Assessment 3 – Assessment and collaborative recovery planning
Type: Written activity using a templated Mental Health Assessment framework and Care plan
Weighting: 40%
Method: Independent
Length: 3.000 words
Submission type: Written document (.doc/.docx)
Assessment description
Written activity using a templated Mental Health Assessment framework and Recovery/Care plan – based on video and electronic materials (Case study – Lisa – available under Assessment Information in Modules).
This will assist in developing an understanding of how assessment is completed in the clinical setting, and support the understanding and application of recovery/care planning in practice.
Assessment instructions
Students are required to prepare a written mental health assessment (using the template provided – available under Assessment Information in Modules) that addresses the holistic care and recovery needs of the consumer identified in the provided video and electronic materials for the Case study (Lisa). This must include ethical and legislative considerations related to mental health care and it needs to be evidence-based considering the specifics of the Case study.
The recovery/care plan will reflect and align with the findings of the completed mental health assessment. The care plan should identify priorities/issues that ensure safety, provision of trauma-informed care, and facilitate recovery planning for the consumer of the Case study. The care plan should also identify psychosocial interventions which could be implemented to address and support each of the priorities identified. These strategies and interventions should be person-centered and trauma-focused, reflecting legal and ethical considerations for mental health care. It is important to identify how the efficacy of these interventions (‘how you would know they have worked’) is evaluated. Interventions identified should be supported via reference to peer-reviewed academic literature, published within the last five (5) years. Use of the APA 7th Edition for both the style guide (this gives guidance on writing/formatting etc.) and referencing.
The total word limit for the assignment is not to exceed 3000 words (this does not include referencing or the templated materials).
Tips and tricks for success
- Using Reading list materials – in particular text by Schultz, J., & Videbeck, S. (2013). Lippincott’s manual of psychiatric nursing care plans (9th Ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Assessment formatting guidelines
- File type: .doc/.docx
- Cover sheet
- Students’ names are not to be included on any assessment tasks/submissions. Only student ID numbers should be included (as per the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures).
- Please note this assessment will be reviewed by the University’s plagiarism checking software (Ouriginal) and, with reasonable grounds, be subject to further inquiry through the Office of the Associate Dean of Education.
*All students have the ability to make up to two (2) submissions until the submission date. Please be aware that this is limited to two (2) only and this will not be reviewed. You also need to be aware we only look at the most recent submission (that is we will not look at the historical submission in any way, for any reason).
Marking rubric
Assessment 3 | |
Criteria | Ratings |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome1 Investigates and describes major mental health and substance abuse issues using an evidence-based assessment framework and recovery plan | Advanced The mental health assessment identifies three (3) issues whilst clearly focusing on safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. These are well incorporated into the care plan Proficient The mental health assessment identifies two (2) issues whilst focusing on safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. These are incorporated into the care plan Competent The mental health assessment identifies one (1) issue whilst considering safety, care, and recovery for the consumer in a cursory fashion. This is incorporated into the care plan in a limited way Functional The mental health assessment loosely identifies mental health and substance abuse issues with very limited identification of safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. Poor link from the assessment to the care plan Developing The mental health assessment does not identify mental health and substance abuse issues with poor or no identification of safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. There is no link from the assessment to the care plan |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome2 Identifies and applies relevant ethical and legal frameworks for the safe nursing care of people experiencing challenges to their mental health | Advanced Ethical and legal considerations for mental health care related to the chosen case are integrated very well into the care plan Proficient Ethical and legal considerations for mental health care related to the chosen case are integrated well into the care plan Competent Ethical and legal considerations for mental health care related to the chosen case are integrated into the care plan Functional Ethical and legal considerations for mental health care related to the chosen case are integrated into the care plan in a limited fashion Developing Ethical and legal considerations for mental health care related to the chosen case are not integrated or are poorly integrated into the care plan |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome3 Investigate and describe evidence-based and multimodal interventions (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) that support recovery-focused and trauma-informed care | Advanced The mental health care plan describes in-depth: the goal of care for each issue; interventions (at least three (3)); rationales; and detailed evaluation criteria to measure efficacy Proficient The mental health care plan clearly describes: the goal of care for each issue; interventions (at least two (2)); rationales; provides clear evaluation criteria to measure efficacy Competent The mental health care plan identifies: the goal of care for each issue; interventions (at least one (1)); rationale(s); provides general evaluation criteria to measure efficacy Functional The mental health care plan loosely identifies: a goal of care for the issue; intervention(s); rationale(s); to a limited degree provides evaluation criteria to measure efficacy Developing The mental health care plan does not identify: goal(s) of care for any issues; intervention(s); rationale(s); with no or poorly identified evaluation criteria to measure efficacy |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome4 Justifies contemporary models of mental health care for wellness across the lifespan | Advanced Assessment supported by a minimum of eight (8), relevant peer-reviewed academic sources: • Current evidence-based practice guidelines used and relevant • Peer-reviewed literature published within five (5) years (2018-2023) • Textbooks published in the last three (3) years, that are relevant to the Australian Health care setting • Seminal works used and relevant Proficient Assessment supported by a minimum of six (6), relevant peer-reviewed academic sources: • Current evidence-based practice guidelines used • Peer-reviewed literature published within seven (7) years (2016-2023) • Textbooks published in the last five (5) years, relevant to the Health care setting • Seminal works used Competent Assessment supported by a minimum of four (4), relevant peer-reviewed academic sources: • Evidence-based practice guidelines noted • Peer-reviewed literature published within ten (10) years (2013-2023) • Textbooks published in the last ten (10) years, relevant to the Health care setting • Minimal use of seminal works but little relevance Functional Assessment supported by less than four (4), relevant peer-reviewed academic sources: • Outdated evidence-based practice guidelines • Peer-reviewed literature published outside the last ten (10) years (2013-2023) • Published textbooks noted but not relevant to the Health care setting • Poor use of seminal works used Developing Assessment not supported by relevant peer-reviewed academic sources: • No use of evidence-based practice guidelines • Poor use of Peer-reviewed literature published well outside the last ten (10) years (2013-2023) • No published textbooks noted • No seminal works used |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome5 Written communication in the materials is clear, well structured, and consistent with provided template | Advanced Written using the template supplied with good grammar and expression. Sources are correctly acknowledged throughout the paper using APA 7th Edition referencing. Adheres to word count 3000 words (exclusive of intext citations and reference list). Proficient Written using the template supplied with minimal errors in grammar and expression. Sources are acknowledged throughout the paper using APA 7th Edition referencing with minimal errors. Adherence to word count 3000 words +/- 10% (exclusive of intext citations and reference list) Competent Written with minimal changes to the template supplied with errors in grammar and expression. Sources are to a limited degree acknowledged in the paper using APA 7th Edition referencing with errors noted. Word count (exclusive of intext citations and reference list) is closely adhered to but just breaches the +/- 10% Functional Written with reasonable changes to the template supplied with significant errors in grammar and expression. Sources are poorly acknowledged throughout the paper using APA 7th Edition referencing with significant errors noted. Misuse of the word count (exclusive of intext citations and reference list) is noted up to +/- 20% Developing Written without using the template supplied with poor grammar and expression. Sources are incorrectly acknowledged throughout the paper and significant errors in APA 7th Edition referencing. Word count (exclusive of intext citations and reference list) not adhered to |

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