidates for a vacancy through email instead of the phone. They may also communicate the business’ mission and vision to new employees during induction.

Personnel / stakeholder profiles Team 1 Summary of duties Career development Officer

Provides training opportunities for employees looking to improve their qualifications Recruitment Officer

Advertises vacancies and screens potential employees Team Leader and Compliance Officer

Leads the team and ensures working issues and concerns adhere to legislation and other requirements

Team 2 Summary of duties

Team Leader and Fitness Instructor

Designs fitness classes, leads the team and handles advanced programs for clients Fitness Instructor 1 –

Handles medium-difficult personal training and group programs Fitness Instructor 2 –

Conducts beginner personal training and group programs

Refer to Bounce Fitness website for the Job Descriptions for Centre Manager and Fitness Instructor

The following are additional job descriptions for the persons listed in the background notes but not included in the Precision Group website information .

Career Development Officer JD

Training & development officers organise, develop, implement and evaluate training and professional development programs in organisations. Training & development officers are also known as learning & development officers.

Work activities

  • identify training and development needs through job analysis, staff appraisals and consultation with staff and managers
  • design and deliver training programs
  • produce training materials for in-house courses, including e-learning where suitable
  • evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and report to managers
  • design and deliver effective induction training and monitor the development of trainees
  • evaluate and arrange external training for specialised programs
  • develop appraisal schemes to match company goals
  • revising programs to meet company changes or statutory requirements
  • helping line managers and trainers solve specific training problems, either on a one-to-one basis or in groups
  • making sure training is cost-effective and within budget
  • keep up to date with developments in e-learning and new methodologies. Key skills and interests
  • a strong interest in training and development
  • the ability to relate to staff at all levels
  • excellent spoken and written communication skills
  • planning and time management skills
  • presentation skills
  • initiative and creativity
  • a commitment to developing your own skills and knowledge. Working Hours

Normally work standard office hours, Monday to Friday. However, you may sometimes need to be more flexible, for example if you are involved in residential courses or workshops, or if your company operates a shift system.


You would be based in an office, but you may also need to travel between company sites TAFE and Vocational Courses or University Course

Recruitment officers

Recruitment officers ascertain job roles within a company and work to find, from either internal or external sources, new personnel to fill these job roles.

Key skills

Recruitment officers plan for and ensure the recruitment of staff sufficient to organisation needs.

  • Liaise with other managers to determine staffing requirements
  • Use internal and external systems to advertise job vacancies as appropriate
  • Ensure compliance with employment and data protection related legal requirements
  • Assist other managers to process job applications and respond to queries
  • Organise and take part in interview procedures as required
  • Develop and keep up to date policies relating to employment and other human resources issues

Usually require a Certificate IV in Human Resource Management or equivalent

Team Leader Compliance Officer

A compliance manager is responsible for ensuring a company’s policies and procedures comply with regulatory and ethical standards. Also referred to as compliance specialists, these highly analytical professionals perform regular audits, implement company policies, and design control systems.


  • Develop and implement company policies and regulations.
  • Oversee all business operations relating to compliance including policies, investments, and procedures.
  • Design and monitor control systems to deal with violations of legal rules and internal policies.
  • Regularly assess the efficiency of control systems and recommend effective improvements.
  • Review and evaluate company procedures and reports to identify hidden risks or common issues.
  • Coordinate with different department managers to review all departmental compliance policies.
  • Perform periodic audits on company procedures and processes.
  • Lead employee training sessions on legal and compliance issues.
  • Supervise compliance officers and team. Requirements:
  • Bachelor’s degree in law, business administration, or relevant field.
  • A minimum of 3 years’ experience as a compliance officer, compliance manager, or similar position.
  • Strong knowledge of industry processes and regulations.
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities.
  • An analytical mindset with excellent organizational skills.

