DA The Advancing Professional

DA The Advancing Professional

Assessment Brief Outline

Module Title:DA The Advancing Professional
Level:6 –  20 credits
Module Leader/ Assessment set by:The assessment has been developed in conjunction with the various subject teams across the Faculty. Your module leader for the Module are: Liz Shute
Assessment title:The task assessment is a 4000 word : Justified research proposal or  Extended literature review or Service evaluation and/or improvement
Mode of submission:You should submit your assessment via the submission link provided in the ‘final write up and assessment submission’ section of the module site. Please note: the Turnitin submission point is NOT the final submission point for marking and assessment. You need to submit your final piece of work to BOTH the final submission point (for assessment) AND the Turnitin submission point (for a plagiarism check). Both these submissions should be identical including the reference list.
Task details and instructions:The written assessment will enable you to present your proposed project or your review and its findings. Further guidance on writing up your work is provided on the module site.   You may choose to write a research proposal OR an extended literature review     Primary research proposal   The background to the study, its rationale and importance.The study design and method undertaken including sampling methods, recruitment, setting, researcher bias and ethical considerationsData collection methods and tools.Analysis of the data.Implications and application of possible findings to practice.     Extended literature review   Background / justification for your topicYour search strategy – how evidence was identified and selected The critical appraisal tools used to assess the quality of the literature found. A critical review of the evidenceA synthesis of your findingsA critical discussion around your findingsRecommendations for clinical practiceRecommendations for future research.Conclusions   Service evaluation and/or improvement The background to the service, rationale and importance of evaluation/improvement.Evaluation and/or improvement design method/improvement models (e.g. Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle) to be undertaken including ethical considerations.Data collection methods and tools.Data analysis methods.Implication and application of finding to practice in informing service provision.     For all written work; SHU standard for referencing (APA) will be required. Further guidance can be found here   Presentation format Your work  MUST be presented electronicallyUse the template provided on the Blackboard site to submit your work. Use a clear font such as Arial, Verdana or Times New Roman using font size 12 and black text colour.Your work should be submitted in Microsoft Word format for example .doc or .docx file type. All SHU computers have Microsoft Word installed. If you are using your home computer and you don’t have Word installed or use a Mac you can either use your free SHU Office 365 account to create your assignments in Word online, download and then upload the document to grade centre OR to create the assignment in Pages and export to Word then upload.Text should be presented using double line spacing except for quotes over two lines long which should be indented and single spaced as per SHU referencing Guidelines.Pages must be clearly numbered.Avoid using bullet points. It is preferable to express your ideas using complete and structured sentences.Leave yourself time to proof read for errors and omissions. Marks will be lost if assignments contain numerous errors of grammar, spelling and style, or, if cited references and the reference list do not match or the source material is not properly incorporated in the text.If you have a Learning Contract, please ensure that you copy the wording of the sticker given to you by the disabled student support team onto the front page of your assignmentIT problems are not a valid reason for late submission – it is your responsibility to ensure that you leave plenty of time to cope with unforeseen delays.The submission deadline is always 3.00pm on the due date. Please leave yourself ample time to submit PRIOR to 3.00pm.There is a 1 working day grace period where you can submit your assignment late with a penalty of a capped mark of 40%This link will close at 3.00pm 1 working day after the submission date.It is advised that you aim to submit by the submission date as the submission link will close after the grace period has lapsed. Please remember: Check your hand-in date and time carefully; late assignments will not be accepted, unless there is an approved extension. Late submissions after the 1 working day grace period will be recorded as a fail.Keep a copy of all your work and back-up with a USB stick. You should also keep a hard copy of all your submitted work.Do not lend your work to another student and do not leave your work (USB stick) where it can be accessed by others.Ensure that you are familiar with the Cheating and Plagiarism RegulationsEnsure that you have accurately referenced all quotations within the assignment and that all references used in the text are accurately identified in the reference list. Ensure that you have included a full reference list at the end of your assignment and that you have followed the University guidelines for referencing.Any reference to workplaces, patients, clients, carers and their family must maintain anonymity and confidentiality. Failure to maintain confidentiality will result in academic misconduct proceedings.
