Assignment Briefing Sheet (2020/21 Academic Year)
Individual Materials engineering for healthcare settings
Section A: Assignment title, important dates and weighting
Assignment title:
Group or individual:
Module title:
Module code:
7ENT1129 |
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology |
Module leader:
Moderator’s initials:
Prof A Chrysanthou G Ren Submission deadline:
Target date for return of marked assignment:
30 |
30 May 2022 |
29 April 2022 at 23:00 |
You are expected to spend about
hours to complete this assignment to a satisfactory standard.
50% |
This assignment is worth of the overall assessment for this module.
Section B: Student(s) to complete
Student ID number | Year Code |
Notes for students • For undergraduate modules, a score above 40% represent a pass performance at honours level. • For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark. • Late submission of any item of coursework for each day or part thereof (or for hard copy submission only, working day or part thereof) for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules at Levels 0, 4, 5, 6 submitted late (including deferred coursework, but with the exception of referred coursework), will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches or is 40. Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied. • Late submission of referred coursework will automatically be awarded a grade of zero (0). • Coursework (including deferred coursework) submitted later than five days (five working days in the case of hard copy submission) after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0). • Regulations governing assessment offences including Plagiarism and Collusion are available from https://www.herts.ac.uk/about-us/governance/university-policies-and-regulations-uprs/uprs (please refer to UPR AS14) • Guidance on avoiding plagiarism can be found here: https://herts.instructure.com/courses/61421/pages/referencing-avoiding- plagiarism?module_item_id=779436 • Modules may have several components of assessment and may require a pass in all elements. For further details, please consult the relevant Module Handbook (available on Studynet/Canvas, under Module Information) or ask the Module Leader. |
Assignment Briefing Sheet (2021-22 Academic Year)
This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (from Definitive Module Document):
Knowledge and Understanding:
- Compare & contrast nanotechnology for healthcare applications from leading edge research including smart, bio and numerical modelling targeting antiviral engineering strategies.
- Explore advanced manufacturing technology for developing a novel filtration system for clean air without using fabric filters in healthcare engineering, select and justify their application (s).
Title: Materials engineering for healthcare settings
Report themes:
-Choose and propose a novel nanomaterials technology to tickle urgent healthcare needs;
-Develop a novel manufacturing technology for a filtration system using nanotechnology for tackling urgent healthcare and public settings.
Your report must address and include the following:
- The design, manufacture and cost-competitiveness of a new bio-functional product;
- Proposal and description of a manufacturing methodology route for a new product that can be used for curtaining infectious diseases such as Covid-19.
Your report should include the following (maximum 3 pages plus a reference page):
- Background introduction: ~300 words plus an illustrative abstract (or a sketched strategy).
- Your design and manufacturing concepts: You can use images, drawings, numerical modelling and simulation to describe and prove that your concept is workable and cost- effective.
- Comparison to a similar or existing system. (~500 Words)
- Conclusion: As a future engineer you need to show clearly your target device, its functionalities and advantages for healthcare settings. (~300 words)
Assignment Brief:
Assume that you are working for a company that manufactures a ventilation/filtration system for public and healthcare settings.
Your position:
You are an Assistant to the Research Director and you are responsible for developing new products to tackle the current pandemic. You are asked by your Director to prepare a concise 3- page report to elucidate your new product idea.
Your report must consider the following points:
- Background and introduction to your product: present your idea by setting the background scene and provide justification for your proposed direction with peer- review references.
- Identification of a new filter system or product and description of your design concept by using drawings or a numerical method involving modeling or simulation to prove your working concept.
- Evaluation of the new product that will combat or block the transmission of air-borne diseases (you may use a brief case study).
- Consideration of the manufacturing costs and cost-effectiveness.
- Explain the advantages of your conceptual design.
You will need to present a list of references on an additional 4th page.
Submission Requirements: A three-page report (including references) have to be submitted on Canvas by 23:00 on 29/04/ 2022. |
Marks awarded for: For details refer to Appendix 1 below. A note to the Students: For undergraduate modules, a score above 40% represent a pass performance at honours level.For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark. Modules may have several components of assessment and may require a pass in all elements. For further details, please consult the relevant Module Guide or ask the Module Leader. Formatting: Font Arial 10, portrait layout, normal margins and 1-1.5 spacing The suggested word count for the assignment is <1500 words. The word count does not include: the title page (no need to use the title page as such);table of contents (no need to use the table of contents);list of references (in text citations are included)Appendices Material in appendices will not count for marks and they should not exceed 4 pages in length inclusive of Reference. You should not use any mechanism, such as embedded jpeg images containing significant text, to circumvent the word count. |
Type of Feedback to be given for this assignment: Individual feedback will be provided to students with comments and identification of strengths to build on and necessary improvements requiring further reflection and revision by the student. |
Appendix I: Report Template
The following report structure should be used:
1. Project Introduction 20%
An introduction to the selected project covering the project background and setting the scene. The introduction must include:
- The aim, objectives, novelty and justification of your selected topic;
- Type of research and knowledge required to carry out and complete the report;
- Justification for your proposed direction (what benefits are likely?)
2. Manufacture, testing and data collection* 30%
- Processes, facilities and materials required to manufacture the new product;
- Description of the identified processes and materials from the data-collection* and technical information** for supporting your proposed idea and method.
3. Discussion 30%
- Comparison of your proposed method and new product to the current materials, processes and product;
- Analysis of the results and possible performance improvement;
- Assessment of cost-effectiveness;
- Potential applications.
4. Conclusions and recommendations 10%
Summary of your report including what you learnt.
5. References and presentation 10%
*Data collection: Technical data resources are books, peer-reviewed and conference publications, healthcare and medical websites of governments (such as WHO, US-CDC), registered universities, research organisations and companies.
** Technical information cover data and facts learned from lecture notes, recommended reading list, books and self-resourced peer-reviewed journal papers.
Report Presentation:
There is a 3-page limit plus one page for references. The 3-page limit applies to the inclusion of any diagrams, calculations, figures and/or tables where appropriate.
Ensure that your technical report is well-structured and choose appropriate numbers and titles for the sections of the reports.
Your technical report must follow the content and guidance above and must include the specific instructions outlined below.
- All pages should be numbered. No directly copy-paste photo, images and tables allowed.
- Use Arial11-point font, multiple line spacing at 1.0-1.5.
- All figures / diagrams / tables must be labelled and numbered. Ensure citations are provided for figures / diagrams / tables that are adopted / adopted from the literature. In addition, refer to the figures / diagrams / tables in text and discuss their contents.
- Grammar, spelling and style, as well as clarity, contribute towards assessment of the report.
- Justify paragraphs – Align text to both left and right margins, using your word processor to add extra space between words as necessary.
- Use British Spelling i.e. ‘English (UK) Language.’
School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science
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