Assessment 1: Essay based on scholarly articles/books (20%)
You will be required to choose from the following topics for your assignment.
Topic 1: Role of HR analytics in aligning HRM to an organisation’s strategic goals
Topic 2: Knowledge and skills of HR data, metrics, and analytics are essential for today’s HR professionals
These are very broad topics. You can focus on a certain aspect of the topic. Do ensure that the focus you place and the examples you choose are relevant to this Unit. Word length – 1,000 words (plus or minus 10%). The word count should not include cover page, reference list and appendix (if any).The word count needs to be identified on the front cover of the assignment. A minimum of 5 scholarly articles/books must be cited for the topic of your choice. The assignment must be submitted via LMS on or before the due date (Week 4, Thursday, 5pm).
Submission Format:
An assignment cover sheet must be attached to the assignment. Assignment should be submitted in Size 12 Times New Roman or Arial Font. To ensure that your work doesn’t get mixed up with others’, please use a filename which follows the convention:
Murdoch University 11
Unit Code, Assignment Number, the first three characters of your last name, your first initial and your Student Number. E.g. MBS603Assign1SmiJ12345678 for student John Smith with student id 12345678.
The essay will be assessed by the following criteria.
• Critical thinking (14)
o The essay needs to demonstrate a high level of understanding of literature and develops excellent line of critical evaluation based on references. Plus relevant to MBS603.
• Referencing and support (4)
o Minimum 5 scholarly references cited. Correct citation style (APA or Chicago). Quality of references (demonstrates excellent standard suitable for an academic essay at post graduate level).
• Style and presentation (2)
o Correct grammar & spelling.
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