THT3114 Research Proposal

Mini Report Assignment 2

Executive Summary

(100- 150 words)

This is the summary of your research and thus needs to be completed after you have completed writing your research proposal.

This is not counted towards the word count.

Mention the key aspects of the research proposal. Separate paragraphs

  • Area of research and motivation, background and problem identification 3-4 sentences)
  • The focus of your research (what are you trying to solve/ aim and how and who will it benefit), Research question and objectives
  • What type of research are you proposing?
  • Type of research
  • Sample size and sample population
  • Instrument for data collection
  • Method of data analysis
  • Time frame
  • Budget

Introduction (refer to your Ass 1 and refine as per the focus of your primary research) (50-100words)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

2.Review of the Literature (200-250 words)………………………………………………………………………..4
2.1Gap Identification (50 -100 words) ………………………………………………………………………………………5
3.Conceptual Framework (100–150 words)……………………………………………………………………….5
3.1Research Question …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
3.2Aim of Research ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
3.3Research Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
4.Research Methodology (300– 400 words)…………………………………………………………………….6
4.1Research Design (75 -100 words) …………………………………………………………………………………….6
4.2Sampling (50 – 75 words) ………………………………………………………………………………………….6
4.3Research Instrument (75 – 100 words) ………………………………………………………………………….7
4.4Data Collection (75 -100 words) …………………………………………………………………………………..7
4.5Data Analysis (75 -100 words) …………………………………………………………………………………….7
5.Ethical Consideration (50–100 words)………………………………………………………………………….8
6.Limitation of this Research (50–100 words)………………………………………………………………….8
7.Estimated Timeline ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
8.Estimated Budget …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10


Introduction (refer to your topic and refine as per the focus of your primary research) (50 – 100 words)

  • What is my topic about?
  • The identification of the problem and the approach taken in this research.
  • What is a proposal and why are you making it?
  • Where will my research be focused on? Or What am I trying to find out?
  • Why am I researching about it? What is the aim of my research?
  • Outline of the proposal (This research proposal will include the Literature review, Conceptual framework and the Methodology of my research)
  • Background of the Study (Key points) (50 -100 words)
  • What is the present scenario or problem?
  • What has lead/reasons to this issue?
  • What problems are being faced due to this issue and why is there need to solve this problem?
  • What are the different viewpoints through which I can look at this issue?
  • The motivation for research
  • How will it be relevant in present context.
  • Review of the Literature (200-250 words)
  • What is the key view point of other people (researchers/scholars) on this issue?
  • What are the main perspectives covered in your literature review with brief details.
  • What are the key findings/ ideas that have emerged through these researches?
  • What are the common themes that I can see?

Make Sure

  • Look at the feedback provided for assessment 1 and incorporate the suggestions.
  • In-text citation is very important.
  • Do not discuss one research paper at a time. Present it collectively as diverse views.

2.1 Gap Identification (50 -100 words)

  • What are the points/perspectives about the issue that the past researches are not talking about? (Gap in the researches) – Look at inputs provided in your earlier assessment – Literature review
  • What will be the focus of my research? (based on gap you found) (Clue – target your research at the gap)
  • Conceptual Framework (100 150 words)

3.1 Research Question


What are the reasons for ________________and what will be the impact of this on ____________?

How has _____________changed the ______________and what can be done to address the issue?

  • Outline the aim of the study
  • Outline the key research question
  • Make sure
  • That there is one broad question that your research will answer.
  • It should be in a question form, so it should start with What, How, When, Where.
  • It should end with a question mark.

3.2 Aim of Research

  • What will I find out after this research?
  • What will this research help to solve?
  • Whom will it benefit?

3.3 Research Objectives

  • Identify 3- 4 objectives based on your research question
  • Remember to use the correct phraseology To identify; To understand; To explore; To investigate etc


To Identify the current trends in _____________

To discover the means through which we can prevent _____________

To understand the reasons that lead to ______________

To explore the various effects of ______________

  • Research Methodology (300 400 words)

4.1  Research Design (75 -100 words)

  • What type of research are you conducting? (Exploratory/ Descriptive/ Causal)
  • Why did you choose this type of research? Explain by discussing pros and cos of using this research type compared to others)
  • What will be your approach in this research? (quantitative/qualitative/ triangulation)
  • Why did you choose this approach for your ? Explain by discussing pros and cos of using this research approach compared to others) (Clue –Match the type and approach of research; eg-descriptive goes with quantitative)
  • Use the correct terminology to get good marks.

