Free Market Economy Assignment Solved

The power of the market is enormous but… it is plain that market must be tamed and tempered

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Free Market Economy Assignment


The free market economy is a system of private ownership of land and capital. Houses and companies which are supposed to behave in their own interest take all economic choices.” (2019:17) (Sloman and Garatt)

The state’s purpose and function in such an economy has been a contested question for centuries. There are numerous viewpoints about the prospects for State control of the market economy in the economic literature of the previous centuries (Stockhammer, 2014). The opinions of many scholars have usually changed in line with changes in world economic situations, including war, economic crisis and economic growth.

Markets can be portrayed when transactions are done in actual locations. These include retail establishments and other comparable companies that sell goods to wholesale marketplaces that sell goods to other retailers. Or maybe they’re virtual. Internet-based retailers and auction sites such as Amazon and eBay are examples of markets where transactions can take place fully online. Markets are areas that are open to buyers and vendors. Generally just two parties are required for commerce, at least a third party for competition and the market equilibrium. As such, a market under perfect competition is necessarily marked by a high number of active buyers and sellers, among other factors.

Theory Free Market Economy INCL Classical views

Classical economies are referred to as classical political economy. Classical economics refers mainly to the school of economic theory which began in Britain at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. The aim was economic progress and economic freedom, which advocated free competition ideas and faith. The classical economic theory popularized the shift from the monarch to a self-regulatory capitalist democracy.

Understanding the Working of Classical Economics

The wealth of nations, written by Adam Smith in 1776, is generally thought to be the origin of the classical economy (Summers, 2018). The cornerstone of the Smith book’s thesis was the kingdom’s national revenue, rather than the gold of the treasury, as its foundation for calculation. This revenue, however, was based on the activity of its citizens, efficiently organized through labor division and the utilization of capital reserves, which one of the classical economists favored.

In terms of economic policy fostering market freedom the classical economists were pragmatic liberals, but the States had a role in promoting the common good. Ancient economic believers did not unify in their beliefs or grasp of the market, but most classical literature had similar subjects. Most of them flavored free trade and competition between employees and companies. In favor of meritocrats, traditional economists wished to move away from a social class system.

The underpinnings for traditional economics are self-regulating democracies and capitalism market advances. Most domestic economies followed an up-and-down monarchic government policy regime before classical economic growth (Hamada, 2019). A number of the most prominent classical philosophers, such as Smith and Turgot, have established their views as alternatives to mercantilist Europe’s protectionist and inflationary policies.

The Rise of Classical Economics

Shortly after the foundation of western capitalism and the Industrial Revolution, traditional economic theory was formed. The finest early attempts to understand the internal workings of capitalism were made by traditional economists. Value, price, supply, demand and distribution theories have been created by the first classical economists. Almost all refused to impede government market exchanges, preferring or “let’s be” a looser market strategy.

Keynesian approach

The Keynesian economics theory is about total expenditure and its impacts on production and inflation in the economy (known as aggregate demand). Although this term has been used (and exploited abusively) through the years to designate various things, six key concepts seem crucial to Keynesianism. The first three explain the functioning of the economy.

  1. A Keynesian argues that aggregate demand is affected and sometimes unpredictably behaved by a range of economic choices – both governmental and private. Most importantly, the public choices are those on monetary and fiscal policy (i.e. expenditure and tax). Economists discussed the relative powers of monetary and fiscal policy heatedly some decades ago, with some Keynesians believing that monetary policy is impotent and others money-makers saying that fiscal policy is weak (Galí, 2021). Today, both of these are mainly dead problems. Virtually every Keynesian and monetarist today thinks that the overall demand is affected by both fiscal and monetary measures. However, a few economists trust debt neutrality.

The Keynesian cross chart shows a 45-degree line representing the collection of locations where AD = GNP represents the aggregated demand function against GNP. In economic terms, the crossroads of both lines reflect a GNP balance.

