Final Essay: Rhetorical analysis
Due: Friday 18 October 2024 at 23:59 (Sydney time)
Length: 1500 words, worth 40% of the overall grade for the unit
Submit: as a Word document or PDF, via Canvas Assignment
Main question:
● Present a scholarly essay that analyses the rhetoric used in arguments about the
contentious topic you have been examining from your Short Writing Tasks.
In completing this task it is expected that you will:
- Define at least TWO rhetorical concepts with reference to scholarly research
- Apply rhetorical terms in your analysis of the topic
- Present an argument that makes a claim about rhetoric, suitable for an academic reader
- Use and adapt typical features of an academic essay to support your argument
- Include multiple references to TWO or more academic sources on rhetoric (including page
numbers for every citation), correctly formatted. - On a separate page at the end of your submission you must include a Reference list or
Works Cited list using either APA or MLA style conventions.
● LO1: communicate confidently in a range of modalities
● LO2: demonstrate increased awareness of how to produce effective arguments
● LO3: understand more about academic essay conventions
● LO4. construct written arguments appropriate for multicultural audiences
● LO5: edit your own work effectively
A marking rubric is included at the end of this document.
Generative AI support:
An AI agent will be provided on Canvas to support your learning in this task. You will be able to ask
for feedback on your writing against the essay marking rubric. You will be able to ask for
suggestions for arranging your essay using structures (classical and Rogerian) discussed in the unit.
You will be able to ask for feedback on your essay’s argument statement (the agent will suggest
improvements to help you organise your thesis as an enthymeme – ‘CLAIM because REASON’).
Professional relevance:
While an academic essay might seem to be a relic of university assessment, it can also test skills
that are important in professional settings. An effective essay requires planning, organisation,
anticipation of likely audience responses, clear communication, and persuasiveness. These are all
valued skills in the workplace, whether communicating in writing or addressing an audience in
other formal and informal settings (presentations, conferences, web guides, pitching proposals).
Final Essay Rubric
Outstanding Great Needs work Not addressed
and Analysis
At least TWO different
kinds of rhetorical
concept are defined in
complex and thoughtful
ways and are applied
insightfully in the
analysis to generate new
and interesting ideas or
At least ONE
rhetorical concept is
accurately defined or
TWO kinds are
defined without
detail or support.
They are applied in
predictable ways
without generating
new insights.
Rhetorical concepts
have not been
described in a way
that convinces the
reader that the writer
understands them, or
the analysis
attempted might be
too descriptive.
There is no mention of
rhetorical concepts or
references are too
fleeting to be
significant. There is no
display of sustained
critical writing at or
beyond the level of
Argument There is a clear thesis
statement about
rhetoric, created using
techniques from the
unit. The argument
justifies all aspects of the
writing. The argument
makes an original and
reasonable claim about
There is an insightful
claim about rhetoric,
created using
techniques from the
unit; but there may
be contradictions
between the
argument claim and
the method taken.
A claim is presented,
or the writing appears
to argue for a
position. But the
argument is not about
rhetoric used in other
peoples’ statements
or it is vague or
There is no identifiable
Structure Structure adeptly uses or
adapts an arrangement
strategy. A sense of
cohesion is shown; parts
of the essay support one
another & synthesis or a
comparison of ideas
informs different
A standard or familiar
arrangement strategy
has been followed,
seemingly without
consideration of the
topic or claim. There
is cohesion across
most paragraphs.
The essay has some
basic ordering but
does not follow
strategies. More than
two paragraphs are
disconnected from
other sections.
There is no clear order
to the essay.
Research Relevant & independent
research from TWO
scholarly sources on
rhetoric is used to
support claims or
definitions. Some
understanding of
research is shown.
Relevant research
from TWO scholarly
sources on rhetoric
cited. Understanding
of ideas/concepts
mentioned in the
sources is clear from
the writing.
Citations from ONE or
more scholarly
sources on rhetoric
cited. Information
might be engaged
richly (but no second
scholarly source cited)
or might lack
No scholarly sources
on rhetoric are cited
or poor referencing
makes it difficult to
evaluate the quality of
Style There is a sense of the
writer’s own voice and
multiple drafts. Complex
matters are discussed
with clarity. There are no
distracting grammar,
spelling, or formatting
The writing is mostly
clear and easy for the
reader to
The writing lacks
specificity OR
there are several
grammar, spelling or
formatting errors
preventing the reader
understanding the
writer’s ideas
There are frequent
grammar, spelling and
formatting errors that
prevent the reader
from understanding
the writer’s ideas.
Referencing APA or MLA referencing
is used diligently and
correctly with page
numbers cited and no
major formatting errors
or very few minor errors
like punctuation or
referencing is used
fairly well but there
are some missing
details or missing
citations or
referencing is
attempted but lacking
specific details and
more attention is
referencing is not
attempted or the
formatting has too
many errors to indicate
that a style guide has
been used.