Innovation Proposal | Part 2 – Execution and Change Plan

Part 2 - Execution and Change Plan

Instructions:  Part 2

Research indicates that the execution and implementation of innovation is the greatest challenge for leaders. Generating ideas is deemed exciting while implementing change is considered the biggest challenge, which often results in organizational resistance.

  • Implementation Schedule: Develop an implementation plan outlining the key action items that must be taken in order to successfully implement the innovation. 
  • Getting buy-in from key stakeholders and employees: Select either the Lewin’s Change Management Model or Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model and outline how you would successfully implement your innovation at all levels of the organization by applying one of the change models. Be sure to identify specific action items that correspond to each step of the change model. 
  • Sustainability: Explain how you would promote sustainability in your innovation plan. Recall the Week 6 Discussion prompts to drive this section of the execution and change plan.


  • Citation Requirements: minimum of 2
  • Word Count: 800
  • APA Formatting
  • Plagiarism Submission

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Grading criteria

Implementation Schedule, Competitor Considerations, and External Forces (see rubric in syllabus for evaluation guidelines) Beginning (0-69); Developing (70-79); Accomplished (80-89); Exemplary (90-100) Fully developed implementation schedule with detailed action items. Extensively applies specific change model strategies for innovation buy-in. Thoroughly explains strategies for promoting the sustainability of the innovation plan. Maximum score 100
Analysis (see rubric in syllabus for evaluation guidelines) Beginning (0-48); Developing (49-55); Accomplished (56-62); Exemplary (63-70) Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus. Maximum score 70
Sources and Evidence (see rubric in syllabus for evaluation guidelines) Beginning (0-10); Developing (11); Accomplished (12-13) Exemplary (14-15) Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline. Maximum score 15
Control of Syntax, Mechanics, and Originality (see rubric in syllabus for evaluation guidelines) Beginning (0-10); Developing (11); Accomplished (12-13); Exemplary (14-15) Uses collegiate-level language that communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error free. Rarely makes errors in grammar, spelling, and other aspects of writing and referencing. Consistently applies APA formatting. Originality report submission result is 10% or less. Maximum score 15
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"Innovation Proposal | Part 2 – Execution and Change Plan." Universal Assignment - Accessed June 29, 2024.
"Innovation Proposal | Part 2 – Execution and Change Plan." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: [Accessed: June 29, 2024]

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