  1. In Keynesian theory, aggregate demand fluctuations, whether foreseen or unexpected, affect real production and employment most, not prices. This principle is seen in the Phillip curves, for example, that only slowly increases inflation if unemployment lowers. Keynesians think that in the short term it is not necessarily possible to tell what is true from what must take place in the long term, and we live short term. Often, they repeat the famous declaration of Keynes, “In the long run, we’re all dead.”
  2. Keynesians think that prices and wages in particular slowly adapt to changes in demand and supply, leading to periodic shortages and surpluses, in particular of labor. Milto Friedman even said, ‘There is only a limited degree of flexibility in pricing and wages under all imaginable institutional arrangements and definitely those currently prevailing in the United States (Cohn, and Hira, 2020).’ 1 It is undoubtedly labeled a Keynesian perspective in the contemporary language. These three assumptions alone are based on no policy proposals. And yet, many economists who are not Keynesian would accept the whole list. Keynesians are distinguished by their confidence in other economists.
  3. Keynesians do not consider that the standard unemployment level is the optimal one—partly because of the caprice of aggregate demand for the unemployed and partly because they believe that prices are adjusted gradually. In reality, Keynesians tend to perceive unemployment as both too high on average and too variable, but they recognize that these viewpoints are hard to be theoretically justified. Keynesians are likewise persuaded that recession or depression times are economic diseases, not effective market reactions to unappealing possibilities as in the idea of actual business cycles.


  • Defining cigarette goods, including e-cigarettes, to encompass present and future items;
  • Prohibit the sale to those under the age of 21 of tobacco goods;
  • Require the cigarette vendor or employee to check the buyer’s age before the transaction;;
  • Require tobacco sellers to put signs declaring it is unlawful to sell to those less than the age of 21;
  • Designate an enforcement agency and provide a defined process of enforcement;
  • Create a tobacco retail authorization scheme if state law allows the jurisdiction to do so;
  • Devote financing in full, through license fees or as a provision in state law or local order, to the expense of enforcement.
  • Provide the State, Counties or Municipalities with a prescribed minimum number of yearly compliance checklists for every retail location for tobacco to comply with MLSA 21.
  • Penalties are provided that focus on the tobacco merchant, licensee or non-management staff rather than the minor buyer. That means abolishing PUP penalties where they exist under existing legislation or policy on the sale of tobacco;
  • Establish a mechanism for civil punitive infractions rather than for a mechanism for criminal penalties to prevent unintended outcomes that affect vulnerable populations disproportionately and undermine the public health advantages of the programmed.
  • When implementing state laws, ensuring that local authorities are able to adopt stricter tobacco laws than federal or state laws. (See the context section on local government preservation below).


The tobacco retail licensee permits countries and municipalities to thoroughly control and develop punishment structures for all tobacco shops that continue to breach the MLSA 21 policy to suspend or relocate the tobacco retailers’ license (Molle, and Boeckhout, 2015). Additional measures relating to the licensing should be examined for approval in the final policy for jurisdictions who are legally authorized to implement a retail tobacco licensing programmed, such as:

Every tobacco retailer involved in the disclosure of tobacco products should always acquire and show a tobacco retail sales license from [Sanitary Department/ Issue] at each site in [State/county/municipality].

Structural Unemployment

Unemployment (usually a percentage) is a measure of how many individuals are without jobs in an economy. Different causes such as economic slump or recession may lead to misemployment. The unemployment rate will decrease, eventually to full employment, once the recession has ended. However, changes in an economy’s structure can occasionally be so serious that employees’ capacity to obtain full-time employment alters.

Structural unemployment may endure for many years; it is a kind of long-term unemployment. There might be several factors for structural unemployment, such as employees who have no skills or training to qualify for existing job opportunities. For example, in industries throughout economy big technical improvements can occur. Companies have to recruit technically qualified personnel to promote their companies, including computer programming and mathematics capabilities (Zafirovski,2013). Persons lacking these qualifications might become marginalized and suffer from structural unemployment because of a gap between jobs on the market and their talents.