Team Leader Fitness Instructor

  • Develop and oversee Functional Group Training (Results) Program: To maximise specialist
  • fitness participation across all three centres, the role will:
  • Provide high quality customer service throughout the development and delivery of all
  • functional training members and the gym community
  • Develop and foster a positive community amongst patrons and promote other fitness
  • and recreation activities
  • Conduct and develop functional group training sessions in accordance with monthly
  • targets (assigned by Group Training Team Leader)
  • Implement policies and procedures
  • Report major and minor issues concerning gym members or the facility to Group
  • Training Team Leader
  • Provide a professional public image and maintain a safe, informative and friendly
  • environment
  • Provide advice to members of the public and refer specific enquiries to the
  • appropriate Team Leader, Coordinator or Duty Manager
  • Help provide and maintain a safe and clean environment for both staff and members

Leadership skills

  • Supervise and guide team members to engage in learning and utilisation of safe work
  • practices
  • Effective listening and communication skills to enhance team culture
  • Experience in educating members on topics around health and wellbeing
  • Management skills
  • Experience in managing / training small and large groups
  • Organisation and time management skills Interpersonal Skills
  • Well developed interpersonal and communication skills, with particular abilities in
  • delivering group training programs
  • Strong customer service orientation
  • Ability to convey instructions and information to members
  • Ability to work in a team and help foster team goal Qualifications
  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
  • Registration with Fitness Body such as Fitness Australia
  • Working with Children’s Check
  • Level 2 First Aid with current CPR
  • Safeguarding Children Certificate
  • Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Weightlifting, CrossFit or functional training qualifications highly desirable

Key selection criteria

  • Experience in the delivery of high quality functional group training services that focus
  • on excellent results and program delivery
  • Strong understanding of functional training methodology
  • Experience in communicating with members and staff, both one on one and in a group
  • training environment
  • Ability to achieve program targets as assigned by Group Training Team Leader
  • Ability to scale or amend program in the case of member’s existing injury / mobility issue

Task 1: Learning evaluation report

This task requires the learner to interview key organisation stakeholders to determine existing formal and informal learning opportunities, while being observed by the assessor.

This task includes observing the learner by the assessor as they consult at least two stakeholders to further understand their learning experience and identify existing formal and informal learning opportunities.

Team refer to groups of people with at least four members. This can include:

×       Teams that you are directly over-seeing

×       Other teams within your organisation

×       External teams (clients)

You must ensure that you can complete the whole assessment with the same team.

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Learning Evaluation Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Before starting this task, you must:

×       Access and review documents relating to workplace learning for your organisation, including:

×       Existing learning plans

  • Learning plans outline steps and activities implemented to facilitate learning of processes in the organisation.

×       Organisation Strategy for Learning

  • Organisation strategy describes the objectives of the organisation which can be met through facilitation of learning.

×       Performance standards relevant to each team member

×       Business strategy and planning documents (Bounce Fitness Website

  • Performance Bounce Fitness website You will be assessed on your practical skills as you:
    • Consult with relevant stakeholders in your organisation to identify the following:

Relevant stakeholders can include at least one stakeholder representing individual employee such as colleagues, team leaders and at least one stakeholder representing team as team leaders heads of departments, senior management. Ref to position descriptions

  • At least two formal learning opportunities currently available to team and individuals based on identified learning requirements.

Formal learning opportunities can be described as structured learning opportunities provided through organised learning events, many times with a planned curriculum, like new hire onboardings or periodic mandatory compliance trainings (start with Business Strategy and Planning documents and review documents within Performance

  • At least two informal learning opportunities currently available to team and individuals based on identified learning requirements.

Informal learning opportunities are self-directed learning opportunities that are arranged through social processes and encouraged by an active learning culture.

  • At least one learning requirement identified by team
  • At least one learning requirement identified by individuals To complete this task, you must:
    • Identify organisation requirements which should be met through workplace learning as


  • At least one organisation requirement which can be met through identified formal learning opportunity
  • At least one organisation requirement which can be met through identified informal learning opportunity

Submit a complete Learning Evaluation Report document findings from reviewing the organisation documents and consultation with stakeholders.

Review the following before starting this task:

§  Workplace Project Task 1 – Assessor’s Checklist

  • Workplace Project Task 1 – Observation Form

These forms outline the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
    • All practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete the observation task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Review the templates you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Learning Evaluation Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit the complete Learning Evaluation Report to your assessor.

Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the learning and development evaluation report, such as:

  • Relevant textual information referenced to identify organisational requirements for learning and development, including organisational documents such as strategic plans, training plans and workforce plans.

Organisational documents such as business plans or similar, with relevant objectives and practices for learning.