Module learning outcomes:On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to: Module Learning Outcomes Identify a topic of contemporary relevance to professional practice, evaluate and justify its investigation using critical appraisal skills Identify and justify an appropriate study design and suitable methods including ethical issues relating to the chosen area Communicate your findings within accepted academic and professional conventions in a suitable format Conduct the study and appropriate critical analysis and draw reasoned conclusions to make recommendations for practice  
Guidance linked to gridMarks for your assessment will be allocated based on the standard level 6 assessment criteria attached in the ‘assessment submission’ section of the Blackboard module site, and the corresponding ‘scaled’ marks/categories in the grid. The information below, explains what you will need to do for each key area, for the specific tasks.   Task 1: Written work (4000 words) Subject Knowledge and Understanding To complete this element successfully you need to….   Demonstrate a critical understanding of the relevance of the evidence base to your topic area. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the research process. This could include different research methodologies, research methods, ethics, research governance and other relevant aspects of research in relation to your chosen topic.   Intellectual Skills: including understanding, judgement, analysis, evaluation and synthesis To complete this element successfully you need to ……   Demonstrate critical analysis and application of research methods and methodology / critical appraisal and synthesis of the current knowledge base to answer your chosen research question.    Subject specific skills and application to practice To complete this element successfully you need to …   Demonstrate how the findings of your literature review / potential conclusions drawn from  your proposed research could be relevant to practice / future research.     Transferable skills including communication, presentation and organisation, dissemination To complete this element successfully you need to …   Ensure that your standard of academic writing meets the requirements. You follow agreed methods of referencing. You communicate your work and application to practice in a clear, balanced and coherent manner.      
Weighting within module:The written assessment carries 100% of the final grade. You must achieve 40% or above to pass the module. If you do not achieve 40% or above you will be entitled to a refer attempt which involves a reworking of your original written submission.
Word count/ duration (if applicable)       A written proposal / literature review 4000 +/- 10% words   See important information below. This word limit relates to the word count given by the word count tool in Microsoft Word and should be included on the front cover pageWork that is >10% over the word limit will be penalised by 10% of the available marks.  Note that all text (including tables) is included in the word count, from the point of the initial introduction. Which means the initial title page, contents list and abstract are not included. At the end, the list of references is also not included. You can make use of appendices (also not included in the word count) but these should be used appropriately and not used simply as a means of managing the word limit (your supervisor or Dissertation lead can provide further guidance). Appendices will not be marked.  
Formative FeedbackTo support your completion of the assessment process you are offered the opportunity of formative feedback and guidance from your supervisor during designated tasks and sessions throughout the module. Further details will be available on the module Blackboard site. Examples of this support may include the following:   Personal development/skills workshop: your supervisor will direct you to workshops/services that may be beneficial to your learning. Proposal workshops: you will present your proposed project to your supervision group and receive peer and supervisor feedback (verbal). Progress checks: opportunity to discuss and resolve issues arising either as a group for peer support, or one to one where appropriate. Writing retreats: focussed study time to develop your work with opportunity for support from your supervisor within the session. Supervision record: a template will be provided for you to record feedback and action points to support how you plan the development of your project.  
MarkingThe assessment grid will be used to assess and mark your work. The overall grade needs to be 40% or above to pass the module.
Feedback arrangements:You can expect to receive feedback within 15 working days of the deadline date you submitted, taking into account any bank holidays and university holidays. The grade will be indicated on grade centre.   You work will be annotated with comments that your marker has made and you will also receive feedback and feedforward comments on the marking grid.   All marks and feedback are internally moderated and a sample is seen by the external examiner.