As trade expands internationally, it adds to the shift from industries where there is no comparative advantage to this economy to areas where there is a competitive advantage. The extent that trade influences the employment markets has a great deal to do with the labour market structure of that nation and the process of adjustment in other industries. The average pay level through improving productivity should be raised through global commerce. This increase in average salaries can nevertheless involve both benefits to employees and losses to others in specific positions and sectors.

Corporation tax cuts

Reduced rates of income tax improve consumers’ purchasing power and can boost total demand, leading to increased economic development (and possibly inflation). On the supply side, reductions in income taxes may also enhance labor incentives, resulting in increased productivity. The impact of tax reduction relies, however, on how tax cuts are financed, if the status of the economy and low taxes truly enhance productivity and the desire to work.

The effect of tax reductions on the diagram of AD/AS when the economy is spare.

Cut in indirect tax

The effect is comparable when the government cuts an indirect tax such as VAT. If commodities are cheaper due to a decreased tax, customers are really able to buy more. They will have more money left after buying the same quantity of things. Consumer expenditure can therefore increase. Productivity will have minimal effect.

Impact of productivity tax reduction

Lower rates of income tax can lead to individuals working longer. If you keep more of your money, overtime is more worthwhile. Lower tax rates on income may attract persons to migrate to that nation (Davidson, 2012). This is the replacement impact – working at reduced rates is more desirable.

But the income impact also occurs. It is simpler to attain your goal income by spending less time with lower rates of tax (and effectively greater salaries). Tax cuts may thus not raise labor supply since people do not have to work more if employment is compensated more.


The bulk of the international economy has worked for approximately the past quarter of a century on a political consensus that politicians (from the left and the right), supranational authorities, business pundits and university economists are advocating. Workers should be “flexible,” tolerating relatively low earnings, unemployment and general conditions. Incertitude. Uncertainty. Governments should have budgetary responsibility and limit their responsibilities crediting. In particular it should be independent to establish monetary policy government and low inflation targets (although this strategy was targeted the objective has been to target money, exchange rates in many ways and inflation in consumer prices).

This agreement is justified by traditional economics. This is the economy which kids are taught, embraced by politicians, government employees, financiers, analysts, industry, most university students and even certain unions; those who embrace these principles and advocate them. The ‘mainstream’ make up. This economics shows that market results they are ideal and the agreement follows directly. Economists while economists are sometimes presented as having numerous different, conflicting beliefs.


Stockhammer, E., 2014. Explaining European unemployment: testing the NAIRU hypothesis and a Keynesian approach. International Review of Applied Economics, 18(1), pp.3-23.

Galí, J., 2021. Unemployment fluctuations and stabilization policies: a new Keynesian perspective. MIT press.

Summers, L.H., 2018. Relative wages, efficiency wages, and Keynesian unemployment.

King, J.E., 2011. Labor and unemployment. In A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics (pp. 80-93). Routledge.

Cohn, T.H. and Hira, A., 2020. Global political economy: Theory and practice. Routledge.

Feldmann, M., 2013. Varieties of capitalism and the Estonian economy: Institutions, growth and crisis in a liberal market economy. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 46(4), pp.493-501.

Lundvall, B.Å. ed., 2019. National systems of innovation: Toward a theory of innovation and interactive learning (Vol. 2). Anthem press.

Sanders, J.M. and Nee, V., 2017. Limits of ethnic solidarity in the enclave economy. American Sociological Review, pp.745-773.

Hamada, H., 2019. In Defense of Cory Morningstar’s Manufacturing for Consent Series. Foundations, p.0.

Davidson, P., 2012. Would Keynes be a new Keynesian?. Eastern Economic Journal, 18(4), pp.449-463.

Zafirovski, M., 2013. The question of mathematical social theory revisited: Some methodological considerations. The American Sociologist, 34(4), pp.59-80.

Molle, W. and Boeckhout, S., 2015. Economic disparity under conditions of integration—a long term view of the European case. Papers in Regional Science, 74(2), pp.105-123.

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