Briefing notes – Individual

Briefing notes for the individual employee. This can be any one from the Human Resources Team and or the Fitness Team. However. individual employees should be part of the same identified team around which the learner can plan workplace learning activities.

Ensure you

  1. Understand your Job Description
    1. Read the background information notes on Bounce Fitness
    1. Read the Bounce Fitness learning plan
    1. Read the Bounce Fitness business plan
    1. are aware of your more recent learning events
    1. have identified at least two (2) formal learning opportunities
    1. have identified at least two (2) informal learning opportunities
    1. believe there is an additional learning requirement for the employee which is not met by existing learning plan

Briefing notes – Team member

Team member – stakeholder representing team such as team leaders, heads of departments, senior management.

(The learner’s objective is gather information from you to allow the learner plan workplace learning activities. This can include teams that learner is directly over-seeing, other teams within the organisation, external teams (clients).

Ensure you

  1. Are aware of the current team responsibilities
  2. Read the background information notes on Bounce Fitness
  3. Read the Bounce Fitness learning plan
  4. Read the Bounce Fitness business plan
  5. Know the learning events that the team has participated in “collectively’
  6. Identify at least two (2) formal learning opportunities
  7. have identified at least two (2) informal learning opportunities
  8. believe there is an additional learning requirement for the employee which is not met by existing learning plan

Task 2 Training needs analysis

This task will require you to conduct training needs analysis for members of a team and an individual consulted in Task 1.

There is no observed activity associated with this task.

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Training Needs Analysis template provided at the Bounce Fitness site:

To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review documents relating to learning and development, including:
  • Relevant organisational policies and procedures which encourage teams and individuals to access learning opportunities.

Relevant organisational documents can include employee skill development policy, employee performance management policy etc.

  • Relevant standard operating procedures.

Documents/sources that contain information on the actual performance of each member of the team.

  • Conduct a training needs analysis (TNA) for each member of selected team to:
  • Summarise learning requirements for each team member.
  • Summarise learning requirements for the whole team.
  • Identify at least one potential formal learning opportunity that can be implemented to satisfy learning requirements identified for teams and individuals in Workplace Project Task 1.

Identify at least one potential informal learning opportunity that can be implemented to satisfy learning requirements identified for teams and individuals in Workplace Project Task 1.

Review Workplace Project Task 2 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Training Needs Analysis template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit at least four completed Training Needs Analysis documents for each team member of your selected team to your assessor.

Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the Training Needs Analysis, such as:

  • Relevant organisational policies and procedures
    • Performance standards relevant to each team member

Documents/sources that contain information on the actual performance of each team member

Task 3 Develop learning plan

This task will require you to develop at least two learning plans (one for your selected team and one for individual employee).

This task requires the learner to consult with learning and development specialists (at least two (2))

in the organisation to validate the learning plans for

  • At least one plan for the team
  • At least one plan for the individual member.

This task requires the learner to complete the following while being observed by the assessor, i.e., Consult at least 2 learning and development specialists for your organisation to:

  • Validate draft of learning plan created
  • Seek recommendations for improvement
  • Confirm methods to monitor team and individual learning performance based on identified metrics as detailed in the learning plan

Part A: Collaborative Development of Learning Plan

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Learning Plan

template provided at the Bounce Fitness site:

To complete this task, you must:

  • Develop learning plan based on the findings from your review of documents collected around learning requirements and organisation’s policies and procedures as part of Workplace Project Task 1 and 2.
    • Include the following in the learning plan:
  • Objectives of your learning plan as per organisation’s learning requirements.

At least one policy and the corresponding procedures to encourage team members to assess their own competencies and identify their own learning and development needs.

  • Identify at least two performance metrics for teams that can be monitored to determine success of learning plan.
  • Identify at least two performance metrics for individuals that can be monitored to determine success of learning plan.
    • Create a detailed communication plan as part of learning plan, which must include the following activities:
  • Promotion of at least two benefits of learning with others which can be achieved.
  • Recognition of learning achievement through each of the following methods:
    • Personal recognition
    • Feedback
    • Rewards

Part B: Validate Learning Plan

You will be assessed on your practical skills, as you:

  • Consult with at least two learning and development specialists for your organisation to:
  • Validate draft of learning plan created
  • Seek recommendations for improvement
  • Confirm methods to monitor team and individual learning performance based on identified metrics as detailed in the learning plan.
    • Adjust your learning plans based on the outcomes of the consultation. You should submit at least two learning plans:
  • At least one plan for the team
  • At least one plan for the individual member. Review the following before starting this task:

§  Workplace Project Task 3 – Assessor’s Checklist

  • Workplace Project Task 3 – Observation Form

These forms outline the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
    • All practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete the observation task

Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.

