Essay Instructions
Essay Plan (5%): Week 9 – Midday, Wednesday Sept 22, 2021 (via moodle)
Final Essay due (10%): Week 12 – Midday, Wednesday Oct 20, 2021 (via moodle)
Essay Question
According to Anthony King, “Society produces its buildings, and the buildings, although not producing society, help to maintain many of its social forms.” This could be said of a range of different institutions in society, from the private home, to the workplace, to public and religious institutions and the design of the city.
How has modern architecture served as means to reinforce the social order — or conversely, reimagine and restructure — a new way of life? Compare and contrast two (2) case study buildings from the list below in relation to this essay topic (1200-1500 words)
To support your argument, you are required to:
- virtually visit your two (2) case studies and draw on your observations
- provide evidence from at least two (2) prescribed readings throughout the semester;
- provide evidence from at least one (1) lecture;
- Consult and integrate evidence from additional academic sources found via the library reading list and supplemented by scholarly articles and e-books that you source
- Integrate at least one (1) set of analytical diagrams which compare and contrast your selected case studies in relation to the essay topic
Please note the following:
- You cannot select a case study that you examined for your weekly assignments.
- All essays will be scanned by plagiarism detection software. All sources must be cited, and all material that is directly quoted should be indicated in quotation marks.
- Refer also to the essay-test checklist and rubric which will be available on moodle. Spell check and proofread prior to submission.
The final essay will be assessed on the following criteria:
Structure and argument (20 marks)
- Evidence of a clear introduction; adherence to a logical paragraph structure incorporating
topic & linking sentences; and an essay conclusion/reflection
- Description and development of an academic argument in relation to the essay topic
Analysis (20 marks)
- Evidence of critical thinking and sustained analysis in relation to the essay topic
(compare and contrast).
- Demonstrated comprehension of sources
Research and evidence (20 marks)
- Selection of appropriate and relevant scholarly sources, integration and citation of material as evidence for essay argument. Inclusion of bibliography and citations
Quality of Writing (20 marks)
- Quality of writing, including clarity and quality of expression, correct spelling, grammar, and citation format, adherence to word limit.
Quality of Drawing (20 marks)
- Quality, clarity and consistency of diagrams, relevance to topic and integration within overall argument
Essay template
Circle two (2) Modern case studies from the list below to compare and contrast in relation to the topic.
Do not select case studies that your group has examined for your weekly assignments.
Public Institutions and Schemas:
- Hyde Park Barracks, Francis Greenway (AU) 1817-1819
- Rashtrapati Bahvan (Viceroy Palace), Edwin Lutyens (IN) 1911
- Canberra Plan, The Griffins 1912
- Palazzo Della Civilita, Guerrini, La Padula, Romano (IT) 1942
- National Assembly Building, Louis Kahn (BD) 1962
Industrial Cities and Places of Work:
- Sunshine Estate, H.V McKay (AU) 1906
- Chaux Salt Works, Claude Ledoux (FR) 1779
- Ville Radieuse, Le Corbusier (FR) 1930
- Orica House/ICI House, Bates Smart McHutcheon (AU) 1955
- Seagram Building, Van Der Rohe, Johnson, Lambert (US) 1958
- Model Family Dwellings, Henry Roberts (UK) 1850
- Narkomfin Dom Kommuna, Ginzberg & Milinis (RU) 1929-32
- Cairo Flats, Best Overend (AU) 1936
- Betondorp, Various Architects (NL) 1925
- Levittown, Levit & Sons (US) 1946-50
- Elliston Estate and Winter Park Estate, Merchant Builders (AU) 1929
Private Homes:
- Walsh Street House (Boyd House II), Robin Boyd (AU) 1957
- Oskar and Zofia Hansen House, The Hansens (PL) 1969-70
- Pholiota, The Griffins (AU) 1920
- E.1027, Eileen Gray (FR) 1929
- Burdekin House (exhibition) Hera Roberts (AU) 1929
Student Name: Yuin Yeh Ho |
Tutor: Jacqui Alexander |
Lecture referenced in this essay: <ADD HERE> |
Title, author and week of selected required reading included in this essay: <ADD HERE><ADD HERE> |
Word Count: (1200-1500 – Penalties apply) <ADD HERE> |
File naming conventions: <<ARC2402_21_ESSAY_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME.PDF>>

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