4.2 Sampling (50 750 words)

  • What is your sample Population and why? (explain on basis of the research being carried out Clue – we can only target Melbourne)
  • What is your sampling frame and why?
  • What is the sampling method that you will choose to select the sample and why? (Probability / Non- probability) (Give pros and cons of choosing the method)
  • What sub-sampling method will you choose and why? (Give reasons and support with pros and cons)
  • Sample size for this research and why ?
  • Guide look at the advantages/ disadvantages and purpose of each design.
  • Mention the confidence level and error margins being accepted in this research
  • Use the correct terminology to get good marks.

4.3 Research Instrument (75 100 words)

  • What is the type of data that you will need for your research and explain why? (Clue- Look at the type and approach of your research) (Clue 2 – Quantitative data)
  • What are you going to use to collect the data and why? (Clue – Questionnaire)
  • What type of questions are going to be in the questionnaire and explain the advantages of using these types of questions?
  • How many questions are going to be in the questionnaire?
  • How much time will it take to fill the questionnaire?
  • Will there be a cover letter for the questionnaire? (What all will it include)
  • On how many respondents will you do the pilot testing and why? Explain
  • Will you make relevant changes after the pilot testing of the questionnaire?

4.4    Data Collection (75 -100 words)

  • How will the questionnaire be administered? (Phone, mail, email, face to face, social media)
  • Who will fill it and why? (Interviewee / respondent)
  • How will the respondents be approached? (Phone/ email)
  • How many questionnaires will be sent out/ collected (to make sure that you have sufficient number) (Clue – send extra because the response rate is low)
  • Will the respondent be briefed on the purpose of the research? (Informed consent)

4.5 Data Analysis (75 -100 words)

  • Excel sheet will be used to code
  • Data will be sorted and tabulated
  • Excel Statistical program be use to analyse the data and arrive at results
  • Presented statistically and graphically
  • Arrive at results and for analysis
  • Use theoretical understanding to justify your choice and relate its relevance to the topic.
  • Use the correct terminology to get good marks.
  • 5.    Ethical Consideration (150 200 words)
  • What are the key considerations while collecting data and how will you address the?
  • How will you address anonymity?
  • How will you address confidentiality?
  • How will you get Informed consent?
  • How will you ensure voluntary participation?
  • How will be make sure that respondents data is safe?
  • Limitation of this Research (50 100 words)
  • Scope- Significance and use of this research
  • Limitation- Aspects of the problem that could not be sufficiently covered in this research
  • Lack of holistic approach
  • Sampling constraints
  • Time and Budget constraints
  • Write in Bullet points, explaining each point
  • Estimated Timeline
  • Depicts the task proposed and the stages/ times for their completion
  • There can be overlapping tasks during weeks

Designing Research

Designing Methodology

Designing Questionnaire

Writing Proposal

Data collection

Data Analysis

Report Writing

Reviewing the report

Report Presentation

  • Estimated Budget
  • Work out the estimated cost of carrying out this research.
  • Look at the methodology to identify the points of spending
  • Hiring; photocopying; printing; traveling; etc
  • Present in a chart form – Administrative expenses; Field work expenses etc
  • Present the total cost.
  • What are expenses that you anticipate for your research?
  • What are the expenses for printing the questionnaire?
  • What do you have to pay to post the questionnaire?
  • What is the prize that the respondents get for filling the questionnaire?
  • What are the travel costs?
  • What are the processing cost?
  • What are the people that you will need to hire?
ExpenseTotal Expense

Administrative Expenses

Data collection Expenses


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"THT3114 Research Proposal." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 26, 2024.
"THT3114 Research Proposal." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 26, 2024]

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