Review the templates you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Learning Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit at least two completed Learning Plans to your assessor based on validation with specialists:

  • At least one plan for the team
    • At least one plan for the individual

You must also submit the following supplementary evidence for this task:

  • Copies of competency standards accessed

Organisational policies and procedures for developing learning plans

Assessor’s instructions

Briefing notes – Learning Specialists

  • Review the outcome of the meeting conducted in task 1
  • Discuss the elements of the TNA with the learner
    • Objectives
    • Target audience
    • Policies and procedures that are part of learning plan (refer to Precision Group website for information)
    • Ensure both formal and informal learning opportunities are identified
    • Review the practicality of the timelines
    • Review the proposed communication plan – does it explain the why what when where and how of the proposed training including outcomes.
    • Review the scheduling and monitoring outcomes
    • Review how the plan is to be implemented and documented.
  • Ensure the learner uses appropriate communications skills. If you have concerns use your own skills to
    • Clarify / challenge or acknowledge
    • Prompt conversation by sharing any experiences
    • Encourage response using words such as “I see”, “that sounds pretty good” “yep’”, “good”, “hmmm not sure about that, tell me more” etc
    • Use appropriate body language and listening skills
  • Ensure learner integrates any feedback from the discussion.

Task 4 Implement learning plan

This task will require you to make the necessary arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the learning opportunities identified in Workplace Project Task 3.

This task requires the learner to write a partial version of Learning Execution document that they will use to track and record implementation of learning plans for a team and individuals for their workplace/organisation.

Learner can access the Learning Execution Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site using the link provided on page 4

Assessor’s must refer to the same Assessor’s checklist.

There is no observation of any simulated activity. To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review the learning plan completed in Workplace Project Task 3
    • Create a session plan to execute the Learning Plan created in Workplace Project Task 3. Document your findings from the session plan in Learning Execution Report.
    • Coordination implementation of the learning opportunities according to Learning Plans created in Workplace Project Task 3.

This involves either you implementing the opportunities identified or ensuring that relevant stakeholders are implementing the opportunities.

Implementation must include:

  • Acquisition of resources identified for implementing each learning opportunity covered in the Learning Plans created in Workplace Project Task 3
  • Coordination with required stakeholders and target audience to conduct planned learning events
  • Implementation at least one policy and corresponding procedures to encourage teams and individuals to assess their own learning requirements
    • Coordinate the implementation of communication plan detailed in the Learning Plans created in Workplace Project Task 3 to:
  • Promote at least two benefits of learning with others Recognise workplace achievements for the selected team and individuals
  • Record details of implementation in the Learning Execution Report including:
    • Details of learning event conducted
    • Resources required and medium of instruction
    • Expected output
    • Metrics to be monitored
    • Monitoring schedule and means of recording
    • Feedback on the learning events.

This feedback can include details if the learner’s learning needs were met, learner satisfaction, effectiveness of Instructor, if learning arrangements were satisfactory and any suggestions for improvements.

Review Workplace Project Task 4 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

You assessor will discuss this form with you, and the criteria outlined in these forms prior to this assessment.

Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Learning Execution Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site

Submit the partial Learning Evaluation Report to your assessor.

Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the learning and development evaluation report, such as:

  • Evidence of coordination and implementation of session plan. Evidence of coordination of communication plan

Task 5: Monitor Team and Individual Learning Performance

The learner is to demonstrate how they will monitor learning performance of individuals and selected team for implemented following the session plan in Workplace Project Task 4.

  • Monitor the implementation of each learning plan following the schedule discussed in

Workplace Project Task 4 on at least two occasions.

  • Identify the progress of selected team and individual team members by recording the progress of learning events executed
    • Track performance metrics identified as part of the Learning Plan created in Workplace Project Task 3 to enable you to review learning effectiveness for teams and individuals.
    • Complete at least two copies of the monitoring plan – for team and individuals

Assessor’s must refer to the same Assessor’s checklist.

