Examine one health issue prevalent in a specific population in Australia
Format: Assignment
Weighting: 35% of overall subject grade
Word limit: 1800 words +/- 10% (excluding title page, table of contents, and reference list)
Learning Outcomes: SLO1: Describe the basic epidemiological profile and burden of disease associated with the health issues covered.
SLO2: Assess health issue causality by analysing the biological, psychological, social and environmental determinants of health and illness.
SLO3: Identify opportunities for health system interventions and services based on determinant analysis.
The determinants of health are factors that influence how likely we are to stay healthy or to become sick or injured. This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the determinants of health with a particular focus on the social determinants of health and their impact on healthcare access and health outcomes.
Task Description:
The assignment is designed to enable students to examine one health issue that is prevalent in a specific population in Australia using a determinants approach with a focus on the social determinants of health. The health issue must be associated with one of the National Health Priority Area’s (NHPA’s) as identified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs) were established in response to the World Health Organization’s ‘Global Strategy for Health for All by the year 2000’.
The 9 NHPAs agreed by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council are:
1. Cancer control
2. Cardiovascular health
3. Injury prevention and control
4. Mental health
5. Diabetes mellitus
6. Asthma
7. Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions
8. Obesity
9. Dementia
NHPA- Diabetes Mellitus
Health issue: Type 2 diabetes
Population: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Women 45- 64 yrs old living in remote/rural settings
Task Structure:
Structure your document and writing so that it is comprehensive but follows a logical format, is succinct, and appropriately referenced. Consider the use of tables and/or figures to support your writing. If tables and/or figures are included within your written report, please ensure they are appropriately introduced within the text and either embedded within the written report or located within an appendix. Ensure all data and assertions are appropriately referenced.
Note: the title page, table of contents, and reference list are not included in the word count.
Please use the following outline for your assignment:
1. Title page (separate page)
2. Table of contents (separate page)
3. Body of assignment:
a. Background
b. Health issue causality
c. Addressing the health issue
4. Conclusion
5. References (separate page)
6. Appendix (separate page) – if required
Table of Contents
Include any headings, subheadings, and page numbers.
Body of assignment
You should use headings (and subheadings if appropriate) to structure the body of your assignment:
– Background: o Succinctly describe the health issue including the epidemiological profile and burden of disease. Is it a significant health issue in Australia? Why?
o Who does it most commonly affect? Define the specific population you will focus on for this report and justify why. How does this health issue affect the specific population you have selected? How are these individuals burdened by this health issue?
– Health issue causality: o Briefly describe the biomedical factors, health behaviours, psychological and safety factors for the health issue. Analyse and succinctly discuss the environmental determinants and broad features of society affecting the health issue.
o Describe three (3) to four (4) key social determinants of health which influence the health issue. How do these social determinants of health predispose your population to the health issue, and/or influence their health status, and their ability to access healthcare for the issue?
o Offer a justified argument informed by your determinant analysis, as to whether you believe that the cause of the health issue is EITHER largely the responsibility of the individual OR largely the responsibility of society or the government.
– Addressing the health issue: o Propose an intervention or service to address the social determinants of health which influence the health issue in your population group. How could your intervention or service improve healthcare access and the health status of those affected by the health issue?
o How does your intervention or service complement existing strategies to address the health issue for your population group?
Provide a concise conclusion to your assignment (200 words or less). Synthesize the key points presented in your assignment and summarise your suggestions to improve the health issue in your population.
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