Support arrangements:You can obtain support for this assessment in a number of ways: By attending the assessment guidance session at the beginning of the module. By seeking the advice of your supervisor for any aspects related to the specifics of your assignment. By attending skills workshops provided by library services specifically for this module (details on the module Blackboard site). FAQs section of the module Blackboard site   Library Services There is a wealth of information and support available from the learning centre. Details of how they can support you are available.   Academic Misconduct   Academic misconduct is any action, attempted action or omission that may result in you gaining an unfair advantage over other students in an assessment, where there is evidence to demonstrate that your actions or behaviour arose from an intention to deceive the marker. It is a breach of the Code of Academic Conduct and as such will be investigated under the Academic Conduct Regulation. It is a serious matter and has the potential to result in a number of sanctions which could impact on your ability to progress academically. Further information on misconduct can be found by typing “Academic Misconduct” into the search tab in Blackboard. Breaches of confidentiality and unethical practices The University takes this very seriously and failure to follow confidentiality, anonymity, or follow research ethics protocols can result in a student having to go before an Academic Conduct Panel. This is important information for students at the Dissertation phase of their studies.   Breaches of confidentiality and unethical practices include the following: Non- compliance with university ethics procedures. Failure to gain ethics approval prior to undertaking research. Conducting research in a way that could threaten national or international security. Direct naming of an individual or organisation (where local protocols prohibit). Inclusion of documentation that links to privileged information. Provision of information that could lead to identification of a service user or organisation e.g. date of birth, hospital record numbers, addresses or reference to unusual circumstances that could lead to identification of individuals or organisations. Please do not disclose the name of any Trusts, personnel, and participants or disclose any information that would mean an organisation, service or person can be identified.   Assessment Information If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can be found by typing “Assessment Regulations” into the search tab in Blackboard. Extensions and exceptional circumstances (RRAA) If personal or research related, exceptional circumstances have affected your ability to complete this assessment, by the deadline given, you can apply for an extension. There is guidance provided on what to do specifically for this Dissertation module, on the module site. Your first port of call should be one of the dissertation leads. If you feel that your exceptional circumstances have affected the quality of your work and/or your ability to submit a complete piece of work by the deadline given (original or extended) then you should also consider submitting a RRAA (Request to Repeat an Assessment). Again, you can find information about this by typing “RRAA or difficult circumstances” into the search tab in Blackboard.   Who to contact   If you have any queries about this assessment, please contact any of the Module Leads identified at the start of this assessment brief.
Reassessment:The minimum pass criteria to pass this module is 40 overall%.   In Module retrieval (IMR) is available for this module   If you require the IMR attempt   It is expected that you utilise the feedback that you have been given as annotations and on your marking grid that will explain why you have not met the criteria to enable you to pass along with specific areas of skill that need addressing. Work submitted for IMR will receive a grade only. This will be capped.   If you require the reassessment attempt   You will be able to arrange a one to one tutorial with your marker in order to gain further clarification of the modifications that you need to do to your work in order to reach the required standard.   If you do not achieve the minimum pass criteria (40%) you are entitled to a referral at the end of the module.   If you are referred you will be given one final attempt / date for resubmission, after the assessment board has ratified the mark. The maximum overall mark you can be awarded in a referred assessment task that you pass is 40%.   Resubmission will follow the same format as the first attempt and will be a re-work of your original topic.   Failure to achieve an overall mark of 40% on the refer attempt will result in a failure of the module. Please see the guidance below for it you do not achieve 40% on the refer attempt:   Retaking a module   If you fail a module, you will be allowed to retake the module on one occasion only, unless prevented due to:   • a sanction applied under the Academic Conduct Regulation • availability of the module concerned • course duration regulations • the module being a nominal 1 credit module 9 Retaking a core or elective module means that: • You may be charged a fee, published by your Faculty. • You must take all the assessment tasks in the module with attendance. • The overall module mark will be capped at the minimum pass mark. • You have the same reassessment opportunities as at the first registration (see regulation 3.1). If the module is no longer available (e.g. due to the course being revalidated), a replacement module may be studied as directed by your Faculty. This will be treated as a retake and will be subject to all regulations relating to retake modules. Capping of the module will still apply. If a replacement module cannot be studied, you will need to renegotiate your programme of study.
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Universal Assignment (July 26, 2024) DA The Advancing Professional. Retrieved from https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/.
"DA The Advancing Professional." Universal Assignment - July 26, 2024, https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/
Universal Assignment July 18, 2023 DA The Advancing Professional., viewed July 26, 2024,<https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/>
Universal Assignment - DA The Advancing Professional. [Internet]. [Accessed July 26, 2024]. Available from: https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/
"DA The Advancing Professional." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 26, 2024. https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/
"DA The Advancing Professional." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: https://universalassignment.com/da-the-advancing-professional/. [Accessed: July 26, 2024]

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