There is no observation of any simulated activity.

Learner’s instructions

This task will require you to monitor learning performance of individuals and selected team for which you implemented the session plan in Workplace Project Task 4.

You may set individual meetings with each team member OR set a group meeting with the whole team.

For this task, you must use your findings summarised in Learning Execution Report from Workplace Project Task 4.

To complete this task, you must:

  • Monitor the implementation of each learning plan following the schedule discussed in

Workplace Project Task 4 on at least two occasions.

  • Identify the progress of selected team and individual team members by recording the progress of learning events executed
    • Track performance metrics identified as part of the Learning Plan created in Workplace Project Task 3 to enable you to review learning effectiveness for teams and individuals.

Complete at least two copies of the monitoring plan – for team and individuals

Review Workplace Project Task 5 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in these forms prior to this assessment.

Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Learning Execution Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit partially completed Learning Execution Report to your assessor.

Additionally, you must also submit evidence of actual outputs recorded for each learning event

Depending on the actual output recorded, examples of this evidence can include:

  • Written acknowledgment of new skills acquired by team or individuals by team leader
    • Record of reduced turnover time for completing tasks after training
    • Performance reports for employees and teams Performance reports for employee

Task 6 Consultation / feedback

Assessor’s instructions

The learner is to be observed whilst they consolidate feedback from learners and monitored data on learning performance to identify improvements to future learning arrangements and suggest adjustments.

This task requires the learner to present a report on learning performance and an analysis of feedback gathered during execution of the learning plan, while being observed by the assessor.

The learner is present the findings to the two (2) learning specialists.

Briefing notes – Learning Specialists.

  • You are to be the audience for the learner’s presentation
  • The presentation is a report on the learning performance and an analysis of feedback as an outcome of the implemented learning activities for the individual and team member that were part of the conduct of the learning plan starting with Task 1.
  • Review the learning plan developed in Task 3
  • Engage openly with the learner when they encourage you to
    • Ask questions
    • Clarify points
    • Challenge any assumptions
  • During your interaction you will
    • Speaks in a polite and professional manner.
    • Seek clarification of any jargon
    • Demonstrate appropriate non-verbal behaviour

Learner’s instructions

Your assessor will observe you as you consult to consolidate feedback from learners and monitored data on learning performance to identify improvements to future learning arrangements and suggest adjustments

For this task, you must use your findings summarised in Learning Execution Report from Workplace Project Tasks 4 and 5.

You will be assessed on your practical skills while:

  • Consulting with relevant learning and development specialists to:

Specialists should be at least one internal stakeholder such as colleagues, team leaders, heads of departments, senior management and at least one external stakeholder such as trainers, learning and development experts, industry associations, regulators

  • Consolidate feedback from individuals and teams
    • Review feedback which may be collected as part of Workplace Project Task 4, as part of implementation of learning plan (e.g., feedback after each learning event).
    • Review monitored data on identified metrics tracking learning performance metrics collected as part of Workplace Project Task 5.
  • Analyse collected feedback and consolidate your analysis to identify:
    • At least one area for improvement to enhance individual’s learning experience
    • At least one area for improvement to enhance team’s learning experience
  • Based on your findings from feedback analysis, suggest at least two adjustments to be made to the learning plan to enhance learning experience for teams or individuals.
  • Identify at least two workplace learning outcomes for your designed and implemented learning plan.
    • Use of appropriate vocabulary, questioning and listening skills during the meeting. To complete this task, you must:
    • Summarise key findings in the Learning Execution report
    • Complete report outlining discussion points covered during consultation Review the following before starting this task:

§  Workplace Project Task 6 – Assessor’s Checklist

  • Workplace Project Task 6 – Observation Form

These forms outline the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
    • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
    • All practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete the observation task.

You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in these forms prior to this assessment.

Submit any of the following written presentation materials that you used to discuss the Learning Execution Report:

  • PowerPoint presentation
    • Learning Report Handouts
    • Copy of updated learner’s handbook
    • Link/copy of posts on the organisation’s website/intranet site

It is recommended to have your assessor review first the presentation material will you used before presenting with the key stakeholders to ensure that all information is covered.

Learners are to use the following checklist to confirm completion of various tasks

Task 1: Learning Evaluation Report
Learning Evaluation Report
Video recording of the consultation Only if direct observation is not possible.
Task 2: Training Needs Analysis
At least two Training Needs Analysis documents
Relevant organisational policies and procedures
Performance standards relevant to each team member
Competency standards relevant to each team member
Sources that contain information on the actual performance of each team member
Task 3: Develop Learning Plan
At least one complete learning plan for the team
At least one complete learning plan for the individual
Video recording of the presentation Only if direct observation is not possible.
Organisational policies and procedures for developing learning plan
Task 4: Implement Learning Plan
Partial submission of Learning Execution Report
Evidence of coordination of learning pla
Evidence of coordination of communication plan
Task 5: Monitor Team and Individual Learning Performance
Partial submission of Learning Execution Report
Evidence of actual output recorded for each monitored event
Task 6: Consultation for Feedback Consolidation and Analysis
Submission of complete Learning Execution Report
Video recording of the consultation. Only if direct observation is not possible.

Feedback for the caniddate

Candidate Signature:Date:
Assessor Signature:Date:

Record outcome on the next page

Section 4 – Performance evidence outcome

Student Comments – Suggest any improvement relating to this assessment.

Assessors Instructions: Print and complete one of these forms for each candidate. Ensure you inform the candidate of the outcome and highlight the outcome.

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                                Date:

Task 1: Learning Evaluation ReportYesNo
Task 2: Training Needs AnalysisYesNo
Task 3: Develop Learning PlanYesNo
Task 4: Implement Learning PlanYesNo
Task 5: Monitor Team and Individual Learning PerformanceYesNo
Task 6: Consultation for Feedback and AnalysisYesNo

I confirm the above nominated candidate has

Satisfied / Not yet satisfied

the performance evidence requirements for the unit of competency BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and onboarding.

I have advised the candidate of the outcome and if applicable discussed options for re-assessment or the undertaking of further training.

Assessor’s name 
Assessor’s signatureDate

For the candidate ‘s use

Do not sign this section until the assessment has been marked and you are satisfied with the result.

Candidate’s Signature                                                                                                                                       

Assessor may use the rest of this space to comment on how the assessment activities or instruments can be improved.

Section 5 – Competency summary record sheet

Student Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Date of Assessment:                                                                                                                                                                   

AssessmentS / NSDate
1. Theory exam  
2. Tasks 1 – 6  

Overall Result (circle one)

Candidate to read and then complete the following section

Do not sign this section until the assessment has been marked and you are satisfied with the result.

You also have the right to appeal the outcome. Please first discuss with your assessor.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, refer to the RTO’s appeals process to lodge a formal appeal.

Your signature below confirms you are satisfied with the outcome of your assessment

Candidate’s signatureDate

Candidate can use this space to tell us how we can improve this assessment activity

Assessor’s Name:
Assessor’s signature                                                                                                  Date

Feedback to learner

Learner’s acknowledgment

Text Box: RTO RETAINS THIS PAGESection 6 – Feedback from the learner

Please tell us about your assessment experience. Your feedback plays an important role in developing the quality of your education. In this questionnaire, the term ‘assessment is referring the questions and practical tasks you completed to demonstrate your competency. The term ‘assessor’ refers to person who marked your theory questions and or observed you at work.

Provide one response to each item on the form. Complete using a black or blue pen. Print neatly in CAPITAL letters. Place a clear ‘✗’ inside each box. Leave the box blank if the statement does not apply.

   Strongly disagree  Disagree  Agree  Strongly agree
Assessments were based on realistic activities    
I usually had a clear idea of what was expected of me    
I felt I could approach my trainer / assessor if I needed help.    
The assessment resources were available to me when I needed them.    
The assessor made it clear right from the start what they expected from me.    
The amount of work I had for the assessment tasks was reasonable.    
I received useful feedback on my assessments    
The practical assessments were based on realistic activities    
The theory questions were challenging, but just about right    
The instructions were clear    

You are at liberty to tell us who you are: –

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"BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals." Universal Assignment - Accessed December 6, 2024.
"BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: [Accessed: December 6, 2024]

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